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Hey tentacles! Just wanted to touch base really quick. I may not be known for my blinding speed, but I definitely should have had a new story up by now, right?

Well, March has been... let's just say it's been a MONTH. I got a cold early on -- not a severe one, but it did set me back -- and the day after I got over that, I got the worst food poisoning of my life, so serious that it exceeded my previous notions of what food poisoning was even capable of. I'd had salmonella before, so when things started to get, uh... we'll say "uncool,": I thought I had a good idea of what I was in for, and I was very wrong. It ended up feeling less like I ate bad General Tso's and more like I'd survived a targeted assassination, like an envenomed blowdart had been shot into my neck with the intent of not disabling, but killing.

Apparently this isn't super common, but can happen with food poisoning, where it settles not for the usual "get in, get out" strategy, but leaves you with extreme fatigue and lightheadedness for a week+. So, there is a story coming (one I hope you all really like!), and as I recover it should be coming pretty soon. Just wanted everyone to know that the reason it wasn't out like a week ago is because I have literally been bedridden most of the time. 'Til then, take care, tentacles!


~ Lexi


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