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Author's Note: Yo, tentacles! This is something of an odd comm -- featuring both an OC, and an OC of MINE! The client's character is Amelette, who you may know from many commissioned art pieces such as this one! The story also features Devah, of Dungeonrunners fame! Enjoy!

[story] [fu/F] [more below]


‭To be a demon, was to serve. Serve any warlock with the power to call upon you, and if you were unlucky, remain unbound long enough to serve the Burning Legion itself.

With the war between Sargeras and all others now seemingly coming to a head, it was the latter that held Devah in service, her previous masters and mistresses to skittish to call upon the rebellious succubus for quite some time. Not that all succubi weren’t rebellious, of course – it was their purpose to deceive and to betray, to lure in the unwitting with a guise of submission. Devah’s bad behavior, however, tended to extend even beyond her basic programming, and as she was now, the feral seductress had been placed in the most odious possible position.

Guard duty.

Whether out of sick, sadistic amusement, or in a vain attempt to keep her out of trouble, Devah had been placed as one of the many demonic guards holding Suramar. Not one of the roaming patrols – that might have been too much fun – but a stationary position, not far outside the Nighthold, ensuring that outsiders and nightborne not of Elisande’s specific circle be allowed in, or near. Exciting.

“Anything on your end?” came a booming growl from a Ste’zax, a felguard who’s patrol ended at Devah’s station.

The succubus sighed, dropping to a crouch and hugging her knees, shooting a bored expression up at the other demon. “I thought I may have spotted an illusion, but it turned out I just needed to burp.”

“Huh,” Ste’zax rumbled, then lingered awkwardly for a moment. “Well, I suppose I’d better get back to the vineyards. Maybe once they let you off duty you can swing by and we can–”


“Oh.” He nodded, cleared his throat, then hoist his monstrous axe back over his shoulder. “Well, uh, alright. See you next time I come around, then.”

As Ste’zax wandered off on his patrol, Devah let out a long, low sigh. What it be too much to ask to have a seige on the place? Maybe a group of rowdy young adventurers? Maybe even a cute warlock among them, someone inexperienced enough to not realize never to trust a succubus who offers her services?

The demoness remained in her half-squat, the tight black leather of her form-fit pants creaking in protest as it battled not to burst around the bombastic bubble of the bored blackguard’s backside. She still wore her tattered black half-shirt, having grown even more ragged over time and now more empty space than frayed mageweave. The whole ‘corset and panties’ thing that the other succubi devotedly stuck to just seemed so… played out. Trite, even. Leaning into the aesthetic of danger seemed much more fitting.

Flickering green eyes drifted shut for a moment as boredom took hold, but the sound of footsteps jarred the succubus back to full alertness. Standing and folding her arms beneath her breasts, Devah quickly scanned around any potential entry points – and quickly located the new arrival. Not an adventuring group, but a hapless-looking nightborne, making her way obliviously towards an explicitly restricted area.

Devah let a smirk touch her dark lips as she watched the girl approach, taking in her appearance. She wore her snow-white hair with bangs, as Devah herself did, though the rest of her hair was a good deal shorter, just touching her slim shoulders. The ever-more-daring fashion of the nightborne’s decadent culture had landed her in what essentially amounted to a pink tabard with a wide divide in the front, revealing modest cleavage and the entirety of her long, blue, magically-tattooed legs.

What truly amused was the way others of her kin would stop and glance when she walked by, many just getting a good look at the girl’s soft, lean figure, but with many more taking an extra moment or two to ogle her backside. She certainly had lovely hips for her otherwise slender physique, and if the reactions of those she distracted was any indicator, she had a lovely ass as well. She rarely seemed to notice the glances, but when she did, she looked flustered, embarrassed, the faintest tinge of violet touching her cheeks. Cute.

“I think you’ve taken a wrong turn,” Devah purred, her sinuous tail swaying and lashing behind her as she hardened her gaze on the approaching nightborne. “This is a restricted area.”

“I– oh, but–” she paused, looking suddenly stunned, as if she had not at all meant to be expected. “But I have a gift for the Grand Magistrix, and I was hoping…” she held up what had, from afar, only appeared to be a small, indistinct package, but upon closer inspection seemed to be an arcwine bottle that had been wrapped in paper.

Devah arched a brow, glancing at the bottle, then letting out a sigh. “I can check the list, I suppose. Name?”

