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Author's Note: Yo tentacles! This was one of the a la carte commissions, where I'm given a pool of tags to choose from and come up with a story on my own, at a lower price! I think this one came out really well, and I even got the go-ahead to use an original setting, which is always a lot of fun for me.

Next thing is almost done, should be coming soon!

[M/Femboy] [more tags below]


‭The soft hum of gears and hiss of vapor was something that,‭ ‬in the Soaring Streets of Van Estra,‭ ‬had long since faded beyond notice.‭ ‬Noise was normal,‭ ‬it was omnipresent,‭ ‬and silence‭ ‬--‭ ‬true silence‭ ‬--‭ ‬would be what provided any true worry.‭ ‬Massive,‭ ‬spiralling windmills acted both as sails and power generators,‭ ‬keeping the endless barge aloft and balanced on its endless,‭ ‬directionless journey through smoke-filled skies.‭ ‬Below,‭ ‬there was only the dark,‭ ‬viscous mire of water and oil,‭ ‬some flames still perpetually flickering atop the planet’s liquid surface.‭ ‬A world long since destroyed,‭ ‬long since abandoned.‭ ‬Now it was only the Barges,‭ ‬ones like Van Estra,‭ ‬upon which sentient life continued.

Sentient life like Rahl and his‭ ‘‬girlfriend,‭’ ‬Lisse.‭ “‬There you go,‭ ‬just hold still another coooouuple seconds...‭” ‬Rahl growled,‭ ‬grinning widely as he applied the other’s eyeliner,‭ ‬both of them cooped up in their small,‭ ‬cozy cabin aboard the enormous flying city.‭ ‬In the corner of the room,‭ ‬a battered mini-phonograph played a slow,‭ ‬sleepy tune,‭ ‬a static-filled waltz with a kinetic beat a measure beyond its lulling melody.‭ ‬Wood floors and walls were reinforced with tarnished metal,‭ ‬brass upholstery for aged leather furniture providing an interior aesthetic that could be considered‭ ‘‬modestly uptown,‭’ ‬the best that could be provided on the combined incomes of a deckman and waiter,‭ ‬respectively.

Rahl was one of the Kes’agi,‭ ‬or the wildfolk‭ ‬--‭ ‬different from humans in scarce,‭ ‬but noteworthy ways,‭ ‬such as the slight points to his ears,‭ ‬vivid yellow eyes,‭ ‬or pronounced upper and lower canines.‭ ‬Beyond that,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬he was what one might expect from a man who worked on the deck‭; ‬tall and leanly muscled,‭ ‬with dusky olive skin,‭ ‬thick dark hair that barely reached past his shoulders,‭ ‬and a rugged black beard covering the strong jawline beneath.‭ ‬Tattoos of maps,‭ ‬patterns,‭ ‬and other images covered his shoulders,‭ ‬chest,‭ ‬and even neck,‭ ‬relics of a culture largely lost to the tightly-packed stewpot of Van Estra now partially hidden by a white poet’s shirt..‭ “‬There,‭” ‬he said,‭ ‬his smile widening as he finished his work,‭ ‬reaching to the east wall’s desk to grab the hand-mirror laid upon it,‭ ‬and showing the subject of his artwork what he’d accomplished.

Reflected in the mirror was Lisse,‭ ‬having just had his makeup done fully for the first time.‭ ‬Dark eyeliner enhanced the glimmering mahogany color of his eyes,‭ ‬complementing tousled,‭ ‬dark violet hair,‭ ‬shorter than Rahl’s but more feminine nonetheless with its soft,‭ ‬delicate waves.‭ ‬Lisse was one of the low elves,‭ ‬shorter and slimmer than their more well-off brethren,‭ ‬colder of palette,‭ ‬but most easily distinguished by the long,‭ ‬thin,‭ ‬hairless tails they sported.‭ ‬Pillowy lips had been painted a soft lavender,‭ ‬enhancing what was already a distinctly feminine appearance.‭ “‬Thou art more skillful in this than perhaps appropriate,‭” ‬he arched a thin brow,‭ ‬looking up at his lover.‭ “‬Wherefore hast thou procured these talents,‭ ‬and on what subjects‭?”

