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Author's Note: Yo! Back atcha with a new Mortal Kombat joint that I hope you'll all enjoy, and this one comes with a secret game to play -- woven throughout the story are a bunch of move names from Mileena and Kitana's movesets, totaling twelve in number. Can you find them all?

[story] [fu/fu] [more below]


‭Much had transpired over the past few days. With Kronika’s ‘untimely’ demise bringing about the return of Shang Tsung, a chain of subsequent resurrections had taken place. The sorcerer had brought the banshee Sindel back from the grave, hoping to weave her into his plot – and would be allowed to think he had succeeded, for the time being. Sindel, however, had other plans, and they first included the resurrection of Outworld’s true heir. Not her daughter Kitana, who currently bore the title of kahn, no… her daughter’s counterpart, betrayed by D’Vorah and denied her birthright, her destiny. Mileena.

Outworld’s throne room hummed with confused murmurs as the realm’s citizens gathered, drawn here by royal summons for reasons they did not yet understand. The throne lay empty, flanked by edenian royal guards – the dusky Jade and swarthy Tanya, clad in their respective green and yellow, respectively. The two shifted impatiently from foot to foot, shooting suspicious glances across at one another. Even they were unsure what was about to transpire, but they, along with the rest of Outworld, would find out soon enough.

“Outworld’s leadership has been fraught with turmoil and woe,” an unseen voice boomed out from seemingly nowhere, though it was loud enough to fill the entire throne room as if it were an ampitheater. After a moment, the speaker stepped into the open through one of the shadowy hallways leading deeper into the palace, revealing herself to be the Sindel – former queen of Edenia, former wife of Shao Kahn. Silver hair flowed behind her like a trail of billowing liquid as she entered, her posture as regal as ever in spite of how… mixed… her reputation had become. “Again and again, the title changes hands, from tyrant to tyrant, and finally, to my beloved daughter, Kitana.”

Murmurs increased, particularly upon realization that Kitana Kahn was not actually here. Undeterred, the siren continued. “But I have come to bring order to Outworld once again. While my daughter Kitana has served well as regent, I consider it my duty to present to you Outworld’s true kahn, the icon of strength and stability that we need in these dark times. A woman who was denied her right to serve. I present to you, my…” she paused, if only briefly, as she considered how to describe the woman she was meant to introduce, what the crowd would best accept, “...the true heir to the throne. Mileena Kahn.”

Sindel gestured dramatically towards the hallway she’d entered from, ushering in not one, but two women. The first was Mileena herself, clad in the skintight black-and-wine outfit she had before her demise, her face’s frightful lower half concealed by a mask that served a far greater purpose than disguising her identity. With the mask, she was identical to Kitana in nearly every way, with the exception of her fierce golden eyes and more lean, feral physique, her tarkatan blood giving her an appearance that was less smooth, less angelic than the pure-blooded edenian. Behind her was her ‘sister,’ the template from which she’d been cloned and distorted – the former kahn, Kitana, her own mask already removed, the skimpy blue silks of her outfit having shed the trappings of royalty.

“Thank you for the introduction,” Mileena purred to Sindel, who nodded, making her way towards the throne and perching demurely on its arm, one leg dangling over the side while the other lay crossed in front of her lap. Mileena, with her counterpart in tow, moved in front of the great gilded seat itself, looking down at the gathered masses, and even her mask was barely able to hide the wicked grin that glinted across her beast-like eyes. “To my subjects… I applaud your patience, and for any who doubt the legitimacy of my claim, allow my dear ‘sister’ to speak on my behalf.” Mileena placed one hand on the small of Kitana’s back, using her other hand to possessively caress the side of the other woman’s face before ushering her forward. Kitana wore an expression of uncertainty and defeat, though whether she had been convinced or coerced to surrender the throne remained unclear.

“Mileena and my mother are correct,” Kitana said softly, though loudly enough to be heard throughout the vast, rustic throne room. “She is the right person to be Outworld’s ruler, and I…” there was a moment of hesitation, but she continued, “I submit myself to her in any manner she requires of me.”

