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Author's Note: Been a little while, sorry everyone! This was a pretty big one, and with a little birthday break in the middle, it took me a bit to finally finish it and put it out, but I do think it's pretty good work. ^_^ This was a little tricky, writing-wise, because even though it's pretty long, there was an enormous amount to fit into it -- making that happen without it feeling rushed, or cutting parts out, was definitely a challenge, but I think I made it happen.

Anyway -- happy Valentine's Day, tentacles!

[story] [futa] [all characters are 18+] [more below]


‭‭‭“This is the place,” Luiza smiled as she pulled up into the driveway, dusk just beginning to set on the impressive house just beyond. While it wasn’t as sizable as Kora’s parents’ place, or perhaps even the Radis’, the blue-roofed structure had two stories and a garage, and even an outdoor pool, rounding out the fact that this was clearly the domain of a family of some means. “You ready?”

“Absolutely,” Kora smiled back, stepping out of the car and stretching. “Piper just texted me, too; she should be here any second now. How do I look? Anything out of place?” Spreading her arms and doing a quick twirl as Luiza got out of the driver’s side, Kora showed off her modest outfit, decent for a party if not necessarily a dinner date, though at least Piper had managed to talk her into avoiding wearing any graphic tees. Instead, she’d opted for a black v-neck, off-gray capris that reached just below the knee, and a pair of well-worn Doc Martens, giving her something of a lazy gloom to her style.

“You look beautiful,” Luiza smiled, closing the distance between the two and planting a gentle kiss on Kora’s lips. Luiza herself was dressed a bit less casually, though still comfortably, sporting a wine-red camisole, form-fitting black slacks, and white sneakers, a little white pin shaped like an inkwell pen tucked in her hair just above her left ear. “And I’m sure Rosa will love you.”

“She’s not gonna beat me up if she doesn’t, right?” Kora smirked, returning the kiss.

“Hopefully not,” Luiza’s response caused her girlfriend’s grin to flicker, then fade, as the petite journalist turned and made her way to the house.

Inside, the place was modestly furnished and had clearly been recently cleaned, offering generous floorspace befitting a house party. Dark beige carpet lined most of the non-tiled floors, the walls sky-blue with paintings of sunflowers scrolling along the baseboards. It seemed like Luiza and Kora were the first to arrive -- except, of course, for the woman of the hour. Rosa Domingo, Luiza’s older sister, who was... well, Kora hadn’t been certain what to expect.

“Luiza!” Rosa flashed a wide smile, quickly scooping her little sister up into a tight hug. If Kora had expected Rosa to be anywhere near Luiza’s build and stature, she would have been extraordinarily wrong -- Rosa was nearly six feet tall, even taller than Piper, and build like a fucking gladiator. Long, powerful legs led up to a lean core, her abs shown off by a lime-green half-shirt that struggled to contain a distractingly full chest. Strong shoulders and arms were wrapped in even more smooth muscle, and that beneath a layer of deep tan skin. A fiercely pretty face showed a distinct family resemblance to Luiza, and she wore her jet-black hair in a wavy, shoulder-length sidecut. “So good to see you again, cosita,” she smiled, lifting her sister and giving her a rib-cracking squeeze around the middle, then turning to face Kora. “And who is this lovely thing?”

“This,” Luiza said as she was dropped back to her feet, “is... my girlfriend, Kora.”

“Uhh, ‘sup,” Kora said sheepishly, extending her hand to be swiftly taken in a firm-gripped shake. Dissatisfied with her own greeting, she awkwardly tried again. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Rosa, right?”

“That’s right,” Rosa smiled, “happy to see my sister’s found herself such a catch, yes?”

“Oh, I assure you, she’s the catch,” Kora giggled nervously. Rosa was more than a little intimidating -- not just because of her size and incredible physical fitness, but she had a presence, this aura of supreme confidence assuring that she was the most important person in the room. That she was the one in control. “But I’m glad you approve!”

“Well... I didn’t say that,” Rosa’s eyes narrowed, her tone suddenly serious, the entire room seeming to darken when the smile faded from her face. “We’ll have to see how you behave tonight.”

“Be nice,” Luiza hissed, lightly swatting her sister’s shoulder as Kora went abruptly pale. Kora swallowed hard, trying to think of something to say, her mind going very, very blank. The fates, however, were kind, and gave the swimmer a hand for the sinking, in the form of headlights pulling up to the house, and the vibration of her cell phone in her pocket.

