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Author's Note: As promised, some Star Wars! Another commission, this one set in the Rebels timeframe!

[story] [futa/futa] [all characters are 18+] [more below]


‭‭‭With the Empire breathing down their necks,‭ ‬it had been a period of silence and planning for the crew of the Ghost.‭ ‬Even a minor mission might tip that bastard Thrawn off to their whereabouts,‭ ‬and if he got a read on the Ghost,‭ ‬there was a chance of him tracking down the rebel base.‭ ‬So...‭ ‬silence,‭ ‬and planning.

Silence,‭ ‬unfortunately,‭ ‬meant a lot of time onboard the ship,‭ ‬with only the six members of the crew.‭ ‬Six unusual personalities just needing to‭ ‬coexist,‭ ‬without a mission,‭ ‬without a plan,‭ ‬and with only so many ways to while away the weeks‭ ‬--‭ ‬playing dejarik day in and day out only got one so far,‭ ‬especially considering the fact that Kanan couldn’t see the board,‭ ‬and Chopper always cheated.‭ ‬As such,‭ ‬exhaustion grew to boredom,‭ ‬then boredom grew to restlessness...‭ ‬and finally,‭ ‬true to the name of their cause,‭ ‬restlessness grew to rebellion.

‭“‬I’m gonna kill her,‭” ‬Hera hissed,‭ ‬the emerald-skinned twi’lek stomping her way to the Ghost’s cockpit.‭ “‬Mandalorian or not,‭ ‬I’m gonna kill her.‭”

“I can only assume you mean Sabine‭?” ‬Kanan said calmly from the copilot’s seat,‭ ‬the jedi knight’s useless eyes closed in what may a moment ago have been meditation.‭ “‬What did she do now‭?”

“Did you‭ ‬see what she did in the mess‭?” ‬Hera’s voice rose in exasperation as she flopped down into the pilot’s chair.

‭“‬Nope,‭” ‬Kanan responded,‭ ‬the tiniest touch of a smile touching the corner of his lips.

‭“‬...Right.‭” ‬Hera’s annoyed shout became a sigh.‭ “‬Sorry,‭ ‬Kanan.‭”

“It’s alright,‭” ‬the blind jedi’s serene smile widened.‭ “‬Tell me what happened.‭”

“She’s been‭ ‬tagging.‭ ‬Not just in her room,‭ ‬but everywhere.‭ ‬Those art projects are creeping up all over the ship.‭ ‬Now the mess hall has a detailed mural of tiny little dicks,‭ ‬and something tells me I’m the one who’s going to have to scrub it off.‭”

“You could always ask--‭” ‬Kanan paused.‭ ‬Zeb was a master at dodging chores,‭ ‬Ezra had done nothing but mutter about Maul the past few weeks,‭ ‬and obstinance was perhaps Chopper’s dominant personality trait.‭ ‬Sabine wouldn’t clean up her own work without a hell of a fight,‭ ‬and Kanan...‭ ‬well,‭ ‬couldn’t see.‭ ‬It went without saying that Hera would have connected all those dots,‭ ‬too.‭ “‬Yeah,‭ ‬you’ve got a point.‭”

Hera slumped in her seat.‭ “‬I can’t really blame her for acting out.‭ ‬We’ve spent too long on this ship.‭ ‬The stress,‭ ‬the confinement,‭ ‬Thrawn around every corner...‭” ‬she paused,‭ ‬sighed.‭ “‬But I’ve got to do something.‭”

“You could try talking to her,‭” ‬Kanan placidly suggested.

‭“‬Have you ever tried having a conversation a mandalorian didn’t want to have‭?”

“A few.‭”

“How did they end‭?”

“They shot a rocket at me.‭”

“Exactly,‭” ‬Hera let out a half-chuckle.‭ “‬But you’re right,‭ ‬obviously you’re right.‭ ‬Yeah.‭ ‬I’ll go talk to her.‭”  ‬The pilot hesitated,‭ ‬furrowing her brow a moment.‭ “‬And why dicks‭? ‬She’s been drawing little penises everywhere.‭ ‬I’ve heard of acting out,‭ ‬but this is pretty specific.‭”

“Let’s hope it’s a coincidence.‭ ‬The only thing I can imagine more volatile than a mandalorian is a sexually-frustrated teenage mandalorian.‭”

“You can say that again.‭”


Sabine’s eyes snapped open at the sound of knocking on the door to her quarters,‭ ‬and what had been a short nap was officially interrupted.‭ ‬Grumbling,‭ ‬the girl sat up,‭ ‬hesitated,‭ ‬then shouted out‭ “‬What do you want‭?”