“And as your kahn, I accept your services,” Mileena’s raspy voice echoed through the chamber as she slithered up behind the woman she was patterned off of, one hand caressing upwards from Kitana’s hip, to the side of her breast. “Allow me to make your position official… as my royal consort, and as the entertainment of the court.” Hooking her fingers into the back of Kitana’s leotard, the new kahn ripped sharply downwards, tearing the garment away and letting it drift to the floor, exposing the edenian sleek, athletic physique – her silky golden skin, her pert breasts, the elegant flair of her hips, and between those toned, creamy thighs, the modest girldick she sported, even less impressive than it might have been in the woman’s flaccid state.

“Mileena, I–!” Kitana began to protest, but quickly bit her lip, swallowing hard as she remembered both her place, and her vow. The murmurs from the crowd fell to a shocked hush as their former kahn was exposed before them, beautiful, and utterly submissive to her replacement.

“Behold your former ruler in all her glory,” Mileena purred, now shedding her own garments, though, unlike Kitana’s, leaving them intact. Her figure was more primordial, even if the differences were preciously slight – a bit more scarring, deeper etching in her muscles, her legs and arms almost imperceptibly longer. The most noteworthy difference provided by her tarkatan heritage was that of her penis, already half-erect and nearly twice the size of Kitana’s more petite member. “And behold the body of a true kahn, a kahn with the strength to bring victory against our enemies – to bring prosperity, and unity, to Outworld.”

The uncertainty on Kitana’s face only grew as Mileena shifted behind her, using one foot to forcefully push Kitana’s leg sideways, widening her stance until her feet and shoulders were about parallel. Then, the new kahn took her predecessor by both wrists, holding them behind Kitana and forcing her to lean slightly forward, facing the crowd that was now watching more raptly than ever. Kitana swallowed hard, uncertain what to expect despite rising suspicions, until she finally felt the gentle prod of Mileena’s cock against the cleft of her ass, rocking slowly along it as its tip sought out the edenian princess’s pristine back entrance. “Miss me?” Mileena purred in her ear, less query than taunt. “Oh, how I’ve longed for this moment, my pretty, pretty princess. Now… let us dance.”

Kitana bit down on her lower lip, and suddenly all this was seeming like such a mistake – but she had her honor to consider. Even still, her involuntary, reflexive struggles felt meaningless; Mileena’s grip on her wrists was like steel, and even Kitana was shocked by her sister’s strength. “Do… d-do what you will, then, my kahn.”

“Oh, I shall,” Mileena hissed from behind her mask, lining her hardened girlcock up Kitana’s rear and then thrusting forward in a single smooth motion, drawing a clipped cry from the former kahn as her ass was roughly breached, every inch of her own half-clone’s throbbing meat invading her all at once, filling her. A warmth blossomed in the pit of her stomach, an abrupt discomfort and humiliating excitement, her own slim member flexing and wobbling, both from the impact of Mileena’s hips against her butt, and from the internal stimulation of being filled with that hard dick. She clenched her teeth as she looked out at the crowd, all staring at her in awe – Mileena had seen to it that she was on full display, no part of her body obscured to the rapt onlookers. They’d be able to see every jiggle of her breasts, grimace of her face. They’d be able to see as her penis slowly hardened from her feral counterpart’s savage thrusts into her, watch it bounce uselessly as no more than a decoration. Hear every moan. “Look at how quickly your subjects’ opinion of you has changed, ‘sister.’ How their revered ruler is now mere spectacle. A plaything of their true queen.” Mileena’s words were whispers, no longer meant for the crowd, but for Kitana only. “How many do you think prefer you this way?”

Not far away, Sindel retained her perch atop the throne’s arm, eyes focused on the display of Mileena roughly thrusting into Kitana from behind. The scene was enjoyable in more ways than one – it represented a clean victory, firstly. While Mileena was a little unruly, she would be easier to manipulate than her more regal template. Secondly, well… what wasn’t to be enjoyed about seeing her own daughter’s ass getting railed from behind, hearing her whimpers and cries as her own ‘improvement’ turned her into the entertainment of hordes of tarkatans and sho’kan. Teasing aside the lower section of her own deep violet leotard, she pawed at one of her own full breasts as she freed her hardened ladycock, beginning to stroke her hand idly up and down its length as she enjoyed the… proceedings.