“Oh,‭ ‬I have my ways,‭” ‬Rahl grinned.‭ “‬What do you think of the look‭?”

“In honesty,‭ ‬I find myself quite uncertain,‭” ‬Lisse murmured,‭ ‬his voice as soft as his appearance and bearing a curious,‭ ‬melodic accent that contrasted his outdated dialect,‭ ‬a sign of what was considered poor learning among the low elves.‭ ‬Exhaling through his nostrils,‭ ‬he looked back into the mirror,‭ ‬biting his lip‭ ‬--‭ ‬looking back was what could easily be mistaken for a very pretty girl,‭ ‬proving Rahl’s earlier convictions that he’d‭ ‘‬wear it well,‭’ ‬but being dolled up in such a way left him...‭ ‬uneasy,‭ ‬in a way.‭ “‬I do not detest it,‭ ‬but find someone very other than myself gazing through mine eyes.‭”

“I see you,‭ ‬only you,‭” ‬Rahl set the mirror down,‭ ‬leaning in to press his lips firmly against the elf’s,‭ ‬pushing him back from the edge of the bed he’d been perched on,‭ ‬to laying back entirely.‭ ‬Lisse let out a muffled whimper of half-hearted protest before kissing back,‭ ‬his arms wrapping loosely around his lover’s far more imposing physique.‭ “‬And you look beautiful.‭”

The kiss continued a long moment before Lisse turned his head to the side,‭ ‬breaking the embrace intentionally,‭ ‬his soft features fraught with concern and more than a little embarrassment.‭ “‬Should I be assured thy true interests lay not with the fairer sex‭? ‬To go to such lengths,‭ ‬to dress me so,‭ ‬one may suspect your preferences have moved beyond me...‭ ‬furthermore,‭ '‬tis it not unbecoming to decorate me thus‭? ‬Unmasculine‭?”

“I hate to give you this news,‭ ‬my love,‭ ‬but masculine was never something you were in great danger of being,‭” ‬the wildman growled softly,‭ ‬his lusts clearly brightened at the sight of his flame‭ ‘‬decorated‭’ ‬as he was,‭ ‬only a billowing heather-gray nightshirt concealing the rest of such decoration.‭ “‬But this...‭ ‬here,‭ ‬now,‭ ‬I have to have you.‭”

“Mrmn--‭ ‬Rahl,‭ ‬I--‭” ‬came the muffled response,‭ ‬drowned away by another abrupt kiss as the hem of Lisse’s simple gown was pulled up,‭ ‬revealing slim,‭ ‬pale legs wrapped in black,‭ ‬sheer stockings.‭ ‬Garters continued on from the seductive garments,‭ ‬framing the low elf’s petite figure,‭ ‬but panties,‭ ‬it seemed,‭ ‬didn’t come with the set‭ ‬--‭ ‬as Rahl tugged the boy’s top up,‭ ‬he also revealed the shockingly small member nestled between those smooth thighs.‭ ‬Resting atop equally petite balls,‭ ‬Lisse’s penis was barely the size of his smallest finger,‭ ‬and even‭ ‬that was when it was fully erect,‭ ‬something it currently was not.‭ “‬Mpph...‭ ‬I...‭ ‬d-don’t know....‭”

“I do,‭” ‬came Rahl’s firm whisper,‭ ‬the bigger man pulling his lover’s shirt all the way up and over his head,‭ ‬exposing what remained of Lisse’s hairless body,‭ ‬only his lack of distinguishable breasts or hips differentiating him from a particularly waifish girl.‭ ‬Beneath him,‭ ‬his sinuous tail swished back and forth uneasily,‭ ‬draped along the side of the bed Rahl was now pinning him down to.‭ ‬Lisse was smothered with another long kiss,‭ ‬then another,‭ ‬the elven boy’s toes curling in unexpected excitement‭ ‬--‭ ‬his body giving in to the pleasure of his boyfriend’s embrace,‭ ‬even if his thoughts remained uncertain about his present objectification.

