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Author's Note: Okay, so I do definitely realize that I am way behind on this, and all the pitch fic stuff. I've given all the excuses I have to give, but I'm happy to at least have a game plan rolled out. In a day or two I'll release the new pitch and try to get the first chapter of a new series out by the end of December, then roll that as it's supposed to go while also wrapping Red Awakening in January. That should get everything back on track and going smoothly.

In other news, we have a lot of other stuff coming up very soon! One thing half-finished and another shorter thing coming right after that. So look forward to a content rush over the next week!

Things to watch out for: A Misfits reference, and me pretending to know how hospitals work using the knowledge base I got from watching every episode of House.

[fu/fu] [tags below]


‭Actually working is a serious trial‭ ‬--‭ ‬I remember many of my skills,‭ ‬but not always how to apply them,‭ ‬the day-to-day routines that had become familiar over time.‭ ‬Like the same mind dropped into a new life,‭ ‬the information remains but not its...‭ ‬context.‭ ‬Worse are the people,‭ ‬the ones that claim to know me or be interested,‭ ‬the‭ ‘‬hey Zoey‭!’‬s that I have to keep bluffing my way through.‭ ‬I do notice,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬that convincing people of things they appear to know aren’t true is...‭ ‬strangely easy,‭ ‬like my words carry more weight than they should.‭ ‬That my lies have potency,‭ ‬and their mortal minds need to struggle to resist them.‭ ‬It fits with my hypothesis of vampirism‭; ‬the question is how I harness it more directly.‭ ‬How I‭ ‬use it.

‭“‬Hey,‭ ‬Zoey‭!”

I freeze on my way to find a fresh bedpan for a patient,‭ ‬rolling my eyes before turning,‭ ‬trying to hide my disgust with a bright expression.‭ ‬Behind me is a man,‭ ‬tall,‭ ‬perhaps in his late thirties,‭ ‬though flecks of white have already begun to infest his short-cropped blond hair.‭ ‬A scruff of beard fails to fill out a lean face and square jaw.‭ ‬His nametag says Dr.‭ ‬Ericssen‭ ‬--‭ ‬hope I’m not supposed to know him on a first-name basis.

‭“‬Heyyyy,‭” ‬I shoot back.

‭“‬Whoa,‭ ‬new look‭?” ‬he laughs.

‭“‬I’m just,‭ ‬ah...‭ ‬trying it out,‭” ‬I chuckle innocently.‭ “‬What’s up‭?”

“Just wondering if you could do me a quick favor,‭” ‬he says,‭ ‬and I hear his heartrate elevate,‭ ‬his blood rushing a little faster through his veins.‭ ‬He’s about to ask for something he shouldn’t.‭ “‬I’m way behind on a couple things,‭ ‬and clinic duty’s kinda...‭ ‬holding me back,‭ ‬yeah‭? ‬There’s a girl in there now,‭ ‬think she just wants drugs or some shit,‭ ‬you remember how to sign my name,‭ ‬right‭?”

Sign his name‭? ‬Have I done this before‭? ‬This doesn’t seem like the girl Zoey was‭ ‬--‭ ‬who I am‭ ‬--‭ ‬maybe he’s kidding‭? ‬No,‭ ‬his blood can’t lie to me.‭ ‬He’s serious.‭ “‬Of course,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬totally,‭” ‬I shoot back,‭ “‬where is she‭?”

“138,‭” ‬he nods,‭ “‬thanks Zo.‭ ‬You almost done with that paper yet‭?”

Paper‭? ‬Fuck.‭ “‬Ah,‭ ‬almost,‭ ‬Nina roped me into some trouble the other night.‭”

“Well,‭ ‬you know the drill.‭ ‬I’ll make sure it,‭ ‬ah...‭ ‬sees the right people,‭” ‬he smiles and throws me a fake wink,‭ ‬then pushes past me.‭ ‬Interesting.‭ ‬This‭ ‬does seem like Zoey,‭ ‬willing to do something untoward not for a profit,‭ ‬but for her career.‭ ‬Who am I to break tradition‭?