On the other side of the throne, Tanya had made her way behind Jade’s station, whispering into the other bodyguard’s ear as her hands found their way under the other edenian’s outfit, groping and teasing at those firm tits, tongue stroking up along that dark throat, one hand moving lower and lower. Jade shuddered, not complaining but neither letting herself moan out. She had to trust her lady’s judgement in this, to endure the exploring fingers of Mileena’s second even as she watched Kitana, to whom she was truly loyal, wail out in pleasure as she took her clone’s hard cock to the hilt.

“Hnnn… hahh…” Kitana winced as she felt her clone’s hard cock slam deep up into her again and again, her delicate features screwing up in a pleasure she hadn’t expected to find when she submitted herself to Mileena. As thrust after thrust battered her tight backside she felt her little cock swelling more and more, gasps rising up from the crowd as she grew to full stiffness, a thin strand of precum leaking from the tip of her unattended girldick as it bobbed fruitlessly around. It wasn’t as big as Mileena’s, or even Sindel’s, not even as its full length – it was a pretty, petite thing, twitching with desire as Kitana surrendered to anal pleasure and domination from her clone. The perfect symbol of her need to be replaced as a leader.

“You like that, sweet ‘sister’?” Mileena said mockingly, rearing back until the tip of her glistening girldick had nearly escaped Kitana’s tight hole, then roughly burying it back in. “Knowing that you’re finally being replaced with someone who was born to rule Outworld? Someone who can make your little cock spurt all over the steps to the throne you once sat in? I hope you do – because this is far from the last play time we’ll have together.” She nuzzled into the delicate golden skin of Kitana’s throat, holding herself as deeply in Kitana’s tight ass as she could for several long moments… then finally drawing out entirely, her grip on the edenian’s wrists loosening. “Speaking of your throne, why don’t we return to it?”

“Nn… I… h-haah…” Kitana stammered uneasily, her knees wobbling when her forced stance was released, head still swimming with emotions and sensations. She had no time to reflect, though, before she was dragged by her clone back to the throne – Sindel shifted aside only slightly, allowing room for Mileena to sit but giving herself ample space to enjoy the show from a closer vantage, coyly biting her lip as she teased her own thick girldick with long, slow strokes.

Mileena brought Kitana swiftly back down onto her lap, keeping her turned so as to face the ‘audience,’ and hooked her arms up underneath Kitana’s armpits, gradually coiling her into a full-nelson position even as she eased the tip of her cock back up against Kitana’s backside, pushing smoothly back into that snug hole and letting out a croon of pleasure. “Mnn, still so tight… and I can feel you squeezing around me. So satisfied to finally learn what a real cock can do, hmmn?”

Kitana gritted her teeth as her clone began to thrust into her again, taking a moment to find her rhythm again, but then pounding upward into her ass just as ruthlessly as before, hips pumping like rolling thunder, offering no mercy on Kitana’s ass. “Nnph–!” the former kahn winced, her face screwing up in pleasure as she felt that hot shaft slip in and out of her again and again, her tits bouncing rapidly with the force of Mileena’s upward thrusts, one leg draped across Sindel’s thighs while the other dangled off the throne’s opposite arm. A thin strand of precum still leaked from her slim, glistening girldick, her balls tightening up against her body as she came closer and closer to a climax that she’d never expected Mileena would be able – or even attempt – to bring her towards. “Hh – hahh! – nnnggh…!” she gasped and whimpered, trying not to truly wail out, trying to retain at least the faintest glimmer of dignity for the citizens of Outworld over which she had so very recently ruled.

