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In case you was wondering about Pastor Clementine's bride to be ;)

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Pastor Clementine finished his Sunday sermon with a rapturous applause, he never thought in his wildest dreams that Stepford would reclaim itself and that he among the other widowers that still inhabited the white picket fenced town, would ever bring the town back to its former glory. 

At 65 years of age, he also never guessed that he would ever get the opportunity to find and marry the perfect woman of his dreams either and with him being the second most important man in Stepford, behind Mayor Crawly, he knew that his flock of ever increasing, ex-widowers and young wives were beginning to worry that he had not been lucky to find himself a young lovely wife too.

Yet the Pastor’s frequent visits to a nearby town in Connecticut where not just to catch up on old acquaintances. 

Kyle Weavers sat in the backseat watching the countryside go past him in a blur as Pastor Clementine continued to chat about how wonderful Stepford will be now that they finally had church organist and choir singer.

“It’s going to be a little different to what you’re use to!” the Pastor chirped merrily as they passed the sign welcoming them to what Kyle hoped would be just a short stay.

“Mr Vander said you just need me to set your choir up, as soon as I have done that I am going back home,” Kyle reminded the elderly church leader.

“Of course… Of course,” the pastor grinned into the rear mirror catching a look at the 22 year old organist and choirboy he had been making his frequent journey’s out of Stepford to see. 

“I’ll have your choir set up in a day or two, so you can take me back as agreed?” the mousey brown pony tailed slender young man, continued to remind Pastor Clementine.

“Now first stop is our wonderful Mayor, you’ll absolutely love his wife she is about the same age as you and she is enthralled to have a choir belting out hymns on a Sunday morning!” Pastor Clemetine watched the young man’s eyes roll as he continued to watch him.

Two Days later…

“How do I look Lucille?” the short haired brunette swished one way then the other as her short laced tulle bridal dress flared out excessively. 

“You look wonderful Kaye!” Lucille squealed as she helped fluff out the former young man’s silken bridal gown.

“Ohhh god I cannot believe I will be Mrs Clementine in an hour Lucille?” she checked her hat was pinned correctly as she puckered her lips and blew herself a kiss in the mirror.

“And it sure was a whirlwind romance you had with our wonderful Pastor too sweetheart?” Lucille checked the brides dress for the last time.

“Ohh he is sooooo charming and the way he looked at me I just melted Lucille,” Kaye sighed as she recalled the moment he first grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for her very first kiss.

“Well I bet you cannot wait for tonight hmmm,” Lucille made sure the bronze flower belt was in place.

“Ohhh mmmmm Lucille it is all I think about, is pleasing my new husband in our marital bed!” Kaye looked dreamy eyed into her reflection.

“Well we were all virgins once Mrs Clementine!” Lucille grinned, “and all the other wives are always commenting on how endowed Pastor Clementine is sweety?”

“Kaye are you ready hun?” Marianne worther poked her head around the door, “Ohhhh my goddddd Kaye, you look fabulous!”

“Yes… Yes I do,” Kaye smiled back.

“Right lets get you down to that husband to be of yours so you can find out just how endowed he is hmmm?”

“Ohhh god yessss,” Kaye swooned, her mind filled with images of her husband to be’s very prominent gentalia. “take me to my man girls!”