“Ohh, umm, Kora’s here-- I mean, Piper’s here--” Kora swallowed hard, flashing another sheepish smile as she disengaged and made her way for the door. “One sec--!” Ejecting herself from the conversation, Kora scrambled for the door, going out into the driveway and waving at the approaching green car. It pulled up and stopped, even as more cars began to gradually stream in behind it, and Piper climbed out of the driver’s side... followed by her pair of identical plus-ones, the Radi sisters.

“I take it this is the place?” Piper arched a brow, folding her arms across her small chest as the twins flanked her, one clinging to each shoulder. Piper had worn dark jeans a tight t-shirt with horizontal stripes of white and deep red, while the twins sported matching ensembles consisting of white pleated skirts and halter tops, pink for Fatima and yellow for Farah.

“Yup!” Kora beamed, eager to have escaped Luiza’s sister for the moment. “And I see you brought dates, that’s cute!”

“Oh, we’re not--” Piper swallowed hard, suddenly starting to go red. “I mean, I just invited them to come with me, is all-- I mean-- it is a party, and--”

“And we were so happy to accept the invitation,” Farah cooed, leaning her head sidelong on Piper’s shoulder.

“So I guess it is a date, if you think about it,” Fatima continued, tilting to look up at Piper’s face, jaw tensed. Whether the twins were oblivious to Piper’s discomfort, or relishing in it, was difficult to tell.

“Let me properly introduce you to Luiza real quick!” Kora beamed, taking Piper’s hand and offering a hesitant pair of nods to the twins, “If you don’t mind me stealing your date for a minute?”

“We’ll be here,” the two said in unison, Kora spirited her friend out from under them, making her way back into the house proper, where Luiza was still chatting with Rosa. More people were beginning to filter in from the driveway now that the party was officially meant to begin, though some, of course, remained fashionably late.

“So this other swimmer goes missing, right? Nobody’s been able to find her at all, so they did tryouts for a new--” Luiza was explaining to her older sister, only to abruptly pause when Kora reemerged, “Back so soon?”

“Hi! Sorry! Yeah!” Kora said sheepishly, bowing her head to Rosa before turning her attention back to her girlfriend. “I just wanted you to meet Piper. I know you’ve seen her around but I figured I should actually introduce you guys, or whatever. So, uhh, Luiza, this is my best friend Piper--” Kora swept one arm out to the side, awkwardly gesturing to the freckled beanpole at her side, who offered a thin smile. “And Pipe, this is my girlfriend, Luiza.”

“Charmed,” Piper extended a hand to shake, clasping gently with Luiza’s.

“Pleasure to meet you, as well,” Luiza smiled, “Kora’s told me all about you.”

“Nothing in too poor of taste, I hope,” Piper’s forced smile showed a bit too much teeth for how little her lips moved, more a stiff grimace than a warm expression. As more people started to show up at the house, her anxiety mounted proportionally... but, for the time being, she endured.

The next half hour or so was, more or less, an adjustment period. People were welcomed in, snacks were served, and drinks were poured, as various teens (and some of Rosa’s older friends) met and mingled in the cleaned-out house. For Kora and Piper, there were far more unfamiliar faces than familiar ones -- there was Luiza, Rosa, and the Radis, of course, and Iris and Melody were doing their best not to seem like too obvious a couple.

The passing of time eventually saw Kora and Luiza on the couch, the latter’s legs draped across the former’s lap, as both sipped from plastic cups filled with a sweet, but suspicious pink punch that nobody had been square enough to question.

“So we’re over at Vanessa’s house for her birthday, right -- that was when we were all still, like friends -- and Mica’s flirting like crazy with Vanessa’s mom, even though we’re all like fourteen or whatever,” Kora was explaining, before pausing, looking up to the shadow that suddenly loomed over them -- that of a woman, clearly a few years older than the two lovebirds on the couch, wearing a broad, boisterous grin.

“Long time no see, Luiza,” the woman beamed, “Ah, sorry to interrupt, of course! But I haven’t seen this li’l chica since she was in middle school. Remember me, Lulu?” Both girls looked up to the newcomer, Luiza’s eyes immediately lighting up with recognition -- though, for Kora, the woman may as well have been Eve. A little taller than Kora, she had light skin and long, blonde hair, streaked through with pink, and bright blue eyes. Piercings lined both ears, her brow, nostril, lip, and who knew where else, and her beer-stained white A-shirt complemented her full, squeezable breasts in a way that was difficult to ignore. Baggy blue jeans did some work in concealing the shape of her legs, but not her hips and ass, though her waist was surprisingly fit despite her mouth-watering curves.