“Oh, sorry – Amelette!”

“Like the folded thing with the eggs and the cheese?”

“No, sorry, Ahhhmelette, with an A.”

“Let’s see,” Devah drew a sheaf of paper out of her pocket – another bonus to wearing pants, rather than a thong – and quickly browsed through the guest list, which was decidedly short. “Aevanne, Astoril, Audric… mmm, no Amelette here,” the demon’s eyes flicked back up to the nightborne girl, suddenly looking more predatory than before. It was rare that one of these odd little elves was naive enough, or foolish enough, to wander into a restricted area; typically, the demons standing guard provided sufficient motivation to stay away. Maybe she could have some fun with this one. “Which means that you’re trespassing, and that I’ll need to take you in for… questioning, by Legion interrogators. After all, you could be a spy for the allied forces. One can never be too careful.”

“Wait, I, um – you don’t have to do that! I’m sorry, I just made a mistake, that’s all! Please, take the gift and deliver it yourself, and you’ll never hear from me again.” That flush had sprung back to her cheeks as genuine panic took hold. Adorable. And it was exactly the kind of reaction Devah had wanted.

“Well,” the succubus ran her teeth along her fangs, taking a quick glance around to make sure nobody was specifically watching. The closest nightborne were some distance away, Ste’zax wouldn’t return from patrol for at least half an hour – and wasn’t likely to report Devah anyway – and in this instance, the question to ‘who watches the watchmen’ was… nobody, really. She could get in serious trouble for abandoning her post, but what was life without a little seasoning? “Perhaps we can get this sorted out without needing to bring anyone else into it. Why don’t you come with me?”

Devah nodded her horned head towards a nearby restaurant, one that had been emptied out due to its close proximity to the Nighthold. Amelette looked uncertain, then nodded awkwardly, “R-right, okay.” This didn’t seem like it was probably a good idea, but it had to be better than being taken to visit a Legion interrogator. She hadn’t seem one in person, before, but she’d… heard things. Really unfortunate things. Swallowing hard, she jogged to catch up to the demon girl, having no clue what was in store for her once the restless succubus had her in private. “Perhaps I can pay some sort of fee, or just…?”

Amelette swallowed hard as the building’s door clicked shut behind her. The interior was clean but barren, and dimly lit. Tables had been stripped of their tablecloths to reveal the delicate wood beneath, and tall, engraved chairs had largely been sorted in stacks against the far wall. A bar dominated the restaurant’s north end, though the shelves behind it had likewise been stripped of their contents. The nightborne lifted a finger, tracing a quick glyph in the air to send four points of formless light to the corners of the building, and one more to the center, illuminating it with a cool, arcane glow. In that very light, her heart skipped a beat as she watched the succubus turn back to face her, fel-green eyes burning in the gloom. Black-painted lips peeled back into a predatory smile, showing off sharp fangs; a rare reminder of how unnerving a succubus could be when one had marked you as its prey. “Amelette, right? Call me Devah.”

“...Hi Devah…” the elf found her throat suddenly dry.

“Turn around, for me.”

“Wh–” Amelette began, looking cutely uneasy for a moment before remembering the predicament she was in. It could certainly be a lot worse than this, anyway. Cutting off her own statement, she shyly complied, folding her arms across her chest and turning around, facing her back – and more specifically, her backside – towards Devah. A soft purr could be heard from the demoness, and Amelette felt her heart rate begin to elevate. “Is this okay…?”

“More than okay,” Devah’s voice dropped an octave as she finally got a good look at what the other nightborne had seemed to be admiring. Amelette’s ass was beautiful, perky and tight, perfectly fitting the flare of her hips without dishonoring her slender legs. “So this is what everyone seemed so distracted by. I can’t say I blame them.”

“What… do you mean?” the elf asked hesitantly.

She didn’t receive an answer, not a vocal one, anyway. Instead, she merely heard the clop of a cloven hoof, then a second, and the sound of the demoness dropping to her knees behind her, warm hands sliding sensuously up the backs of her thighs until her fingertips rested on the smooth swells of the nightborne’s ass. She caressed down, then, as if exploring the curvature itself, studying the geometry of Amelette’s rear, before sliding back up to give the two cheeks a firm, yet gentle squeeze. “It seems the arcane has given the nightborne gifts beyond simply magic,” she cooed, “tell me, Amelette, do all of your kin have asses like this, or is it unique to you?”