“It’s Hera,‭” ‬the voice called back,‭ ‬calm yet firm.‭ “‬We need to talk.‭”

“What is it‭? ‬Thrawn‭? ‬Is Maul back‭?”

“I want to talk about you.‭”

Sabine sighed,‭ ‬then finally sat up fully,‭ ‬shifting her beskar breastplate off the edge of her bed as the very most rudimentary attempt at‭ ‘‬cleaning up,‭’ ‬then jabbed her finger at the panel of buttons that caused her door to hiss open.‭ ‬In the threshold,‭ ‬expectedly,‭ ‬was Hera,‭ ‬the twi’lek’s arms folded across her chest,‭ ‬expression showing that she was just barely holding back open annoyance.‭ “‬What’s up‭?”

“I notice your artwork’s been ranging out across more of the ship,‭” ‬Hera said,‭ ‬making her way into the girl’s room without asking for permission to do so.‭ 

“Here we fucking go.‭"

“It’s something I think we’ve all been pretty tolerant of,‭ ‬Sabine.‭ ‬I respect that you do what you have to do to express yourself,‭ ‬but there has to be a limit to how much of the ship can be covered in paint.‭” ‬The twi’lek paused,‭ ‬pursing her lips as she looked around the walls of Sabine’s bunkroom,‭ ‬noticing that the subject of her ever-changing canvas here now reflected what she’d seen in the mess hall‭ ‬--‭ ‬dicks,‭ ‬everywhere.‭ ‬Some attached to people,‭ ‬some free-floating,‭ ‬some integrated more tastefully into part of a grander design.‭ ‬As usual,‭ ‬the work was good,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬not exactly what she’d call appropriate.‭ “‬And if you did have to start vandalizing the entirety of the ship’s interior,‭ ‬I’d prefer you do it when you aren’t in quite such a...‭ ‬subversive period.‭”

“Oh,‭ ‬so now not only am I stuck in this tiny little room,‭ ‬you also don’t like my work‭?” ‬Sabine scoffed.

‭“‬The work’s fine,‭ ‬and you’re free to do as much of it as you want in your room,‭ ‬on your gear,‭ ‬on your time,‭” ‬Hera frowned.‭ “‬I do have to ask,‭ ‬though‭ ‬--‭ ‬why are all the penises so small‭?”

The teen blinked.‭ “‬Small‭?”

Hera arched a brow.‭ ‬Surely Sabine was pulling her leg.‭ ‬The twi’lek gestured awkwardly to the array of dicks on the wall with one hand.‭ “‬Uh,‭ ‬yeah.‭ ‬Small.‭ ‬Tiny,‭ ‬even,‭ ‬if we’re being honest.‭ ‬Does this have some kind of...‭ ‬I don’t know,‭ ‬significance‭?”

“They’re just normal-sized dicks.‭ ‬I don’t know what gamorreans you’ve been blowing,‭ ‬but that’s what dicks look like.‭”

Hera opened her mouth to respond,‭ ‬then hesitated.‭ ‬This was...‭ ‬quite far from any answer she’d expected.‭ ‬She’d thought the small size was meant to be somehow subversive,‭ ‬not just Sabine’s actual knowledge of what a penis looked like.‭ ‬Come to think of it,‭ ‬Sabine’s pants were‭ ‬really tight,‭ ‬and Hera had never noticed any glimpse of a bulge or outline....

The twi’lek’s vibrant green eyes flicked downward,‭ ‬towards the front of the mandalorian’s dark undersuit,‭ ‬and for the first time,‭ ‬actually examined her in‭ ‘‬that way.‭’ ‬The dark fabric made it difficult to see any major details,‭ ‬but after a moment she began to slowly make out the shape of a tiny,‭ ‬bell-shaped nub.‭ ‬There was no way that was...‭ ‬all,‭ ‬right‭? ‬Was Sabine just incredible at tucking,‭ ‬or...‭?

“Hey,‭ ‬what are you staring at‭?!” ‬Sabine squawked,‭ ‬covering herself with one hand.

‭“‬There’s no way,‭ ‬right‭?” ‬Hera murmured under her breath,‭ ‬her gaze brought back up to Sabine’s face.‭ “‬Is that how small‭ ‬you are‭? ‬Does it get bigger‭? ‬Is it a mandalorian thing‭?”