“Max!” Luiza smiled brightly, disentangling from Kora to lunge up and off the couch, wrapping her arms around the rocker girl and, inadvertently, burying her face in the comfy nest of cleavage that their height difference made it difficult to avoid. “It’s been forever! You came back to see Rosa, yeah?”

“I did, yeah,” the woman gently ruffled Luiza’s hair, then flopped onto the couch’s opposite end, pinning Luiza between Kora and herself, “Figured I’d try to patch shit up, y’know? Didn’t expect the invite.”

“Patch things up?” Luiza arched an inquisitive little brow.

“Eh, you were young, I guess you may not remember. When Rosa enlisted I took it pretty hard, said some dumb shit.” Max drained her own cup, then smoothly snatched one away from a passing Melody without the other blonde even noticing. “Man, do these things even have alcohol in ‘em? Rosa’s goin’ easy on you squirts.”

“So you... used to date?” Kora interjected hesitantly, not wanting to feel like a third wheel in the conversation, but nor really having much context.

“More like we used to fuck,” Max giggled brazenly, taking a long swig from her stolen cup. “And damn can that woman fuck. Been four years, sometimes I forget I’m not still sore.”

“Ewww, don’t talk about my sister like that!” Luiza scolded, though her simultaneous chuckle showed she was only half-serious.

“What can I say, she left an impression,” the rocker girl chuckled back, only to be quickly distracted by a clamor coming from the kitchen. “Yo, did I hear someone say jello shots? I’ll, ah... catch ya later, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

As Max hopped off of the couch and swayed her way to the back of the house, Kora looked to her girlfriend, holding back laughter from the woman’s abrupt arrival and departure. “So... is there anything she wouldn’t do?”

“In my experience? Absolutely not. Maxie’s a wild child to the core.”

Nearer to the house’s front door (its most obvious escape route), Piper chatted idly with the Radi twins, slowly nursing her own drink. The sisters were difficult to get a handle on, occasionally difficult to understand in their remarkable simplicity, though showing rare glimmers of depth -- if not, necessary, any major deviations from each other’s personalities. Indeed, it seemed the two spent so much time together that they bordered on being the same person, and had she not memorized the direction in which each sister wore their sidecut, she would be challenged to tell them apart from behavior alone.

Lights in the driveway heralded a late arrival to the party -- fashionably late, one might say, if one were a complete narcissist with an over-inflated sense of self-importance. Putting those people together, Piper deduced the identity of the new arrival in instance, for it truly could be none other than Vanessa Vinke. The car stopped, regurgitating its three predictable inhabitants: Mica Bell and Octavia Phan, the satellites that rotated around their central, ubiquitous alpha, Vanessa herself.

“Oh, delightful,” Piper groaned under her breath as the three girls made their way into the house, sporting their usual air of glamorous superiority. Unlike their arrivals at most parties, though, this particular shindig had a unique quality in the form of its power dynamic, with the party’s host having not gone to MacMaster High for four years. Vanessa may have been in her element, but she was very much not in a situation in which she had much power.

“Alright, bitches,” Vanessa was already saying as she opened the door, her voice raised to command attention. “Looks like the party’s finally arrived. Mica, why don’t you get me a drink, sweetie?”

The redhead hesitated, then obeyed, but Piper’s focus was now on the other teen in within Vanessa’s orbit, the one with whom Piper now shared a mutual acquaintance. She hadn’t discussed the video with the Radis, of course, but was nonetheless armed with its knowledge -- even if it didn’t affect her planned course of action. If she was stealthy enough, and planned an intelligent escape route, she may be able to slip away from the party without having to talk to Octavia at all, so--

“Octavia!” the twins called out in unison. Piper’s eyes widened in horror, the world seeming to slip into slow-motion. She looked to each side, to both of the twins as they waved jovially to their fling -- and her gaze tracked theirs to find Octavia. Octavia had done herself up a bit more darkly than usual, a shade of deep red lipstick complementing her multiple piercings and messy black hair, snug black shorts and a black-and-white striped sleeveless top giving her something of an emo diva vibe. Pretty enough that she always made Piper just a little more self-conscious. And, worst of all, she heard twins call her name, turned to look, and was making her way in Piper’s direction.