“What–! I, no, I mean, I don’t know – what are you doing back there?” the nightborne looked over her shoulder, down at the succubus behind her, Devah still casually pawing and caressing at her backside.

“Has anyone ever fucked your ass before?” she purred.

“Wha – I asked my question first!”

“But only mine is going to get an answer,” Devah said, a firmness entering her voice that reminded Amelette of her position in this situation.

She squirmed uneasily for a moment, then finally responded, “N… no.”

“What a terrible shame,” Devah breathed, “it’s like it was crafted from the arcane itself. Maybe with a little coaxing, you’d realize what you’ve been missing out on.” Without waiting for any sort of acceptance or confirmation, the seductress shifted the flowing lower section of that burgundy tabard away, revealing the elf girl’s backside in its entirety – including the cute little hole nested between those cheeks, and beneath that, the wettening lower folds of Amelette’s pussy. The latter, Devah had no interest in, and when she was done, she’d ensure that the nightborne girl didn’t either.

“Coaxing? Look, I just – erm – you can have the arcwine if you want, or I can pay a fine or something, or – HHNnnnN…!” Amelette grit her teeth together, silvery eyes rolling backwards as Devah’s tongue snaked free from between her lips, flicking gently along the elf’s asshole. There was one tender, affectionate caress of that tongue, then another, before Devah stroked the flat of it firmly up along the tensed hole, both hands still gently clasped on Amelette’s tight, springy cheeks, keeping them spread apart just enough for the succubus to bury her face directly into that ass. “Oh my fuckinggg… hahhh… w-what are you…?”

“Shh; that’s enough out of you, darling,” Devah hummed, delivering a little kiss to the elf’s backdoor before lapping at it again, dragging her nails in soft patterns along the girl’s backside as her tongue went to work with a lascivious boldness that Amelette had never before experienced. The sexual worldliness of a pleasure demon wasn’t something she’d ever encountered before, and even though the attention wasn’t focused on her choice of hole, she could nonetheless already feel her lashes fluttering as lewd sensations arced through her slender figure.

Whether she was obeying the succubus’s commands, or simply paralyzed with excitement, Amelette did remain silent beyond a few soft whimpers and moans, reaching out to plant her hands on the wall in front of her, legs parted just enough to allow Devah complete access to her ass. The demoness remained blissfully attentive, hands caressing along the outer curves of the girl’s ass before squeezing it in two hungry handfuls, her tongue teasing and swirling around the little hole she’d coveted and claimed. She could already feel the way it would tense and shuddered when she teased it, not resistant but receptive, but she was far from satisfied with Amelette’s degree of erotic surrender – no, just a little bit of demonic trickery would have this cute little nightborne properly in the green, and then the realfun could start.

Finally, she pulled upward and onto her hooves, one hand touching Amelette’s waist and guiding the girl to half-turn, just enough to that Devah could plant her lips softly into the mage’s, stealing a gentle, yet insistent kiss. She was committed, now – and she wanted everything.

Amelette’s reaction to the embrace was one of pleased confusion, the sensations coursing through her body making her unusually quick to give in. In only a moment she felt the demon’s fingers prying at her robe, slipping it down off of her shoulders and letting it spill down to the ground, leaving Amelette nude but for sandals and the errant bit of jewelry. She kept her eyes closed, trembling just slightly as her hands moved to Devah’s hips, her mind uncertain but her body craving more of what the succubus could give her. She swallowed hard when the kiss broke, opening her eyes to see Devah quickly stripping off her tattered black top, revealing full, pale scarlet breasts a cup or two larger than her own, crimson nipples pierced with metal bars. The nightborne exhaled, trying to think of something to say, but immediately distracted as she watched the demon’s fingertips move down to her own pants, deftly unfastening them with a simple caress of a single finger.

“Are… are you…?” Amelette’s eyes widened as Devah’s thumbs hooked into the corner of her tight pants, starting to shimmy them downward. They widened further when she first spotted the root of Devah’s impressive girlcock, watching inch after inch of the thick red thing get exposed until it finally bounced free completely, already fully stiff from their earlier play and a good deal larger than any the nightborne had taken before.

