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Really really sorry about the late release!

She was kinda tough to make, but at the same time a huge learning experience. She is far from perfect, but this is I think one of my best mods yet.

The mod consists of:

-The hair

-The earrings

-The shoes (Needs stiletto! (The new version is great but requires manual updating as the current BetterRepack is getting outdated))

-The top

Yes, everything including the skirt is on the top slot.
Meaning, material editor is your friend!

I was thinking of making accessory clothes but I gave up because of time concerns (Maybe in a future update).

The skirt has no half state, as the model is not complete , but I don't think most people will mind.

The quiver scales in width with shoulders, I could not find a way around this, you will need to experiment with X Y Z sliders to get it to look perfect, if it bothers you ofc. (I remove it in most scenes anyway).

I did not port the bow, or the unholstered evoker, as I don't currently have the models (If you know where to get them please tell, and save me the trouble haha).

There are 3 cards now, the 2 old-style, with the new outfit included, and the new one, with all the old outfits edited because I decided to start using rim-lightning as it suits the P3R style more!

This is getting long...

PS. She needs the High Cut Armor mod too! Forgot to include it in the download!

New poll is out now! Go and vote!
Tier 1 and Tier 2:
Tier 2 only bonus poll:

You should use the latest version of BetterRepack, otherwise there will probably be missing mods!

Have fun!

Get her here:




Frank Zhou

Praise thee!

Frank Zhou

I mean it's most likely the BEST persona mod that I have ever seen so far. No kidding