“Ah, Farah, Fatima...” Octavia said hesitantly, her gaze flicking briefly to Piper, who was doing her best not to show the icy panic she was gripped by. “Been a little while.”

“She’s Farah, I’m Fatima.” Farah said.

“I’m Farah. She’s Fatima.” Fatima said simultaneously. The two spoke in unison, pointing to each other, though Piper knew they were lying. What game they were playing was another question entirely.

“Right, sorry,” Octavia furrowed her brow, clearly confused, but making the best of it. “So, what’s up? I don’t know if either of you got any of my texts, I have tickets to a concert next month if you two are interested -- I mean, uh, like, Mica’s busy, and Vanessa doesn’t like the band, so....”

“Ooh, we’ll have to catch our schedule,” Fatima mused, “Most saturdays are our date nights with Piper, after all.” Smiling, she wound her arm around Piper’s waist, causing the taller girl to stiffen and blush.

“And we wouldn’t miss those for the world,” Farah followed, laying her head on Piper’s shoulder and draping an arm over her other side, fingertips brushing gently against the side of one of Piper’s high, small breasts.

“Date nights?” Octavia arched a brow, flinching back as if the words had physically burned her. “With Wright? Pff, you’ve gotta be kidding me.” There was a slight waver of disbelief in her voice -- that someone she’d already slept with could not only move on to, but show a preference for, a dork like Piper. Octavia opened her mouth to speak again, dark eyes blazing as she considered spitting forth her ugliest thought... but she paused before letting it slip, weighing the satisfaction of being cruel to Piper against the possibility of a future threesome with the sisters. That, ultimately, was a bridge she didn’t feel like burning. “Well... if you change your mind, send me a text, I guess. If Piper doesn’t have you too busy playing with action figures or whatever it is she does.”

“I play with miniatures, actually,” Piper spoke up, her lips moving without her mind’s approval, strangely emboldened by the twins’ brazen support and embrace. “Not action figures.”

“Ooh, you have to show us next time,” Fatima purred, nuzzling Piper’s shoulder. “Maybe next saturday we come over to your place instead?”

Octavia’s teeth clenched so hard one nearly broke, her smug expression deepening into a scowl. “Ugh, whatever, have fun,” she leered, stalking away like an angry cat and making her way back to Vanessa.

What she would find, of course, was an inevitable conflict that was only seconds from taking place, a pot that had begun to simmer the instant Vanessa set foot in the Domingo home, and had no choice but to soon boil.

“Honestly, sweetie, this shade went out of style three years ago,” the blonde was saying, chin couched between thumb and forefinger as she looked up at Rosa, a drink dangling from her other hand. “Maybe with different shoes, but let’s be real -- with your complexion, I’m surprised you ever even thought to try lime green. It’s embarrassing, really.” Vanessa herself was dressed in a camisole not dissimilar to Luiza’s, only in white, contrasted against tight, dark blue jeans and white heels, an ensemble that loudly broadcast its attempt at sophisticated elegance.

“Well,” Rosa grinned, draining her own drink and setting it down on a nearby table, then setting her fierce green eyes back onto Vanessa. The grin vanished completely, replaced by a dark, serious gaze that caused Vanessa’s stomach to gurgle unexpectedly. “I suppose fashion rushed past me while I served my country. Maybe...” she took a step forward, one arm moving out to take firm hold of Vanessa’s hip, and that dire stare took on a more predatory affect. “...You can teach me all about it, when you’re picking your clothes up off my floor, in the morning.”

“I--” Vanessa’s eyes widened, and she swallowed hard, attempting to backpedal a step but finding Rosa’s grip tighter than she anticipated, holding her firmly in place. “With you? Fuck that-- I’d sooner go to bed with your sister.”

“Oh? Afraid to get fucked by a real woman?” Rosa’s grin returned, her hand sliding from hip to side, while her other arm reached behind Vanessa’s tight frame to take a full-handed grasp of the girl’s ass, squeezing firmly. Vanessa shuddered under the unexpected embrace, letting out an awkward squeak as she was dipped downward and felt Rosa’s lips press suddenly against her own, seizing her in a long, dominant kiss that stole her breath and left her trembling, a sensation of vulnerability she was far from used to. Gasps from the rest of the partygoers rose in volume, mingling with other conversations and hushed whispers, and Vanessa felt her heart skip a beat as she was so swiftly and decisively handled by the older girl.

