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Gywnn / Gwynn /Gwynne first appeared in Butterfly Salon 1 as Irene Moore’s assigned helper, but soon became the main character, exacting her revenge on Celia Stonebridge and the other 3 women who revealed her true sex when at college in 1962. 

A staunch adversary to Lady Agatha and self-exiled from the Sisterhood, however she has built up enough wealth using her beguiling accent and smile to marry some of the richest men in the US, which has given her the power to provide a growing challenge to Lady Agatha’s Sisterhood and has one of the most strongest Angels ‘Poppy’ at her side.

Of later times she has turned her attention away from Bullchester and is now claiming her own territory, the city of Steedville. She is also in the process of acquiring more Angels and knows she will provide a more than viable threat to the hierarchy of the Sisterhood.

Although pushed by Sisterhood Matriarch Diane (BS1 Part 12-Page 11 onwards) into admitting that her Angel, Poppy, was her actual daughter, Gwynn was forced to reveal that she was subjected to many medical procedures that created the abilities that all Angels of the Sisterhood possessed…

Gywnn also appears in BS2 where she gains the trust and friendship of Rita Noble.  
