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Author's Notes: The resurrection continues with another new installment, this one continuing both the events of the commissioned last chapter, and the original first chapter, weaving together what has become the main 'plot' of this series. This installment is somewhat short, but there will be another shorter one coming up sooner, rather than later. Anyway, enjoy!

[story] [fu/fu] [more below]


‭Lilith carefully laid out each and every element of her plan, going over them again and again like a mantra. She had the things she needed, though of course, no scheme ever truly survived first contact. The necromancer knew well that she’d need to end up adapting at some point, but… for now, it was worth the time spent to run over her contingencies, few as they were. It would be several days before she saw Sonya or Johanna again – after leaving Li-Ming’s parlor, Lilith had discovered that the two muscle-bound beauties had left New Tristram entirely, heading north to go ‘hunting.’ A routine purge of the dead, she assumed. No matter.

When those days passed, though, the necromancer found herself already waiting within the Slaughtered Calf, nursing a glass of dry red wine, when she heard the sounds of boastful words and heavy bootfalls, followed by the sound of the inn’s door swinging wide. There was no real need to look for Lilith to know who had just arrived, but she did anyway, glancing back over her shoulder at the two warrior-women as they made their way into the inn.

“Ale!” Sonya bellowed, ever the more boisterous of the pair, despite both being meatheads in the necromancer’s eyes. Johanna chuckled quietly, setting her flail and tower shield down by the inn’s entrance in a metallic cacophony, the barbarian’s blades falling noisily into the heap. “Ah, it is good to be back.”

“Lilith,” Johanna allowed herself a small smile as the two came up to the bar, patting a heavy hand on the necromancer’s back, nearly causing the white-haired waif to cough up her wine. “It’s been some time since we’ve seen you!”

“Indeed it has,” she stifled a second cough, glancing sidelong at the two other women, eyeing the two full mugs of ale Sonya was now returning with. She’d kept the potion she’d gotten from Li-Ming on her person since first getting it, but now wasn’t the time to try to slip it – she’d go ahead and wait for them to be better distracted and, ideally, at least somewhat inebriated.

“Since, ah…” the crusader licked her lips briefly, “since we had some fun, a while back.” Cautious tone and vague wording made it clear what Johanna was referring to, along with the fact that she wasn’t sure whether Lilith was angry or not. Good – meant she was off-balance, something Lilith could play with.

“You certainly have a way with words,” Lilith chided lightly, causing Johanna to visibly relax. For anyone else, the necromancer’s behavior would have still been ice-cold, but Johanna knew well enough that if Lilith was genuinely angry, it would be everyone’s problem. “Why don’t we get an actual table?”

“I thought you liked to drink alone?” Sonya chuckled, already taking a swig from her flagon of beer, but not sitting, waiting to see which way the wind would blow.

“I forgot my book,” the necromancer lied, shrugging. “Suppose I could use some company. Unless you’d rather not--”

“No, no!” Sonya interjected with an awkward laugh, “we’d love to sit with you. Right, Jo?”

“Absolutely,” the crusader nodded along, grabbing her own drink from Sonya’s other hand and making her way towards the back of the inn – to the table where they’d had their first fateful tryst with Lilith. Whether coincidence or purposeful, it gave the necromancer something to tease the two with.

“Feeling nostalgic, I see?” Lilith purred coolly, sliding into her own seat and sipping from her wine glass, taking a more relaxed posture than was typical of her.

“My nose is fine,” Sonya replied, confused, bringing her free hand to her nose to make sure it was still all in one piece.

“Reminiscing over old memories,” Johanna tried to help, but the barbarian seemed, if possible, more confused than before. “Thinking about the past?”

“Ah! Yeah! Heh,” the redhead chuckled, taking a long swig of her ale, then pausing to reflect on what exactly Lilith had been referring to. “Well, I mean, yeah… was a great time, after all.”

“Not that it has to be the last time,” the crusader let out an awkward chuckle, trying to distract from the boldness of her statement. She hadn’t yet had enough to drink, or gotten otherwise sufficiently riled up, to match the aggression of that fateful night. On top of that… after such an intense evening with Lilith, it had been difficult to stop thinking about it, to stop dwelling on it.

The uncharacteristic caution of that flirt, though, along with Johanna’s sober tone, was enough to alert the necromancer to the obstacles she faced. Sonya wasn’t exactly bright, even if she was perceptive and stubborn, but Johanna had more of a head on her shoulders – even if she was still a brute. If she wanted to get that potion into their drinks, she’d have to play the long game, though she found it wasn’t something she considered particularly unappealing.