Lisse squirmed a little,‭ ‬backing up slightly to more fully lay back,‭ ‬letting Rahl pursue him.‭ “‬Nnnh...‭” ‬he whispered breathlessly,‭ ‬biting his lip as the two broke their kiss,‭ ‬Rahl reaching between his lover’s legs to playfully grind his thumb up against the elf’s slowly-stiffening member,‭ ‬not quite yet at its meager full length.‭ ‬Rahl himself,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬was exhibiting no such issues,‭ ‬his dark leather trousers already strained by the beast within them‭ ‬--‭ ‬a beast he was set to freeing,‭ ‬unfastening a short sequence of buttons even as he lightly fondled his boyfriend’s tiny dick.‭ ‬A moment later,‭ ‬and the impressive python of Rahl’s cock had been let loose,‭ ‬his thick,‭ ‬coffee-colored shaft larger than Lisse’s many times over,‭ ‬more closely resembling the size of the elf’s forearm than penis.

‭“‬Are you ready for me,‭ ‬little thing‭?” ‬Rahl whispered,‭ ‬biting gently at the crook between Lisse’s throat and shoulder,‭ ‬his dull fangs leaving shallow scrapes.‭ ‬Below,‭ ‬he brought his hand from Lisse’s member to his own,‭ ‬guiding it to prod and grind against that of his feminized lover,‭ ‬both teasing the other boy with the pleasure and warmth of touching manhoods,‭ ‬and further illuminating their difference in size‭ ‬--‭ ‬Rahl’s cock being at least four times the length,‭ ‬and far moreso the weight.

‭“‬I...‭ ‬am,‭” ‬Lisse’s voice fluttered,‭ ‬swallowing hard and spreading his legs slightly as Rahl’s glistening tip dipped lower,‭ ‬bumping along the elf’s tiny balls to prod firmly against his tight rear entrance.‭ ‬It wasn’t the first time he’d taken Rahl inside of him,‭ ‬of course‭ ‬--‭ ‬the two had been together for months now,‭ ‬and he’d become well-acquainted with what he was soon to recieve.‭ ‬It was that exact acquaintance that merited such trepidation,‭ ‬for while he knew he would eventually grow to delight in having his lover inside of him,‭ ‬the initial breach was always decidedly...‭ ‬intense.‭ ‬Nonetheless,‭ ‬he licked his lips,‭ ‬wrapping both arms gently around the wildman’s shoulders and waiting for that insistent poke to become full penetration.

Lisse drew in a sharp breath,‭ ‬wincing,‭ ‬trying not to bite down,‭ ‬as a flush of discomfort soon melted into an overflow of warmth and excitement,‭ ‬the crown of Rahl’s thick manhood pushing inside of his tight backside and sliding in a little farther,‭ ‬not deep yet,‭ ‬nor wasting time in advancing the effort to do so.‭ ‬His short ringlets of violet hair splayed out across the bed’s clean beige sheets,‭ ‬toes curling,‭ ‬fingers digging into his partner’s back as Rahl pushed deeper inside of him,‭ ‬filling him.‭ “‬Hahh...‭” ‬the elf whispered softly,‭ ‬squeezing his eyes shut for a long moment as he struggled to adjust to the size of the beast filling his tight back entrance.‭ “‬Gods....‭”

“There’s a good girl,‭” ‬Rahl planted another kiss at the corner of Lisse’s mouth,‭ ‬slowly drawing his hips back before pushing back inside,‭ ‬building a rhythm‭ ‬--‭ ‬one that started slow but was gaining in pace at an almost irresponsible rate,‭ ‬drawing a sustained whimper from the cutely-dressed boy beneath him.