The genuineness of Hera’s stunned expression caught Sabine off guard,‭ ‬the soft golden tan of her cheeks reddening with a sudden blush.‭ ‬Hera seemed so shocked,‭ ‬so certain...‭ ‬had Sabine been wrong all along about what size it was meant to be‭? ‬Her mom had always seemed awkward about the line of questioning,‭ ‬when she’d been growing up.‭ ‬Maybe there was a reason....

‭“‬Is...‭ ‬I,‭ ‬um...‭ ‬how big is yours‭?” ‬Sabine relented at last,‭ ‬swallowing hard.

Hera let out a quiet sigh.‭ ‬Something told her this would only be easy if she decided to‭ ‬make it easy.‭ ‬Turning slightly,‭ ‬she pressed the button to make the door to Sabine’s quarters hiss back shut,‭ ‬and unfastened her belt.‭ ‬There was a reason the pants of the twi’lek’s uniform were so baggy,‭ ‬and if Sabine was ever going to learn what to expect in the world,‭ ‬she was going to have to learn what exactly that reason was.

She went on to unfasten the front of her gray top,‭ ‬though didn’t remove it entirely,‭ ‬showing off only the inner slopes of her firm green breasts as she hooked her thumbs into her trousers and began to pull downwards.‭ ‬Sabine half-gasped when she realized what was about to happen,‭ ‬holding one hand out and stammering out what almost became a protest...‭ ‬before those baggy orange pants came all the way down,‭ ‬revealing what had been swimming in the open space they provided.‭ ‬Hera’s twi’lek cock was nothing short of impressive,‭ ‬both in size and shape,‭ ‬reaching over nine,‭ ‬or even close to ten inches.‭ ‬Emerald foreskin kept its thick tip protected,‭ ‬and two thin tendrils dangled flanked its base,‭ ‬dangling from where a patch of hair might be on someone else‭ ‬--‭ ‬a sort of pubic lekku that decorated Hera’s dick like a fleshy green mustache.

Sabine’s dark eyes widened,‭ ‬and remained that way as her world crumbled around her.‭ ‬Hera wasn’t even‭ ‬hard.‭ ‬How...‭ ‬how could it be that big...‭? “‬I...‭ ‬I had no idea twi’leks had such huge dicks.‭”

“Actually,‭ ‬twi’leks tend to be slightly smaller than average.‭ ‬I have a huge dick.‭ ‬And I would even call it‭ ‬that big.‭” ‬Hera kicked her way out of her pants,‭ ‬now only in her boots,‭ ‬open shirt,‭ ‬and the lekku-band that matched the latter.‭ “‬Alright,‭ ‬I showed you mine.‭ ‬Let’s see what you’re working with.‭”

“I...‭ ‬I never agreed to that‭!” ‬Sabine’s blush intensified.

‭“‬You’re happy scribbling them all over the ship,‭ ‬but don’t want to show me your own‭? ‬Some subversive art,‭” ‬Hera taunted.

‭“‬It’s not--‭” ‬Sabine huffed,‭ ‬then sighed,‭ ‬biting her bottom lip.‭ ‬Hesitantly,‭ ‬she brought her hands to the clasp of her own belt,‭ ‬looking away from Hera as she unfastened it,‭ ‬starting to slowly shimmy out of the skintight bottoms of her undersuit.‭ ‬There was a moment of hesitation as the clingy fabric passed over her slim hips,‭ ‬but she inhaled and continued,‭ ‬finally exposing her petite little girldick.‭ ‬Circumsized in traditional mandalorian fashion,‭ ‬it was small even for a teenage girl‭ ‬--‭ ‬likely not even cresting four inches.‭ “‬It’s...‭ ‬it’s a good size....‭”

“That’s what my mother told me,‭ ‬back on Ryloth,‭” ‬Hera touched a fingertip to her lips as she examined the slim shaft,‭ ‬her scrutiny causing it to start struggling to harden.‭ “‬The difference is,‭ ‬she was right,‭ ‬and yours lied to you.‭”

“Hey,‭ ‬she...‭ ‬erm...‭” ‬Sabine looked from her own slender member,‭ ‬back to Hera’s,‭ ‬and swallowed hard,‭ ‬defeated.‭ “‬Is it...‭ ‬is it a problem‭? ‬Does it need to be bigger‭?”

