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Hello everyone in our wonderful community! We hope that you are all doing good. We are pleased to announce that the upcoming Bedrock RTX v0.9 update is going to be massive, and we cannot wait to share it with you.

Our team has been working tirelessly to bring you the best possible update, which covers a variety of biomes and blocks, making them look more realistic than ever before. Starting with,

Frozen Ocean:

In this update, we've worked hard to make the Frozen Ocean and Deep Frozen Ocean come to life. We've added detailed textures for blue ice, regular ice, and packed ice. These changes will make these icy biomes look incredibly realistic as if you're truly exploring frozen realms.

Mangrove Swamp:

Now, turning our focus to the Mangrove Swamp, we've given this biome a complete makeover. We didn't stop at just the surface, we've revamped all the mangrove-related items, such as boats, planks, trapdoors and more. This comprehensive approach ensures that the Mangrove Swamp feels like a living ecosystem in your Minecraft world.

Cherry Grove:

Prepare to be amazed as the Cherry Grove undergoes a stunning transformation. Realistic textures have been carefully applied to all cherry-related blocks. This means you'll be surrounded by vibrant colors and textures that perfectly capture the beauty of this enchanting biome.

Bamboo Jungle:

Our commitment to enhancing your gaming experience extends to bamboo blocks. This update includes a wide range of bamboo-related blocks, allowing you to take your bamboo-based creations to new heights of creativity.

Ocean Monument:

The Ocean Monument has not been forgotten! We've introduced captivating textures for all the blocks found in this underwater wonder, including prismarine bricks, prismarine rough and prismarine dark. These changes will turn the Ocean Monument into a breathtakingly realistic masterpiece, making your adventures there even more exciting.

But that's not all! In response to your invaluable feedback and our commitment to refining your gameplay, we've gone the extra mile by revamping textures for a wide array of commonly used blocks. These include lanterns, soul lanterns, cauldrons, grindstones, sugar cane, chests, scaffolding, ladders, bamboo, various boat types, shields, bells, ender eyes, ender pearls, mud and mud bricks, and we are committed to covering the rest of the important blocks in the next update (v1.0).

We are confident that this update will be a game-changer for our community, and we hope you are as excited as we are about these enhancements. We are continuously striving to bring you the best possible experience, and your support and feedback are invaluable to us.

We want to express our extreme gratitude for your continuous support and feedback. We cannot wait to bring you even more exciting updates in the future.

Thank you for being a part of our community.

With appreciation,
Team LRT.


  • #389 blue ice
  • #390 ice
  • #391 ice packed
  • #392 prismarine bricks
  • #393 prismarine rough
  • #394 prismarine dark
  • #395 lantern
  • #396 soul lantern
  • #397 cauldron
  • #398 grindstone
  • #399 reeds
  • #400 chest
  • #401 scaffolding
  • #402 ladder
  • #403 bamboo raft
  • #404 boat acacia
  • #405 boat birch
  • #406 boat darkoak
  • #407 boat jungle
  • #408 boat oak
  • #409 boat spruce
  • #410 cherry boat
  • #411 chest boat acacia
  • #412 chest boat bamboo
  • #413 chest boat birch
  • #414 chest boat darkoak
  • #415 chest boat jungle
  • #416 chest boat mangrove
  • #417 chest boat oak
  • #418 chest boat spruce
  • #419 chest cherry boat
  • #420 mangrove boat
  • #421 shield
  • #422 bell
  • #423 ender eye
  • #424 ender pearl
  • #425 mangrove door
  • #426 mangrove leaves
  • #427 mangrove log
  • #428 mangrove planks
  • #429 mangrove propagule
  • #430 mangrove roots
  • #431 mangrove trapdoor
  • #432 muddy mangrove roots
  • #433 stripped mangrove log
  • #434 mud
  • #435 mud bricks
  • #436 cherry door
  • #437 cherry leaves
  • #438 cherry log
  • #439 cherry planks
  • #440 cherry trapdoor
  • #441 pink petals
  • #442 stripped cherry log
  • #443 cherry petal atlas
  • #444 bamboo block
  • #445 bamboo door
  • #446 bamboo leaf
  • #447 bamboo mosaic
  • #448 bamboo planks
  • #449 bamboo sapling
  • #450 bamboo stem
  • #451 bamboo trapdoor
  • #452 stripped bamboo block