‭“‬D-don’t...‭ ‬speak not of such things,‭ ‬I-I’m...‭ ‬nnnhh...‭” ‬Lisse bit down hard on his lower lip,‭ ‬trying to form a proper protest or comment,‭ ‬but already pleasure was beginning to fog his thoughts.‭ ‬His tiny dick had swollen to its full size,‭ ‬even if that size was equally embarrassing to its inert state,‭ ‬his backdoor clenching tightly around its thick invader as Rahl started to take him faster,‭ ‬deeper,‭ ‬a little more roughly‭ ‬--‭ ‬no more so‭ ‬than some of their prior romps,‭ ‬perhaps,‭ ‬but rapidly approaching their apex.

‭“‬Why’s that,‭ ‬darling‭? ‬Afraid you’ll enjoy it‭? ‬Already,‭ ‬the way you tighten around me...‭” ‬the man growled lustfully back,‭ ‬thrusting forward harder,‭ ‬deeper,‭ ‬his pace picking up to the point where his position could not quite accomodate it.‭ ‬Planting one more long kiss on Lisse’s lips,‭ ‬he shifted backwards,‭ ‬planting his feet on the floor beside the bed and tugging the elf forward sharply by his hairless legs,‭ ‬so that his pelvis rested just against the bed’s very edge.‭ ‬Taking those same legs in his arms,‭ ‬Rahl propped them both up and onto his shoulders,‭ ‬letting out a hoarse groan of pleasure as he slammed his hips forward once again,‭ ‬claiming the tight ass of his made-up lover.

Biting his lip,‭ ‬Lisse’s hands tightened into fists in the bedsheets,‭ ‬rocking his slight figure forward as best as possible,‭ ‬though it wasn’t necessary‭ ‬--‭ ‬Rahl thrust into him with a ferocious aggression he hadn’t seen in some time,‭ ‬ramming that massive cock deep into Lisse’s backside again and again,‭ ‬forcing his tight ass to adapt to it all over again.‭ ‬The way it filled him,‭ ‬flooded him with heat and pleasure,‭ ‬had his own petite boyhood dripping a thin drizzle of clear liquid onto himself,‭ ‬not quite yet ready to explode,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬he knew he’d only be able to hold on so much longer.‭ “‬Hnnn...‭ ‬R-Rahl...‭” ‬he whispered hoarsely,‭ ‬reaching out with one hand to lightly drag his fingertips down his boyfriend’s chest,‭ ‬quivering with greater and greater excitement despite his trepidation about the way the evening had begun.

‭“‬What’s that,‭ ‬little thing‭?” ‬the wildman growled back,‭ ‬his thrusts slowing,‭ ‬but not stopping,‭ ‬while he waited for a response.

‭“‬L-let me...‭ ‬nn,‭ ‬lay thyself down,‭ ‬my love,‭” ‬Lisse replied,‭ ‬gently touching his partner’s shoulder as a sign for him to pause.‭ ‬Rahl arched a brow,‭ ‬but relented,‭ ‬drawing his thick shaft free of Lisse’s backside with a soft pop and getting up onto the bed,‭ ‬laying his back against the northside wall and spreading his legs,‭ ‬letting his massive cock lay,‭ ‬throbbing,‭ ‬against his belly.‭ ‬Lisse took a moment to admire the man,‭ ‬forgetting his own self-consciousness if even for a moment,‭ ‬before carefully crawling atop him,‭ ‬propping his light weight into Rahl’s lap,‭ ‬gently grinding his backside up against the wildman’s pulsating rod before reaching down to take it into his hand,‭ ‬pointing it upward and easing it,‭ ‬slowly,‭ ‬back inside of his ass.‭ “‬Nhhaahh...‭!‬