“Oh--‭ ‬oh,‭ ‬no‭!” ‬Hera looked surprised for a moment,‭ ‬then chuckled.‭ “‬Alright,‭ ‬look--‭ ‬ah,‭ ‬sit down.‭ ‬You may as well take your top off,‭ ‬too.‭ ‬It seems like we might...‭ ‬be here for a bit.‭” ‬Following her own instructions,‭ ‬Hera slipped her own shirt back off of her shoulders,‭ ‬fully revealing her beautiful breasts.‭ ‬For being the oldest of the Phoenix crew next to Kanan,‭ ‬her body showed off that maturity in select ways‭ ‬--‭ ‬her breasts remained high and were modestly sized,‭ ‬her stomach as flat as ever,‭ ‬but it was the heart shape of those emerald hips that betrayed Hera as not a girl,‭ ‬but a woman.‭ ‬Now clad in just her boots and headdress,‭ ‬she took a careful seat at the edge of Sabine’s bed,‭ ‬her cock slowly rising in size and stiffness as she drank in every slim curve of the teen mandalorian’s figure.

Sabine’s hesitation was only brief,‭ ‬spurred on by watching Hera herself strip in good faith.‭ ‬After a moment,‭ ‬her top followed,‭ ‬leaving her in only knee-high black socks.‭ ‬Both nipples on her small breasts,‭ ‬to Hera’s very mild surprise,‭ ‬were pierced,‭ ‬with tiny marble-like insets matching the purple-tinged white of her ever-changing dyed hair.‭ ‬Sitting down on the bed’s head-end,‭ ‬she half-faced Hera,‭ ‬one leg demurely folded beneath her while the other dangled off the bed’s edge,‭ ‬her cutely small dick in full view.‭ “‬Why...‭ ‬do I need to be naked,‭ ‬Hera‭?”

“Look,‭ ‬I don’t want you to think what you have isn’t sexy,‭” ‬Hera shifted forward a little,‭ ‬placing one motherly hand on Sabine’s waist while her other hand drifted up along the girl’s inner thigh.‭ “‬It’s not a problem,‭ ‬it’s just...‭ ‬different,‭ ‬that’s all.‭ ‬Will it have an effect on your relationships‭?” ‬She glanced back down at Sabine’s member.‭ ‬Damn it was small.‭ “‬Probably,‭ ‬yes.‭ ‬But that’s not always a bad thing.‭”

Sabine gasped,‭ ‬planting her hands beneath her to steady herself as Hera’s hand drifted up her thigh,‭ ‬to her slim shaft,‭ ‬taking it between her fingers and beginning to gently massage it in a slow,‭ ‬up and down motion.‭ ‬More nurturing than lewd,‭ ‬though at this point even Kanan would be able to see that Hera’s own alien cock was starting to rise to full life.‭ “‬I...‭ ‬what will it change‭? ‬I haven’t been with anyone before,‭” ‬Sabine said uncertainly,‭ ‬her breathing growing heavier as she watched Hera fondle her.

‭“‬Let’s just say,‭ ‬this may not see a lot of use,‭ ‬but you’ll definitely still find people interested in you,‭” ‬Hera allowed herself a small,‭ ‬wise smile,‭ ‬her groping changing more to a stroking gesture.‭ ‬She turned,‭ ‬straddling the bed and pulling a little closer.‭ “‬You may just need to get used to being on the bottom,‭ ‬most of the time.‭”

“B-bottom...‭?” ‬Sabine half-snarled,‭ “‬you don’t mean...‭? ‬No,‭ ‬that would be...‭ ‬that wouldn’t be honorable for a mandalorian warrior.‭”

“Oh‭? ‬So every mandalorian’s always on top‭? ‬I find that unlikely,‭” ‬Hera hid a chuckle.‭ “‬Some people are better at different things.‭ ‬Fucking is clearly not going to be your strong suit.‭”

“It could be‭! ‬I can make up for any disadvantage with technique,‭ ‬and...‭ ‬strategy‭! ‬Perseverance is the mandalorian way‭!”

Hera’s initial reflex was to hit the girl with a condescending‭ ‘‬oh,‭ ‬honey,‭’ ‬but she caught herself an instant before the words left her lips.‭ ‬Clearly Sabine was experiencing more than a little bit of sexual frustration,‭ ‬and teasing her wouldn’t make that any better.‭ ‬Maybe the smart thing to do would be to give the girl a crash course in what she might expect out in the world‭ ‬--‭ ‬or,‭ ‬if the Empire won and there wasn’t a world to return to,‭ ‬make sure Sabine got to have some fun before everything came crumbling down.

‭“‬I’ll tell you what,‭” ‬Hera hesitated only a moment more,‭ ‬then continued,‭ “‬I don’t imagine you getting many opportunities to really fuck someone...‭” ‬she turned to the side,‭ ‬facing away from Sabine,‭ ‬and then gracefully settled onto her knees with her head downwards,‭ ‬her lekku tumbling down around either side,‭ ‬elegant handlebars free for the taking.‭ ‬Facing upward towards Sabine was the alien pilot’s perfect backside,‭ ‬her hard-on trapped between her soft thighs,‭ ‬smooth sack tightened at its crest,‭ ‬and above that,‭ ‬the pristine chartreuse pucker of her narrow backdoor.‭ “‬So you’re gonna fuck me,‭ ‬alright‭?”

