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Ok folks this is a wraps on Salon 4 'Maids' the entire comic is also available below split into 2 mega parts...

The Bonus Chapter does contain 17 pages that were seen in the Lulu version, but because of the story link, it sits perfectly with the Bonus Chapter...

Salon 5 'St Justines' will continue next Sunday and will see a change in some of the people's appearances from the other Salon series, which is due to software changes and former software becoming outdated since Win7 is no longer supported by Microsoft...

Hackers and Master's Daughter's will continue on the older software platform, while anything else will be the new look... 

Thanks to everyone who has supported this transition to patreon, it certainly has allowed me to produce more work than I used too... And stay safe :)



The Wandering Talespinner

Here's to hoping the Butterfly Salon stays in business for a long and intriguing time! Fantastic story as always, Kesh. :)


I Buy Maids 4 for 1 year i love it

John Doe 777

Nice story chapter! I hope we can see the return of the House series in the near future!


thanks John, I have started to pull together contentfor a new House, but it will be some time before I start work on a new chapter, once Bimbo Pills story arc has finished I will begin work on it :)