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The latest patch (2.4) and a quick blog post on what my plans are for V2 and V3: http://teraurge.blogspot.com/2018/11/what-next.html



AWWW YEAH! I'm so happy the composer's put out the soundtrack, it's one of my favourite new things about the V2 release! Everything about the new release has been just a joy to experience minus one or two odd scripting errors, so I can't wait to explore more of the world soon!

Brunosky Inc.

I love the work you've put into Teraurge! Cheers Meandraco


Just started playing this a few weeks ago and it is definitely one of my favorites! Keep up the great work!


Good :-)


I'm very astounded by all of the work you've done. I look forward to what else is added over time and the changes you make.


Reeeeaaaallllly looking forward to the new version