“You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” Sindel cooed, a hint of playful mocking in her dulcet words as she enjoyed the violation of her daughter by her daughter’s twisted clone, stroking her own cock faster and faster as she watched Kitana properly learn respect. Kitana shuddered as she looked towards Jade, finding her handmaiden likewise compromised by Mileena’s trusted bodyguard, Tanya, the latter’s hands having deeply invaded the other woman’s outfit, though the swaths of green cloth somewhat obscured what exactly was being groped, pinched, or penetrated. She wanted to interfere, but… with her mother alive again at last, and such an insurmountable threat on the horizon, she had to do what was best for her people. Right now, that seemed to be what she was doing right this moment, though to deny that she wasn’t in part submitting to her own pleasure would be a dark deception that even she would not believe.

Mileena’s breathing was gradually beginning to grow heavier, raspy moans echoing out from behind her mask as she had her way with Kitana. Her better half felt even better than in her fantasies, that tight little hole clenching and spasming around her cock while Kitana’s own member spiraled uselessly, a cute decoration but nothing more. Her wicked jaws locked tight together behind her mask, her playful groans and purrs now escalating to a heated, feral moan as her excitement hit its peak, Kitana’s ass providing too much pleasure to withstand as she rutted the tight hole like a fucktoy. “Haahnn… rrhhh, a-AHH–!”

The half-blood’s gasp heralded an abrupt explosion of her hot spunk, leaving her cock buried deep in Kitana’s backside so that she could flood the other edenian with her seed, shooting pump after pump of sticky whiteness into that tight tunnel – a proper heir to the throne of Outworld, delivered into a hole where it would never develop. The sensation of being tightly held and filled with creamy cum proved more than Kitana could withstand, and in a much less impressive display, her smooth, stiff girldick unleash a few thin spurts of its own as her clone drove her to an assgasm, her backdoor tightening and shuddering around its thick, throbbing invader. “Fhhahhhh…!” Kitana cried out, finally letting her voice be truly heard by the people, a final surrender in their eyes, one she could never come back from. She had not only submitted to a new ruler, but she had gotten fucked to orgasm and unloaded her cum over the steps in front of her own vacated throne.

“Mnn… you were a better plaything than I thought, ‘sister,’ but now…” Mileena released her grip on Kitana, allowing her to slump forward. Half-standing, Mileena guided her template off of her lap and onto her knees in front of the throne, still facing the stunned (and, admittedly, aroused) crowd. “Now, it’s time you cleaned me off.” Taking firm hold of Kitana’s silky black locks, she pulled the other woman’s head back, pushing her cock into the other woman’s mouth – then down her throat – from behind, her balls nesting comfortably on Kitana’s nose.

Kitana shuddered, breathing through her nose as best she could as she was bent back and face-fucked, the taste of Mileena’s hot cum flooding her senses as she was violated. Spent, her slim girldick began to soften once again, little shivers rolling up and down along her skin. She could hear the sound of Sindel’s breath catching in her chest, but was unable to watch her actually hit orgasm, her mind too clouded even to properly wonder why her mother had been masturbating while she watched Kitana get her ass drilled by her replacement. Likewise, she couldn’t see what was becoming of Jade, though there was a shame in her chest that she’d dragged her own handmaiden along with her for her scandalous downfall.

Now, all she knew was the scent and taste of Mileena. She could hear the woman’s soft chuckles as Kitana cleaned her off with her mouth, the flustered murmuring of the gathered crowd. “Mmmh, this was fun, ‘sister’… I can’t wait to see how much more fun the two of us will have together.”

“Satisfy your appetites, Mileena, so that you can focus on the task at hand.” Sindel’s voice, somewhat breathless, but nonetheless more effortlessly regal than the untamed half-tarkatan. “Once Kronika is dealt with, Kitana shall be yours as much as you want her… perhaps next time, I’ll even join you.”

Kitana’s heart sank in her chest, wondering what kind of mistake she had made. Though, at the same time, her body hummed in the afterglow of pleasure, and a yearning for more already thrummed in her heart. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so dark a fate as she made it out to be… but only Time, it seemed, would tell.


[fu/fu] [clone] [voyeurism/exhibitionism] [public sex] [anal] [oral/throatfuck] [humiliation]


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