“I...‭ ‬I can’t,‭ ‬that’s--‭” ‬Sabine spluttered,‭ ‬her heart racing,‭ ‬her tiny dick stiffer than ever as she looked down at Hera’s presented backside,‭ ‬that tight little backdoor ready and waiting for her to slip inside.‭ ‬If what Hera said was true,‭ ‬this might be the last chance‭ ‬--‭ ‬the only chance‭ ‬--‭ ‬she got to do something like this,‭ ‬and...‭ ‬fuck,‭ ‬it wasn’t like Hera wasn’t‭ ‬beautiful.‭ ‬She’d kept fantasies about the twi’lek to herself,‭ ‬but despite Hera’s cock being about three times the size as it was in those fantasies,‭ ‬this still wasn’t something she could resist.‭ “‬...Are you sure‭?”

“Just spit in it a few times first,‭ ‬alright‭? ‬I’d say to start with a finger,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬I doubt that’ll really be necessary.‭”

A brief rush of panic left Sabine paralyzed for a moment,‭ ‬but the moment faded‭ ‬--‭ ‬this was far more exciting than it was scary,‭ ‬and for every bit that her mind wondered if this was a bad idea,‭ ‬her teenage libido had a far more potent counter-opinion.‭ ‬Pulling up onto her knees,‭ ‬she at at first found her mouth too dry to spit,‭ ‬but gathered enough saliva in the well of her tongue to drool it over Hera’s asshole,‭ ‬causing it to flex and tighten,‭ ‬and the woman beneath to shudder with anticipated pleasure.‭ ‬Staying on one knee,‭ ‬Sabine pulled herself to a kneeling position,‭ ‬gaining just enough height to bring her pelvis to Hera’s upturned ass,‭ ‬aligning her slim member with that little hole and pressing gently against it.‭ “‬Nnn...‭ ‬s-should...‭ ‬should it just go in‭?”

“You’ve gotta push a little,‭ ‬sweetie,‭” ‬Hera stifled another chuckle.‭ “‬Grab onto one of my lekku,‭ ‬that’ll help you balance.‭”

“For real‭?”

“As long as I never hear you say the word‭ ‘‬handlebars,‭’ ‬yes.‭”


Reaching out,‭ ‬Sabine grabbed onto one of Hera’s head-tails,‭ ‬finding it smooth,‭ ‬pliable,‭ ‬but surprisingly firm,‭ ‬more like a limb than just a fleshy tentacle.‭ ‬Tightening her grip,‭ ‬she brought her slender hips back into place and pushed forward more insistently,‭ ‬until the tip of her slim member pushed past the slick opening and inside of Hera’s ass‭ ‬--‭ ‬perhaps not deeply,‭ ‬but inside nonetheless.

‭“‬Mmnn,‭ ‬that’s nice,‭” ‬Hera cooed casually,‭ ‬folding her arms in front of her to rest her head on them,‭ ‬pushing slightly back.‭ ‬In all honestly,‭ ‬it felt more or less like taking two fingers into her ass,‭ ‬no more than she did to herself nightly,‭ ‬but that was still enjoyable enough.‭ ‬As Sabine thrust clumsily into her,‭ ‬doing her best to correct her positioning and find anything resembling a rhythm,‭ ‬Hera found it almost more...‭ ‬relaxing,‭ ‬than intense.‭ ‬Like masturbation without doing any of the work.‭ “‬How are you doing back there,‭ ‬Sabine‭?”

For the mandalorian,‭ ‬the experience was very different.‭ ‬Even with the small amount of surface area her member boasted,‭ ‬sliding into the slick opening of Hera’s snug backdoor was like an explosion of pleasure,‭ ‬a body-numbing storm of sensations she’d never experienced before.‭ ‬She’d jerked off,‭ ‬sure,‭ ‬but that had virtually no similarity to burying herself into a warm,‭ ‬slick twi’lek ass.‭ “‬I’m...‭ ‬w-wow...‭” ‬she stammered,‭ ‬one hand keeping tight hold of Hera’s lekku from behind,‭ ‬while the other rested on one of the captain’s hip.‭ ‬She thrust in again,‭ ‬harder,‭ ‬her cheeks flushed as she bottomed out completely in the rebel leader’s backside,‭ ‬tingling spreading throughout her body as she did her best to perform the way a true mandalorian should.‭ “‬You’re so tight....‭”

“Not as tight as I imagine you are...‭” ‬Hera murmured.


