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I was looking for a scene to put the horse head guy (my avatar I guess), and in the 130gb of scenes that I hoarded there were almost no non-H scenes featuring a guy at all...

But then I stumbled upon this and oh boy does it represent how I feel now! 

So there is a new tier now, the very creatively named Tier 2, 3$ in price. It features:
-Instant access to the new cards
-2x the vote power

What about the old 1$ tier you might ask? Well..
-They still get to vote on the polls
-They get the mod 1 week early - I felt I had to give you at least that (the mods release publicly in a month from Tier 2 release)

I've thought long and hard before deciding on this, as with the money from 1$ tiers working on mods was not feasible in the long run.
This is on me, not on you guys, you have been wonderfully supportive and I can't thank you enough!
However even with the slow yet constant growth I just don't make enough on here to justify spending as much time as I have, especially now that my free time is becoming shorter and shorter.
I've even tried to mend this by doing commissions on the side - horrible idea, and part of the reason why Haru was late, but it is something you will like when I release it soon! (But no more commissions for me...)

I just hope I don't crash and burn because of this decision.
Thank you for everything so far :)