It was a long moment before she finally disentangled, her expression flustered and frantic as she stumbled backwards into Mica’s arms. “You’re... you... y-you fucking wish, Domingo,” she huffed, caught in a difficult place -- there was too many eyes on the situation to show weakness, but it had been made abundantly clear that this was a place in which she truly had no influence. Grabbing Mica’s arm, she stormed off back towards the front of the house -- not willing to leave the party just yet, but definitely needing to be out of Rosa’s presence.

Vanessa’s other friend, though, having just been scalded by the Radi twins and sporting a bruised ego in dire need of ‘soothing,’ didn’t follow behind. As the conflict concluded, Octavia found herself slithering over towards Rosa, laying one hand gently on the big woman’s bicep, and letting out a seductive purr. “Just so you know,” she bit her lower lip, locking eyes with Rosa and letting her fingers drift down her forearm, “I’m not afraid to get fucked by a real woman.”

As time continued to pass, the party began to take on a different tone and attitude, the music growing slower and quieter as drunkenness began to set in, and energetic antics faded into lustful teenage prowling. Piper and the Radis had already dipped out, though whether they’d remained together for the night was, as of yet, a mystery. Some of the girls who’d arrived already had significant others to flirt with and paw at, such as Kora and Luiza, or Melody and Iris, but other, ‘just for tonight’ pairings seemed to be taking shape as well.

One of those pairings, and the first to head upstairs as party transformed into afterparty, was the unexpected duo of Rosa and Octavia, one that drew significant giggling from Kora. “Well, having seen that video with Oct and the Radis, I guess we know which one of them will be on the receiving end, tonight,” she chuckled as the two stumbled up to Rosa’s room, shutting and locking the door behind them without so much as a ‘seeya later,’ not that one was needed.

“Oh, no doubt about that. I’ve walked in on Rosa doing the deed, and... yeah, she isn’t one to play the submissive role,” Luiza laughed back, her hand squeezing gently around Kora’s as the two shared the last glass of punch, watching the final partygoers drift away or head upstairs -- or, in the case of Iris and Melody, make out heavily on the couch in the basement, now that everyone had more or less given up on the video games it provided.

“I can’t fucking believe Octavia’s up there with her,” Vanessa snarled under her breath near the front of the house, with Mica faithfully close by to absorb her vitriol. “Like, holy shit, talk about a traitor. After what she did? Ugh.” Vanessa scoffed, flicking her luscious blonde hair over her shoulder. “Like, for real, fuck her. She can walk home. Let’s go.”

“Sure, just let me--”

Mica’s response was interrupted in an instant, as, like a wraith, Rosa’s old flame appeared next to the two of them, interposing one arm between Vanessa and the door by pinning it against the wall. Maxie, clearly more than a little drunk, her top disheveled from having already flashed her boobs multiple times tonight. “You sure you wanna go, or uh... you wanna get some payback?”

Vanessa stifled a flinch from the abrupt intrusion, narrowing her eyes at the curvy, unkempt beauty. “Payback?”

“Rosa and I used to be a thing,” Max smirked, fiddling with the hem of her shirt with her free hand, “she fucks your friend... you fuck her ex.”

“I--” Vanessa’s brows knit in incredulity, the sheer brazenness of the offer only eclipsed by how tempting it was. “You’ll... are you...?”

“Kidding? Often,” Maxie purred, “but not right now.” Glancing towards Mica, she continued. “Your little friend can even watch, if she wants. Might be hot.”

Vanessa blinked, stunned by the proposition, but... as much of an unhinged profligate as Maxie appeared to be, she was both indisputably hot, and undeniably telling the truth. “Alright,” she narrowed her eyes, resuming her usual haughty persona. “But I’m going to be the one on top.”

“I’ll let you pitch, if that’s whatcha mean,” Max licked her lips, “but I’ll be the one on top. And just so you know... I get noisy.”

As the pair -- with Mica cautiously trailing behind, uncertain if Vanessa would make good on Maxie’s promise that she could watch -- made their way upstairs, Kora and Luiza found themselves now more or less alone, heads heavy with drink and teenage hormones flaring to full life as they nuzzled one another on the couch, soft touches and kisses growing gradually more insisted until Luiza, finally, gave voice to the question both were uncertain whether or not to ask.