“Am I what, little elf?” Devah slid one hoofed leg free, then the other, leaving her just as naked as the other girl now, albeit more… aggressively equipped. Taking a few steps forward, tail lashing behind her, the demon’s hands found Amelette’s waist again, though one drifted a bit farther – caressing back down along the girl’s butt, fingertips tracing invisible fel runes along the nightborne’s skin, already so infused with the arcane that it was unusually susceptible to the demon’s subtle magics.

“Are you… going to use that on me?” she finally forced herself to ask, biting her lower lip as she looked down at Devah’s hard cock, the demon’s greater height and their close proximity meaning that it was now gently pressed against her belly.

There was a pause, and Devah found her lips curling into an involuntary smirk as she tried not to laugh. Something about how innocent the question was, in this of all situations. Finally, with a brief, husky chuckle, she answered, “Yes, love. I plan to use it on you quite a lot.” To accentuate her point, her playful fingers already caressing and groping at Amelette’s backside grew more bold, pushing one, then another finger deeply into her saliva-slick backdoor and drawing a gasp from the nightborne girl – though, the more time she spent with Devah, soaking in her touches, kisses, licks, and the subtle spellwork the demoness was weaving through her figure, the more she found herself enjoying the attention.

“I don’t know…” Amelette paused, glancing back down at Devah’s massive cock and laying a gentle hand on it, feeling its warmth and eagerness, biting back a murmur of pleasure as those fingers slipped deeper into her asshole, starting to ease back and forth, making her shiver. “I don’t know if this will fit in my pussy, though….”

“Oh, little elf, it doesn’t matter what your pussy can or can’t hold,” she pressed another soft kiss on the girl’s lips, gently biting at the lower one before drawing back into a dominantly close standing huddle. “It’s past time you learned to forget it, ignore it. Your ass is all I’m interested in. I’m going to take it, and I’m going to teach you that it’s all you need.” She pressed her fingers in a little deeper, drawing a shudder and moan from Amelette. One more kiss, this one more fierce, more possessive, and the succubus went into action.

The nightborne let out a squeak as Devah withdrew her fingers and took firm hold of both the girl’s hips, lifting her light frame and laying her down, on her back, on one of the restaurant’s engraved wood tables. She closed her legs by reflex, but found her thighs pulled apart by force an instant later, showing off her hairless little slit, deceptively wet considering her apparent unease, the hole just beneath it, slick with demonic drool and primed to finally get fucked. “Wait!” Amelette squeaked as the succubus loomed over her, lining the tip of her thick shaft up with that tight entrance. To her surprise, Devah paused. “Be… be gentle, okay?”

“Oh, darling,” the demoness purred, “You can relax knowing one thing – you will enjoy this. I told you I’d show you how useless your little pussy is, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” Tail lashing, cat-like, behind her, Devah extended one arm to caress it gently down Amelette’s belly, causing the girl’s back to arch and a soft moan to escape her lips. The moment of relaxation and surrender was followed by swift anal betrayal as Devah pressed the tip of her stiff girldick up against the elf’s anus, using the generous lubrication from her tongue – and her dash of spellwork – to push inside that virginal hole more easily than expected. Amelette sucked in a sharp breath, clenching her teeth, eyes tight shut as she felt herself be invaded… but, a moment later, that gasp transformed into a moan. Devah’s shaft slid slowly deeper, easing up into that tight ass and finding it as wondrously snug as she’d hoped. It quivered and tightened around her, the involuntary spasms of confused muscles creating a rolling sensation along the demon’s throbbing cock. “Ohh, what a treat you are, little elf,” she let out a moan of her own, canines sinking into her dark lower lip as she entrenched herself in that tight tunnel, giving herself a generous moment to simply… enjoy it.

Amelette’s eyes fluttered, and she found herself struggling not to let them roll back into her head. Fingers clutched the edges of the table, and she just let herself feel that thick thing throbbing inside of her, radiating heat and lust throughout her abdomen and, eventually, throughout her body. She could feel so much at once, not to mention the spicy sweetness of Devah’s fel aura – and the tingling humiliation of being laid down and getting her asshole invaded by such a huge, smooth, glistening cock. She swallowed, opening her eyes and sitting up on her elbows, breathing growing ragged as she looked up at Devah, now beginning to see her in a different light as profane pleasure twisted her thoughts. The demoness wasn’t simply frightening, seductive, or even neutral – there was something unique about her, something beautiful within the rebellious, chaotic heart that had driven Devah to take on an unapproved detour such as this one.