I make my way towards the room Ericssen indicated and slip inside,‭ ‬putting on a friendly expression and getting a quick look at the‭ ‘‬patient‭’ ‬in question,‭ ‬sitting on the edge of the bed‭ ‬--‭ ‬she’s tall,‭ ‬slim,‭ ‬leggy,‭ ‬her lank,‭ ‬electric-blue hair not quite reaching down to her shoulders.‭ ‬The dark makeup around her eyes rivals my own new,‭ ‬vampiric look,‭ ‬and various metal piercings litter her face:‭ ‬lip,‭ ‬brow,‭ ‬nose,‭ ‬labret,‭ ‬and all along both ears.‭ ‬Torn jeans,‭ ‬unlaced boots,‭ ‬and a wine-colored Dresden Dolls tank top round out the look that I’m sure Ericssen was referring to when he said she probably came here for drugs,‭ ‬though I’m not one to judge.‭ “‬Hello there,‭” ‬I say gently,‭ ‬letting the door click close behind me...‭ ‬and locking it.

‭“‬Fuck,‭ ‬doc shuffled me off to a nurse‭? ‬So much for an impartial health care system,‭” ‬she sneers,‭ ‬her voice carrying a very slight british accent,‭ ‬like she moved to the States at a young age but both parents were from Liverpool.

‭“‬I’m just doing a quick check-up to make sure nothing more serious is required,‭” ‬I feint,‭ ‬grabbing her file from the counter and taking a quick glance over it.‭ “‬Annie Shaw,‭ ‬22.‭ ‬So it says you’re suffering from back pain and...‭ ‬glaucoma.‭”

“And headaches.‭”

“Those are some very unfortunate issues for a‭ ‬22-year-old,‭” ‬I shoot her a dark smirk.‭ “‬I think Dr.‭ ‬Ericssen might have overestimated you.‭ ‬You’re not angling for any hardcore prescription painkillers‭ ‬--‭ ‬you want weed.‭”

“Oy,‭ ‬I’ve got some serious symptoms here,‭ ‬I need to be taken seriou--‭”

“Please,‭ ‬Ms.‭ ‬Shaw.‭ ‬Your heart rate told me you were lying before you ever opened your mouth.‭” ‬My grin widens,‭ ‬and my fangs extend,‭ ‬blue eyes beginning to shimmer.

‭“‬My heart...‭? ‬What the fuck are--‭ ‬ohhhh...‭” ‬her eyes glaze over as I impress my will onto her,‭ ‬reaching out to grasp her mind,‭ ‬her soul,‭ ‬and to make it my possession.‭ ‬Ericssen’s given me the perfect hunting ground,‭ ‬a perfect alibi,‭ ‬a place he’ll never tell anyone I went.‭ ‬I need to feed...‭ ‬and for the first time since that random guy on the street,‭ ‬I’m finally going to.‭ “‬I...‭ ‬y-you’re so....‭”

“What am I,‭ ‬pet‭?” ‬I ask sweetly,‭ ‬drawing close,‭ ‬one fang digging gently into my lower lip as I caress her side.‭ “‬Tell me.‭ ‬Tell me.‭”

“You’re beautiful,‭ ‬mistress,‭” ‬she whispers.‭ ‬I touch the side of her face,‭ ‬keeping eye contact until I’m certain she’s come under my embrace‭ ‬--‭ ‬the ability to charm her came almost reflexively,‭ ‬a dark certainty in my hollow veins,‭ ‬animal instinct.‭ ‬It’s clearly working.‭ ‬I lean in close and gently kiss her lips,‭ ‬one hand sliding to her hip.

‭“‬Take your shirt off,‭” ‬I whisper back,‭ ‬my command echoing through her mind,‭ ‬a decree she has no choice but to follow.‭ ‬She nods,‭ ‬reaching down to the bottom of her tank top and drawing it up and over her head,‭ ‬revealing small,‭ ‬cute little breasts,‭ ‬one pink nipple pierced with a metal ring,‭ ‬the other with a bar,‭ ‬and her navel sporting a green-gemmed bar of its own.‭ ‬I expected nothing less.‭ “‬Good girl.‭” ‬I’m almost deafened by the sound of her blood rushing through her body,‭ ‬a flush touching the skin of her cheeks and chest,‭ ‬warming itself for me.

‭“‬Thank you,‭ ‬mistress,‭” ‬she coos quietly,‭ ‬leaning her head backward,‭ ‬exposing her throat to me.‭ ‬Whether she understands what I am,‭ ‬charming her causes her to automatically follow protocol,‭ ‬or pure coincidence,‭ ‬she’s offering herself to me,‭ ‬and it isn’t an offer I have any intention of refusing.‭ ‬I slide one hand to one of her perky breasts,‭ ‬cupping it gently as I lean into the sweet,‭ ‬pale expanse of flesh between her shoulder and jaw,‭ ‬drawn in by the sound of her thrumming veins...‭ ‬and sinking my teeth in.

