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Poppy Welsh, appeared in ‘Tales of the Butterfly Salon: Beauty and the Beastly – Part 5’ as the stepson and assistant of Model and Dance Academy Owner Mistress Lauren, however as things transpired she was actually the son of Gwynn Welsh, who had been secretly placed with Lauren, to hide her from the original Sisterhood matriarch and leader Melissa Cresswell and of course Agatha.

Although born a boy, Poppy always identified with being a girl and with Lauren’s help lived most of her childhood in a girls surroundings… Of course Gwynn knew of the hidden gift her daughter possessed and with Lauren’s help, they created the ideal situation for Poppy’s gift’s to be released…

Poppy could have gone against her mother and Lauren’s manipulation of her virginity being given to a First blood Circle male, but she already possessed a high level of empathy and her sexuality was already firmly that of a hetero girl, and as much as she detested the male, she welcomed losing it to him…

The combination of her own bloodline and that of the chosen male resulted in her becoming one of the most potent and strongest Angels ever and wither being Gwynn’s offspring she is also outside of the Sisterhood like and her mother opposed to Agatha’s regime. 

Poppy has enormous mind control powers and like Agatha, can make someone do whatever she suggests, but unlike Agatha, she does not need to be alone with a recipient for her suggestions to take root in their minds.

However her most important and rather damning for Agatha and the sisterhood, is her ability to erase other angels or gifted females control markers, no matter how deeply imbedded they maybe within a person’s mind, she can do this just by touch also…

Poppy Welsh is just one of the new breed of Angels that are slowly awakening thanks to her mother’s resentment of the Sisterhood…




😄😄😄😄😄😄 thanks

stacy C

Always nice to see Poppy :-) x