“My room’s still upstairs... if you want to go there with me?” she whispered, pressing her forehead to Kora’s. The other girl’s heart skipped a beat, then an instant of hesitation followed.

“Are you sure?” Kora cooed back, gently touching the side of her girlfriend’s neck. “Just because everyone else is doing their, uh... thing, doesn’t mean we need to, if you don’t want to.”

Luiza smiled, dotting Kora’s lips with a soft kiss. “I want to.”

Couples drifted apart, and doors locked behind them. Melody and Iris grew more bold when they became the only people downstairs, and heated kissing quickly transformed into a fumbling of buttons and zippers. Iris pinned the blonde to the couch, taking hold of her hips and lifting them, locking lips as she fit herself between spread legs. A moan of ecstasy echoed through the spacious basement as Melody felt the other girl’s shaft push into her, a sensation not unknown but always craved, her own smaller member stiffening and throbbing as she was mounted and filled, Iris’s tongue invading her mouth even as her hard cock invaded her backside. Dim light saw the pair in hungry, interlocked silhouette as they made love.

In Rosa’s room, the lights stayed on, and making love... well, didn’t happen. Fucking however, most assuredly did, with the pair barely having time to undress before things got heated. Octavia squirmed out of her top and shorts, shoes staying on, panties pulled roughly to the side to let her slim girldick bounce free, dwarfed by the thick cannon Rosa sported. Rosa freed her full chest and flipped Octavia onto the bed, getting the smaller girl on her hands and knees before mounting the teen, hissing with pleasure as she forced her massive cock into the tight, slick tunnel of Octavia’s ass, well-used enough to quickly adapt to the penetration, yet snug enough to provide all the friction Rosa could have possibly wanted. Their night together may not have been particularly romantic, but it was certainly long, rough, and satisfying.

As for Vanessa, Maxie’s promise did end up being paid in full -- the curvy punk chick eagerly throated the teen’s cock until it was rock-hard, then threw Vanessa onto the bed of the guest room, climbing into her lap like rider atop mount, lowering herself onto the younger girl’s stiff dick while idly playing with her own. She was wild, but generous, luscious tits bouncing as she slammed herself down onto Vanessa’s pelvis again and again, swallowing that stiff shaft with her back entrance, moaning and cursing up a storm. Vanessa herself was caught up in the whirlwind of the older girl’s frantic aggression, barely noticing that Mica had indeed found herself a place to sit, reaching under her skirt to stroke her own throbbing cock while she watched her queenpin be claimed.

Those raucous wails of ecstasy could be heard through the walls of Luiza’s room, where she and Kora locked lips once more. In a few moments, both shirts had been slipped off as the two crawled onto the bed, hands roaming cautiously, Kora’s fingers caressing along Luiza’s little pierced nipples, drawing a coo of excitement from her girlfriend. It was strange -- both had seen each other naked several times, in the shower, but this was different, like each new piece of clothing removed was a fresh experience. The ability to not only see, but to touch and to taste. They moved slowly, tender kisses or nuzzles to breast or stomach interspersed with long, soft make-out sessions... but despite their patience, their intimacy aroused desires that could no longer be neglected.

With shirts abandoned, pants followed, then panties, but unlike the other partygoers who’d given in to their needs, the young couple’s night together didn’t devolve into hungry rutting. Both girls remained intertwined with one another, kissing, touching, hands descending to one another’s hardened members, massaging and stroking, exploring each other. Kissing would occasionally break, Luiza tilting downward to wrap her lips around one of Kora’s beaded pink nipples, or Kora taking a moment to bite and nuzzle at Luiza’s throat. Their breathing grew hotter and heavier, Kora’s free hand winding around to gently grip and squeeze her girlfriend’s ass as she stroked the other girl’s slim girldick, Luiza returning the favor while lovingly pawing at Kora’s breast.

Breath caught, and eyes squeezed shut, and their eager kiss resumed as, after what felt like hours ‘investigating’ one another’s bodies on the bed, the two teens pressed their naked bodies against each other, Luiza’s hand binding both aching shafts against one another and speeding up her stroking, tongue invading Kora’s mouth as the two finally reached their first climax together, painting a sticky coating of whiteness across one another’s bellies, moaning softly into one another’s mouths.

It was nearly dawn before the two finally fell asleep in each other’s arms, wound around one another as dark sky turned to gray.


[fu/fu] [anal] [hand stuff] [frot] [kissing/groping]


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