“Well, I suppose we’ll have to see where the night takes us,” Lilith arched a thin brow as the two warriors sat at either of her sides, flanking her perfectly with their powerful, curvaceous figures and massive mugs of frothy beer. “Who knows, perhaps one of you will impress me.”

“One? Hrm!” Sonya grunted thoughtfully, her gaze snapping towards Johanna and her expression taking on a sudden competitive fire. Johanna wasn’t the only one who’d been reminiscing over that night – Sonya had been harboring similar distractions, even if the two had never taken the time to discuss it among one another. So it seemed, then, that all three parties wanted the same thing, with their collective failure to communicate providing the tale’s primary obstacle. “There is no contest I have not won, even long before I came to this accursed land.”

“Yet no challenge has been issued, my friend,” Johanna quickly countered, taking a swig from her drink. “And if you recall, I did beat you in arm wrestling.”

“Augh, because you distracted me!”

“Ladies, not everything has to be feats of strength, endurance, or…” Lilith reflected briefly on one of the drinking contests the two had engaged in. It had not gone well. “...Constitution. Why not a gentler endeavor? Something more… entertaining to watch?”

“More entertaining than arm wrestling?” Johanna arched a brow.

“Or regular wrestling?” the barbarian chimed in.

“Lose the clothes, and the latter may be interesting,” Lilith mused aloud, though not quite audible to the other two. Speaking up, she continued. “Mmm, what if you two kissed?”

Sonya ran her tongue across the front of her teeth. “Uhm….”

“Like, kissed you?” Johanna attempted to clarify.

Lilith’s dark lips curled into a rare grin. “Kissed each other.”

The two glanced towards one another, an expression of mild confusion overcoming both faces. Strangely, despite the attraction both exhibited for the fairer sex and close bond, they hadn’t properly ‘considered’ one another in this way. Thinking about it now was, while perhaps not awakening, certainly stimulating. After a moment, the crusader looked back to Lilith. “How… will we know who won?”

“I’ll be the judge, of course,” the necromancer said simply, taking a sip of wine and offering no further explanation. It was strangely exciting to be the one holding the reins, though she suspected that may not continue to be the case for long. “The loser has to remove a piece of clothing… and so do I.”

“Oh, I’ve got this, haha!” Sonya roared, finishing her drink and gesturing for Johanna to do the same. “Get over here, blondie!”

There was a brief moment of hesitance, then a shrug. Johanna pounded down the rest of her ale and got off of her chair, shedding a few pieces of armor she’d neglected to remove, and carefully straddling Sonya, sweeping the platinum curtain of her hair out of the way to give Lilith the best potential view. There was a moment where she looked down into the barbarian’s bright, fierce eyes, and considered her rather differently, realizing that there was very much no losing in this situation. Leaning down, the crusader pressed her lips against the other woman’s, tenderly at first, then more boldly, letting her eyes drift shut when she felt the barbarian’s tongue slip into her mouth and massage across her own. After only a moment, she forgot that she was supposed to be putting on a ‘show,’ and let herself drift into the moment, exploring Sonya’s mouth and letting her fingertips roam the other warrior’s magnificent figure. “Mmmnn….”

Sonya attempted some sort of boast, though it went unheard through the muffled moans, not giving up her positioning. When Johanna’s fingers began to move up along her bare sides, though, she realized she’d need to go bolder if she was going to win – and placed both hands where they naturally gravitated, taking two firm, eager grips on the crusader’s tight, firm butt, giving it a sensuous squeeze even as she nibbled at Johanna’s lower lip. Cheeks flushing, she felt her own eyes drifting shut….

“Honestly… I think this is a tie.” Lilith resisted the urge to bite her lip as she watched, a flare of warmth rising in her little chest. “Probably safe for you to both take something off.”

“Ey, I’m pretty sure I won–” Sonya began, only to be icily interrupted by the necromancer.

“Remember that once you take something off, so will I,” she insisted. The two warriors glanced at each other, then shrugged. Despite their competitive natures, they had priorities.

