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Arf! Ruff ruff! Bark ark ark ark boark bark bark! And that's what it would be like, if a DOG wrote the episode descriptions! Yes, perhaps it would be better. Perhaps indeed... yes, perhaps indeed that would be the case...

Just kidding it's much better that I'm here writing it because I can write smart as hell shit like "perhaps indeed". Hello! Here's another episode for you! Keep your eyes peeled for another video time next week, as we take a trip through videos we've been meaning to show each other for ages including dog dancing and more.




Ben Trotter

I think a dog's description would look more like: "saocnh;539lh46a,.umcbmkl ,56f75\()asehtuid\d\"


Basil is a mental plant, I once planted several of them on my balcony, and they took over the whole damn place. And there's only so much pesto one can eat before they get sick of it.