The nightborne’s breath caught in her throat as the succubus finally began to ease out, then back in, finding a slow, steady rhythm in Amelette’s tight ass, forcing it to stretch and conform to the size and shape of Devah’s intrepid girldick. “B-by the Nightwell…” she panted softly, keeping her legs spread apart and allowing the succubus into her. One hand eased its grip on the edge of the table, making its way almost by instinct down towards her pussy, but found itself swiftly intercepted by a sharp swat from Devah’s own hand.

“No touching,” she cooed, “not there, anyway.”


“Butt indeed,” Devah flashed a fanged grin, punctuating her statement by thrusting forward a little harder than before, drawing a whimper of pleasure from the nightborne as her asshole was stuffed full. “Focus on this. Focus on how it feels. If you must play with yourself, play with those cute little tits of yours – I’d say you can finger your ass, but it’s occupied, and we haven’t gotten to... thatpoint in your training.”

“Nnn, mrhmn…” Amelette half-formed a protest before abandoning it, knowing there was no winning. Instead, she followed the demon’s instructions, bringing her hand instead to one of her breasts and giving it a soft squeeze, rubbing her thumb back and forth eagerly across the nipple, some small distraction to diffuse and balance the intense sensations coming from her ass. Any relief it brought, though, was minimal and temporary, as Devah’s pace increased a little more with each thrust of her hips, each and every time she thought that the nightborne was a little more ‘pliable’ than before.

“You should be thanking me,” the succubus said with a little grin, caressing one hand lovingly along the side of Amelette’s hip, tracing its curves with her fingers as she pumped her cock in once more, now taking on a smooth, easy rhythm that was just intense enough for the nightborne to acclimate to the sensation of getting her ass genuinely fucked, without pushing the limits of her tolerance. Devah was a professional, after all – she wanted to do this right. “It’s a shame to imagine this ass going unappreciated, is it not?”

“Y… yes…?” Amelette said uneasily, breathing a little harder, the flush to her cheeks growing more intense. As her thrusts grew deeper, Devah herself drew closer, locking eyes with the flustered nightborne as she railed her tight backside, flooding the girl’s body with unexpected delight that she didn’t even truly know how to deal with.

“Now that I’ve got you ready to take cock, let’s mix things up,” Devah grinned, leaning in to steal a ferocious kiss from Amelette’s lips and then pulling back, letting her cock slip free of the elf girl’s glistening asshole with a quiet pop, then backing up to sit down in one of the chairs, legs spread and her still-throbbing shaft pointing skyward. “Hop on, little elf. I’m going to let you set the pace… just know that I’m going to fuck you hard, afterwards. It’s up to you how jarring you want that to be.”

Taking a brief moment to catch her breath, Amelette sat up, taking a long look at the succubus and shyly slipping two fingers into her ass, taking a moment to marvel at how easily they went in, what she felt like inside. It went without saying what hole Devah wanted her to use – at this point, asking was more likely to anger the succubus than anything else, but she found herself strangely excited to take a slight bit of control of the situation. The ultimatum she’d been offered, too, provided a curious challenge… did she take it easy on herself, then forfeit her ass to an unanticipated ravaging? Or did she take this opportunity to build herself up to the moment she’d be claimed? It was a succubus mind trick with a clear answer; Devah wanted her to discover the rapture of rough anal sex for herself, to train her to want it, to crave it.

Amelette shimmied off the table, approaching the succubus and straddling her, reaching one hand back and down to gently grasp Devah’s shimmering red girldick and guide it back into her ass. She clenched her teeth only for a moment as the hard shaft pushed back inside of her, a fluttering moan escaping her lips as she pinned both knees at the demon’s sides, hands resting gently on Devah’s shoulders while the other woman’s moved to the nightborne’s hips. “Nn… h-haahh… there we go…” she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment as she eased up, then back down, taking the demoness nice and deep into her tight butt. As far as the actual movements went, this wasn’t too much different from regular sex – just more intense, more profane, and… more thrilling. She knew how to ride dick, she just didn’t know how much she was going to enjoy riding dick with her asshole.