“Nothing,‭” ‬Hera grinned and leaned back into her crossed arms,‭ ‬tilting her head sidelong so she could easily breathe and keeping her ass popped backwards.‭ ‬Each frantic thrust of Sabine’s hips into her butt caused her free-floating lekku to wobble,‭ ‬along with the still-stiff cock and balls trapped between her thighs,‭ ‬just below where Sabine was eagerly thrusting away.‭ ‬A thin strand of precum was finally beginning to leak from her tip,‭ ‬creating a transparent sheen along the inside of one thigh as Sabine’s rapid thrusting grew on from seconds to minutes.‭ ‬Small or not,‭ ‬she had endurance that Hera definitely hadn’t been expecting from the girl’s first time...‭ ‬though all of this was beginning to feel more and more like foreplay,‭ ‬an appetizer to a main course.‭ ‬It hadn’t initially occurred to the twi’lek to demand the tables be turned,‭ ‬but the longer Sabine fucked her,‭ ‬the more Hera found herself waiting for the girl to cum so she could flip her over and find out what that perky little mandalorian ass was capable of.

‭“‬Hnnnahhh...‭” ‬Sabine panted,‭ ‬her slim,‭ ‬naked figure picking up a sheen of sweat as she gave her all into thrusting her little dick into Hera’s rear,‭ ‬teen tits jiggling from the impact of her body into the woman’s backside.‭ “‬Fffuuckk fuck‭ ‬fuck...‭ ‬I’m gonna...‭” ‬the girl grit her teeth,‭ ‬fingers tightening into the supple jade flesh of Hera’s hip and giving one final rough ram forward,‭ ‬then sucking in a gasp of air as her pleasure hit its zenith.‭ ‬Tiny balls tightened up against her body as she let out a splurt of spunk,‭ ‬then a second,‭ ‬followed by a thinner glug of creamy white cum not sporting the same power behind it.‭ ‬Each pump of seed shot directly‭ (‬if shallowly‭) ‬into Hera’s ass,‭ ‬giving the twi’lek a nice little key lime creampie.

‭“‬Ooh,‭ ‬there we go,‭” ‬Hera let out a soft moan,‭ ‬pulling up onto one forearm so she could reach back,‭ ‬spreading one asscheek to show off Sabine’s handiwork as the girl finally withdrew from her cum-stuffed hole.‭ “‬How was that,‭ ‬Sabine‭?”

“It...‭ ‬I mean,‭ ‬it was amazing,‭” ‬the girl panted,‭ ‬sitting back and planting her hands beneath her,‭ ‬catching her breath.‭ ‬Her slick member laid,‭ ‬softening,‭ ‬against her flat belly,‭ ‬her chest heaving.‭ ‬Her thoughts,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬were in disorder‭ ‬--‭ ‬Hera didn’t seem confident in her size,‭ ‬and certainly hadn’t been overly rattled by her performance.‭ ‬Though...‭ ‬Hera‭ ‬was still hard,‭ ‬still drooling out that strand of precum from her throbbing girldick,‭ ‬so she must have been having a good time,‭ ‬right‭? “‬How...‭ ‬how was it for you‭?”

“Oh,‭ ‬I had fun,‭” ‬Hera cooed,‭ ‬dipping one finger into her backside to coat it in Sabine’s cum,‭ ‬then sitting up completely and sliding it into her mouth,‭ ‬tasting it.‭ “‬Mm,‭ ‬not bad‭ ‬--‭ ‬but yes,‭ ‬good job for your first try.‭ ‬A little longer and I might have even gotten off.‭”

“Really‭?” ‬Sabine asked breathily.‭ ‬She still had so much more to learn about...‭ ‬well,‭ ‬all of this.‭ ‬Her query was followed by a squeak of surprised when Hera pounced,‭ ‬pushing her lightly back against the bed and pressing her thick,‭ ‬throbbing girlcock against Sabine’s spent,‭ ‬sticky noodle,‭ ‬grinding it firmly up and down against the inert nub.‭ “‬I...‭ ‬Hera,‭ ‬um--‭”

“But,‭ ‬I figure,‭ ‬since today is a day of learning,‭ ‬maybe it’s time I show you exactly how it feels on the other side of things,‭” ‬she purred,‭ ‬thrusting upward again,‭ ‬sliding her cock back and forth against Sabine’s in slow,‭ ‬insistent grinding motions.‭ “‬After all,‭ ‬as I said,‭ ‬that’s likely where you’ll be spending most of your time,‭ ‬no‭?”