Johanna got up off of the barbarian’s lap, unclasping the remnants of leather and mail that provided the inner layer between body and armor, and casually tossing them onto the table’s fourth chair. A snug cloth garment remained to cover her breasts, though it offered a pleasant view of the crusader’s cleavage – and, of course, the rippling muscles of her belly. Sonya followed, kicking off her boots and then going a step further, stripping away a number of the assorted segments of leather and metal that armored her legs and hips, then the pair of simple cloth shorts just beneath them. Satisfied, the barbarian slouched back into her chair in only her midriff-exposing chestpiece and her dark brown panties, the outline of her remarkable cock clearly visible against the front of them – something that did not go unnoticed by Lilith.

“Well, I’d say I’m certainly satisfied. Now, let’s see if you are,” Lilith cooed, then held up her end of the bargain, slipping out of the slimming black coat she wore, exposing her pallid, slender body from the waist up, only a few white wrappings covering her tiny breasts, her black pants and boots remaining in place.

“Mmrmmn…” Sonya growled lustfully, her eyes nearly glazing over before snapping back to the real world. “But wait, if nobody won, then… we need another contest, don’t we?” Her enthusiasm was genuine, rooted both in the desire to be victorious, and the desire to continue this playful charade and see some more skin get exposed – or perhaps see some holes get filled, if all went well.

“Well… let me think,” Lilith pursed her lips, looking over both other women thoughtfully. This should be entertaining.


Several drinks went down, along with multiple articles of clothing. The night grew longer, the patrons of the Slaughtered Calf having drifted off to their rooms or homes one by one, leaving the three adventurers drunker, louder, and nakeder than before. Curiously, though, Li-Ming’s potion – slipped into the two statuesque bruisers’ ale three drinks ago – wasn’t quite working the way Lilith had expected. It certainly seemed to make Sonya and Johanna more attentive, more affectionate, more open, and more obedient, but its sleeping effects didn’t appear to be taking hold at all. Perhaps their constitution was simply too great for the alchemy to properly take hold?

“Back at a tie,” Johanna sighed, now stripped down to nothing but her smallclothes, as were the other two women, after Lilith’s most recent strange challenge (who could do the most squats, one Johanna had won). “Seems neither of us are going to pull ahead, this night.” There was a hint of disappointment in her voice that went beyond the mere love of contest, and her bright blue eyes flickered to Lilith, a longing behind them that went deeper than lust – but did it go deeper than the potion’s effects?

“Augh, what a shame. And I really wanted… uh, wanted…” Sonya furrowed her brow. With all the flirting, teasing, and disrobing, it had definitely felt like this was leading somewhere, but she found herself wondering what exactly this evening had been about. Turning to glance at Johanna, the barbarian licked her lips. “Y’know… if all this is about Lilith… it wouldn’t be the first time both of us had some fun with her at the same time. Nobody really has to, y’know, ‘win,’ right?”

“That is a very good point,” Johanna glanced from Sonya, back to Lilith, the longing in her eyes becoming a bit more predatory – though, oddly, the necromancer felt no real danger. If anything, she was the predator in this situation, but the expression on both other women's’ faces was one of a desire not to ravage her, but to worship her. That was something Lilith could get behind.

Finishing her third glass of wine, the slender summoner opened her mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a new arrival at the table’s side: the aproned, balding barkeep, Bron. He visibly rode the line where arousal met discomfort, having allowed the ladies’ shenanigans to continue through the night without comment or protest (great for business, after all) but now decidedly awkward with the need to actually address them. “Eh… ‘scuse me, lasses, but I’m closing up for the night. I can get you all rooms, of course, if you’d like.” As the last words left his mouth, Johanna’s breastplate toppled from the fourth chair with a thunderous clang, though the trauma-hardened innkeeper didn’t flinch.

Lilith paused, glancing from Bron to the other adventurers, bit her lip gently. “I think just one room will be fine.”

As the three women scrambled to gather their discarded clothing and armor, the barkeep took off to fetch a key, returning with it a few moments later. Snatching it up and tossing a few more coins onto the table, Lilith led her two athletic suitors towards the room she’d rented, letting them in… and then locking the door behind her. She didn’t know exactly how long it’d be before Li-Ming’s potion rendered these two unconscious, but she was certainly willing to have some drunken fun before that happened.

“Well, you two wanted me so badly…” the necromancer cooed serenely, slipping away the wrappings around her small breasts, showing off her milky skin and pierced pink nipples. Following, she hooked her thumbs into her panties, shimmying slowly, sensuously out of them while keeping her gaze firmly locked on the two beautiful brutes, revealing her petite, half-stiff girldick. “Now you’ve got me.”


[drinking] [making out] [contest/boasting] [buff gals] [teasing]


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