“Mnn, that’s right, just like – nnnh – that,” Devah purred, leaning in close to press her lips against Amelette’s breasts, kissing along and between them, flicking her tongue along sensitive nipples as the girl picked up her pace, shuddering with each drop of her weight downward, taking every inch of that massive cock up into her most scandalous hole. She went faster, harder, a little moreso than she thought she could handle, but she found herself enjoying it more and more with each rough rotation. Devah’s plan was already working, she could feel it – the more she took control of her own anal training, the more she wanted to press herself onward, the more these strange, intense sensations translated into pure, forbidden pleasure.

Between the explosions of ecstasy in her ass, and the continuous teasing of her perky little tits, the impulse to touch her pussy had finally faded completely. She kept one hand firmly planted on Devah’s shoulder, while the other reached back to slightly spread one cheek, giving the demon-girl’s cock slightly greater ease of entry, letting it push just a little deeper inside of her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she whispered and whined to herself, a hushed stream of profanity she could not contain as she slammed herself up and down, up and down in the other woman’s lap.

A snarl of satisfaction rumbled out from the demon’s chest, and Devah leaned up to kiss the nightborne’s throat, then seize her lips in a long embrace. Amelette was performing wonderfully, but it was time to take control once again. “My turn,” she whispered into the elf’s mouth, strengthening her hold on Amelette’s hips and lifting her, then lowering her to the floor on hands and knees, with the succubus quickly kneeling behind her. A few quick swats of her cock against the girl’s backside, and Devah aimed it back where it belonged, drawing a blissful squeal from Amelette as that throbbing thing was stuffed deeply back up her ass, filling her like nothing had ever filled her before. “By Sargeras, you’re still so tight, I feel like I could fuck you for days,” Devah growled, thrusting in harder than she had previously, ramming her from behind with deep, fast thrusts. She’d promised that she’d fuck the girl hard, and she had very much meant every word.

“Ahhhhnnn…!” Amelette squealed, shuddering violently as she was taken once again, waves of pleasure pulsing through her, now too powerful to resist. A spasm shook her as she felt Devah hilt that cock into her ass, a spasm followed by a sensation like fireworks spreading through every inch of her body. An orgasm, but unlike any she’d ever had before, drawn out by the rough, rapid rhythm of Devah’s hips ramming against her butt, sheathing that incarnadine meat-pillar inside of her slick hole again and again, never giving her a moment to escape the non-stop bursts of pleasure. She’d never had an assgasm before, didn’t even know they were possible, but there was no denying what her body was telling her. Gasps and moans rose into a scream of release, a banshee’s wail that would put Sylvanas herself to shame, but Devah just kept going.

The demoness knew exactly what that sound meant, of course – it was far from the first time she’d heard it, and wouldn’t be the last – but she had no intention of giving the nightborne a breather. She was closing in on her own climax, and wasn’t going to give an inch of ground. She went harder, faster, pumping that cock in and out of Amalette’s helpless, quivering rear, until she finally reached her peak. Four sharp canines were exposed as the succubus screamed towards the ceiling, nails raking down the nightborne’s back while her other hand tightly gripped the girl’s waist, and at last, she reaped the fruits of her labor.

Jet after jet after jet of thick, sticky, creamy white spunk burst from Devah’s cock once she’d buried herself in as deep as she’d go, flooding Amelette’s ass with so much hot cum the girl’s body couldn’t contain it. After the fourth pump of demonic seed, a squirt of the stuff shot out of the mage’s overworked hole, followed by a second, splattering across the floor beneath her and across Devah’s own curvaceous figure. “Fuck….” The succubus looked light-headed for just a moment, then finally withdrew, settling back on her knees with her dripping cock hanging half-hard between her thighs, Amelette’s up-ended ass showing off a deep gape that continued to dribble out the excess of Devah’s cum.

“By… t-the Nightwell….” Amelette panted, eventually rolling over onto her side as she tried to catch her breath, her entire body buzzing in the afterglow of her climax. “I… I can’t believe….”

“How much of a little buttslut you are?” Devah let out a husky giggle, “Neither can I. Just see to it that you keep trying to ‘infiltrate’ the Nighthold while I’m on duty… I think I have a very consistentsort of punishment in mind for your attempts.” Biting her lip, the demoness took a long moment to admire her work, before recalling a final thought. “Oh, and, little elf….”


“I better not learn that you played with your pussy, after this. That hole doesn’t exist for you, anymore.”

Amelette swallowed, and nodded. Honestly, after what she’d just felt, she had never even considered going back. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”


[rimming] [anal] [vaginal denial]


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