“I...‭ ‬I don’t,‭ ‬um...‭” ‬Sabine swallowed hard,‭ ‬uncertainty creeping through her,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬not only had Hera seemed to enjoy herself,‭ ‬it did seem fair,‭ ‬didn’t it‭? ‬There was no honor in backing out now,‭ ‬and a true mandalorian wouldn’t back out when the situation seemed intimidating.‭ ‬That,‭ ‬and...‭ ‬the way Hera was insistently grinding her cock against Sabine’s own was not only reinvigorating the feistiness that had gotten her where she was now,‭ ‬it was coating the twi’lek’s thick jade rod in the fruits of Sabine’s labor,‭ ‬getting it slick and glistening for its destination.‭ ‬There was no turning back now.‭ ‬Gulping again,‭ ‬she nodded,‭ ‬laying back against her pillow and slowly spreading her slender legs,‭ ‬her heart racing.‭ “‬Alright,‭ ‬just...‭ ‬be gentle,‭ ‬alright‭?”

“Mm,‭ ‬like you were gentle with me‭?”

“You’re a‭ ‬lot bigger,‭” ‬Sabine stammered.

‭“‬Fair.‭ ‬Gentle it is.‭” ‬Hera pulled in closer,‭ ‬positioning herself between Sabine’s spread thighs,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬unexpectedly,‭ ‬leaning in first for a long,‭ ‬warm kiss,‭ ‬eyes drifting shut as her lips seized the teen’s,‭ ‬locking her in a deep embrace.‭ ‬Sabine let out a soft,‭ ‬muffled whimper at first,‭ ‬but the sound faded to a moan as the kiss lingered,‭ ‬Hera’s hand sliding tenderly down her side,‭ ‬to her hip,‭ ‬taking hold of her.

It was a moment later that the mandalorian truly felt her heart leap,‭ ‬as Hera gently lifted her hips up,‭ ‬bringing the narrow entrance of her backside level with the throbbing green shaft that seemed so intent on piercing it.‭ ‬Sabine swallowed hard,‭ ‬throwing both hands around Hera’s back and clinging to her,‭ ‬returning the continued kiss‭ ‬--‭ ‬as she felt that thick,‭ ‬rounded tip press up against her.‭ “‬H-AAhh...‭!‬” she gasped,‭ ‬her arms tightening around the twi’lek,‭ ‬as the end of that massive shaft finally began to push inside of her.‭ ‬She recoiled a moment,‭ ‬letting out a staggered groan as she felt her body naturally resist the thing’s entry,‭ ‬but between the slickness and Hera’s insistence,‭ ‬it was only a moment more before the thing was finally,‭ ‬truly,‭ ‬inside of her.‭ “‬Oh-h...‭ ‬oh‭ ‬fuck...‭ ‬fffnnhhhnnnghh....‭”

“Relax,‭ ‬Sabine,‭” ‬Hera purred,‭ ‬dotting another kiss on the corner of the girl’s mouth,‭ ‬then nuzzling into her.‭ ‬She drew back slightly,‭ ‬then pushed back in,‭ ‬her hands beginning to wander,‭ ‘‬distracting‭’ ‬the girl beneath her with gropes and teases,‭ ‬fingers moving to one hardened nipple and massaging it around the cool metal within.‭ ‬The other hand slid up Sabine’s side,‭ ‬nails raking slowly over her ribs to slide beneath her back,‭ ‬holding the girl close as she thrust in again,‭ ‬then again.‭ ‬Sparks of pleasure rushed through her as she slowly sawed her hard cock in and out,‭ ‬in and out,‭ ‬relishing each and every inch of Sabine’s inner walls as her sensitive shaft slid back and forth across them.‭ “‬Nnhaahh....‭”

“Fuck,‭ ‬fuck...‭” ‬Sabine panted,‭ ‬digging her fingertips into Hera’s back and beginning to rock her hips forward,‭ ‬feet planted on either side of the twi’lek but her knees wobbling with excitement each time that cock drilled its way back into her ass,‭ ‬forcing her to stretch around it,‭ ‬to conform to it,‭ ‬her body being rewarded with each concession by a fresh wave of pleasure.