“Phahh,‭ ‬there we go,‭” ‬Rahl hissed out through his teeth,‭ ‬shuddering with pleasure as Lisse bottomed back out on his massive cock,‭ ‬his eyes focused on the elven boy’s beautifully graceful figure,‭ ‬his beautiful face’s feminine features even more accentuated now,‭ ‬pale cheeks flushed with a soft lavender.‭ ‬Laying one hand on Lisse’s hip to steady him,‭ ‬the other caressed firmly up the elf’s flat stomach to his chest,‭ ‬gently massaging the soft skin‭ ‬where a breast might be,‭ ‬thumb arcing up to brush and rub back and forth along the beaded nipple.‭ ‬Propping his knees up,‭ ‬he allowed himself a single upward thrust to find his angle,‭ ‬then paused,‭ ‬allowing Lisse to find his own rhythm before matching it.

And find his rhythm he did‭ ‬--‭ ‬while the low elf may not have taken quite the same aggressive pace as his partner,‭ ‬he quickly planted his knees at Rahl’s sides and shifted his weight up,‭ ‬dropping it back down and letting out a soft cry as he rocked back and forth,‭ ‬going faster and faster.‭ ‬He drew more than a small measure of delight in being the one‭ ‬giving pleasure,‭ ‬not just being used to gain it,‭ ‬and soon felt the force of Rahl’s hips rising to meet him,‭ ‬impaling him on that massive cock as it once again reached the deepest recesses of his tight butt,‭ ‬its crown ramming insistently into the sensitive button of explosion inside of him.‭ “‬Ahhhh...‭ ‬phhff...‭ ‬g-gods...‭!” ‬the boy whined,‭ ‬back arching as he rammed down harder,‭ ‬faster,‭ ‬letting Rahl’s steady upward thrusts meet him and create a more frantic friction than either would be capable of on their own.

It was when the uncontrollable shudders began to ripple through Lisse,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬that Rahl knew he’d done his job‭ ‬--‭ ‬the boy threw his head back,‭ ‬propping his arms behind him to lean back on them,‭ ‬his tiny dick bouncing in shallow spirals as he rode the wildman with his ass.‭ ‬Whimpers and gasps rose to a moan,‭ ‬then a scream of ecstasy as that slim shaft finally erupted,‭ ‬squirting several long,‭ ‬thin strands of sticky cum upward...‭ ‬only to stream back down in creamy lashes across Lisse’s chest and stomach.

The true explosion,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬happened not in the open,‭ ‬but within‭ ‬--‭ ‬Rahl’s cock erupted in a torrent of hot spunk instants later,‭ ‬shooting blast after blast straight into Lisse’s overfilled backside,‭ ‬flooding him with the sticky goo and beginning to burble out of his stuffed hole.‭ ‬A moment later and the elf had collapsed forward,‭ ‬panting,‭ ‬his lover’s manhood still buried inside of him as he clung to Rahl’s broad chest,‭ ‬nestling his face into the crook of the Kes’agi’s neck.

‭“‬That was...‭ ‬fhh....‭” ‬Lisse whispered.

‭“‬It was,‭” ‬the man responded quietly,‭ ‬stroking his calloused fingers down the boy’s back tenderly.‭ “‬Maybe next time I can get a proper dress for you.‭” ‬Rahl chuckled at the ensuing glare,‭ ‬then grabbed the sheet that had been hanging off the bed’s edge,‭ ‬dragging it up and over the two of them.‭ “‬Ready for bed,‭ ‬my good girl‭?”

“Speak not of me such,‭” ‬Lisse pouted,‭ ‬relenting only after another full glare.‭ “‬...And yes.‭”

“Alright,‭” ‬Rahl chuckled,‭ ‬reaching to the bedside table to tugging a small switch,‭ ‬causing the lamp to flicker out.‭ “‬Goodnight,‭ ‬Lisse.‭”


[feminization] [big dick/small dick] [crossdressing] [reluctance] [romance] [frotting] [anal]


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