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New release date on 14th or between 23rd and 29th, explanation and excuses in the blog link.




Drop me a line if you need any help with editing dude.


Oooooh man I'm excited but it's understandable you need some isolation to even get anywhere on this, this is quite the monumental task XD I wish I could help but I'm pretty swamped in my own writing with deadlines to boot so I feel ya dude


I think you should finish your trip before you release it, otherwise you're gonna get a load of bug reports while you're out and about with nothing you can do about it. The week long radio silence would be frustrating for some, especially since you showed such diligence releasing patches after the V1 release. Not to mention the fact you obviously deserve a vacation for dealing with people like us.


Hurts just a little :^) but I understand the need for a bit more polish time. All good things to those who wait, right?

Just Hiding

Keep the cake in the oven as long as it needs to be.


So... Either tomorrow or in a couple weeks! *Leaning on the "E" key* Seriously though, whatever you need to do to be happy with it.


take as long as you want dud, just make sure grill face girl gets enough love