‭“‬Mn,‭ ‬sit up,‭” ‬Hera said firmly,‭ ‬already taking action upon her own request‭ ‬--‭ ‬shifting back from a kneeling position to a sitting one,‭ ‬she pulled Sabine upward and into her lap,‭ ‬then laid back against the bed with the young mandalorian mounted on her shaft,‭ ‬one hand planted against the wall to keep herself steady.‭ ‬The shift in position awarded no reprieve in the pace of Hera’s thrusts,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬merely adjusting them from a forward motion to an upward one.‭ “‬Mmmnh,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬fuckkk...‭” ‬she growled lustfully,‭ ‬slamming her hips upward to drive her cock back up into that tight hole,‭ ‬now able to watch every twitch and jiggle of the naked teen’s body,‭ ‬from the bouncing of her little pierced tits,‭ ‬to the lazy spiral of that tiny cock,‭ ‬unattended and swaying round and round with each rough thrust up into the girl’s tight asshole.

‭“‬Fhhaaahhh...‭ ‬it’s so big...‭” ‬Sabine moaned out,‭ ‬steadying herself and at last beginning to return the motion of Hera’s thrusts,‭ ‬setting her feet back at the twi’lek’s hips and using them to kick off,‭ ‬then slam back down,‭ ‬massively increasing the friction with which Hera’s slick pillar of shimmering green girlmeat was able to ram its way up her tight ass.‭ ‬The pleasure in her was building more and more,‭ ‬her petite member not quite able to reach full stiffness again,‭ ‬but a swell of warm tension building in her lower belly as Hera made a woman of her,‭ ‬pounding her little teen butt harder and harder,‭ ‬faster and faster.‭ ‬She could feel the rise of a very different kind of orgasm inside of her,‭ ‬threatening to explode out...‭ ‬if,‭ ‬indeed,‭ ‬that wasn’t just the sensation of Hera’s cock pulsating inside of her,‭ ‬soon to flood her insides with a torrent of alien spunk she wasn’t sure she’d even be able to contain.

Whether or not she was prepared,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬it was coming.‭ ‬Just as she’d shot her nut into Hera’s backside,‭ ‬the twi’lek would have her vengeance‭ ‬--‭ ‬a long,‭ ‬hoarse moan hit its crescendo in a scream as Hera gave one final upward thrust,‭ ‬burying her thick cock to the root in Sabine’s ass and unloading shot after shot of hot spunk inside of her.‭ ‬Sabine’s blissful gasp was accompanied by a weak stream of precum from her own slim,‭ ‬spent penis as she felt warm creaminess bloom inside of her,‭ ‬radiating heat through her slender frame as Hera’s climax released a burst of cum worthy of the size of her throbbing green girldick.

‭“‬Eeuuhhh...‭ ‬h-haah,‭ ‬it’s leaking out,‭” ‬Sabine groaned hotly,‭ ‬holding her arms out and glancing down,‭ ‬watching the captain’s cum drip out of her overstuffed hole and trickling around the pulsing rod that had pumped it into her.‭ “‬I can’t believe you...‭ ‬came so much....‭”

“It’s been a little while,‭” ‬Hera offered a small smirk,‭ ‬bringing her hand from one of Sabine’s hips to stuff a finger into her alongside her own cock,‭ ‬coaxing a little more of her alien seed to trickle forth before holding her goo-coated finger to the mandalorian’s lips.‭ ‬Hesitant for only an instant,‭ ‬Sabine opened her mouth,‭ ‬gently licking the woman’s finger clean,‭ ‬remaining anally mounted on the shaft within her.‭ “‬So,‭ ‬how was that‭?”

“I,‭ ‬um...‭” ‬Sabine paused.‭ ‬Her head was still swimming after all that had happened,‭ ‬so sudden yet so...‭ ‬satisfying,‭ ‬leaving her with a number of conflicting thoughts she had nowhere near the time to resolve.‭ “‬That...‭ ‬I...‭ ‬yeah,‭” ‬she finally answered sheepishly.‭ “‬Maybe if you came back some time,‭ ‬we could try again,‭ ‬and I could make up my mind then‭?”

Grinning,‭ ‬Hera pulled up into a sitting position,‭ ‬hands cupping Sabine’s perky butt as she pressed her belly up into the teen’s small,‭ ‬limp girldick.‭ ‬She planted another long kiss on the mandalorian’s lips,‭ ‬then purred,‭ “‬If I do,‭ ‬will you keep you artistic expression to your own stuff‭?”


Well,‭ ‬that was a problem solved.‭ ‬Not exactly in the manner Hera had expected,‭ ‬but a good leader did what worked.‭ ‬This had worked,‭ ‬and she planned on making it work...‭ ‬again and again and again.


[frot] [anal] [handjob] [small dick/size difference]


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