The taste is as sweet as it was before,‭ ‬on the street‭ ‬--‭ ‬no,‭ ‬sweeter,‭ ‬this time.‭ ‬I cling to her,‭ ‬fondling her,‭ ‬but this time I lack the unquenchable thirst of a newborn.‭ ‬This time I can be careful,‭ ‬be patient,‭ ‬leave her alive,‭ ‬and that’s precisely what I intend to do.‭ ‬Quivers of dark rapture rush through me as her blood fills my mouth,‭ ‬my senses,‭ ‬my body,‭ ‬giving me both nourishment and ecstasy,‭ ‬strengthening me.‭ “‬Hhammphh...‭” ‬I coo as I drink from her,‭ ‬attaching to her.‭ ‬The one thing that comes as a surprise to me is the...‭ ‬other sensations that come with the sensuousness of her velvet crimson pouring down my throat.‭ ‬The pleasure.‭ ‬The arousal.‭ ‬Not to mention the noticeable arousal in Annie herself.

I’m somewhat surprised that,‭ ‬despite being actively drained,‭ ‬she can still have so much bloodflow...‭ ‬down below.‭ ‬I can hear the rush of life swelling beneath me,‭ ‬and as I continue to fondle the squirming stoner girl,‭ ‬I finally draw away from her throat with a soft gasp of satisfaction.‭ “‬Now your pants,‭ ‬my pet,‭” ‬I whisper,‭ ‬my eyes meeting hers once more,‭ ‬commanding her.‭ ‬She nods,‭ ‬leaning in just enough to nuzzle my nose and cheek as she unbuttons her ragged jeans,‭ ‬kicking her boots off and wiggling out of them,‭ ‬revealing a pair of black boys‭’ ‬boxers underneath,‭ ‬and beneath those,‭ ‬a swell of flesh I’m interested in investigating.

Making a fist in the loose cloth,‭ ‬I tug her undergarments down around her knees,‭ ‬taking a moment to admire her stiff,‭ ‬exposed girldick before removing them entirely and tossing them aside.‭ ‬I drop to a crouch beside the bed she’s sitting on,‭ ‬spreading her legs and leaning between them,‭ ‬gently kissing one of her smooth balls‭ ‬--‭ ‬then tilting my head sideways to press my fangs against the smooth,‭ ‬tender skin of her inner thigh,‭ ‬piercing her,‭ ‬tapping a new vein for her sumptuous rush of blood.‭ ‬She bites back a moan,‭ ‬whimpers escaping through pursed lips as her back arches in ecstasy she can’t explain,‭ ‬and I can’t help but grin into her.‭ ‬One hand moves to the base of her cock,‭ ‬squeezing very gently,‭ ‬then slowly stroking,‭ ‬giving the throbbing member easy,‭ ‬torturous up-and-down strokes of my hand while I dine from her,‭ ‬the warm rush of what she gives flooding me with renewed vigor,‭ ‬renewed life.

I begin to stroke her a little faster,‭ ‬spurred on by the sounds of her moans,‭ ‬my opposite hand cradling her hip,‭ ‬holding her steady while I drink from her thigh.‭ ‬While it only seems fair that I‭ ‘‬give something back,‭’ ‬I find my own arousal mounting within me,‭ ‬growing hotter and more insistent as I’m filled with Annie’s warmth,‭ ‬the blush of life refreshing my pallid skin as I drain her.‭ ‬There’s a moment when I hear her moan,‭ ‬a soft sound,‭ ‬softer than her previous cries of pleasure and submission had been,‭ ‬when I remember my initial plan not to kill her,‭ ‬something I may be woefully neglecting.‭ ‬Taking one last long,‭ ‬delighted swallow of what she’s given so willingly,‭ ‬I pull away and gently lick the wound,‭ ‬leaving two small,‭ ‬bloodless dots on the inside of her thigh.‭ ‬The last thing I want is to have to look for a place to hide a body where I work‭ ‬--‭ ‬besides,‭ ‬Annie’s cute.‭ ‬Maybe I’ll end up keeping her.

Pulling up a little higher,‭ ‬I trail the flat of my tongue along the underside of her smooth,‭ ‬hard dick,‭ ‬careful not to take it into my mouth‭ ‬--‭ ‬I’m still not completely confident in my control over my fangs,‭ ‬and I’d rather not make this scene a great deal more grisly.‭ ‬As I massage my tongue tenderly up and down her cock,‭ ‬I start to strip out of my own dark navy scrubs,‭ ‬pausing to draw my top up and over my head before returning to my insistent pleasuring of the girl I’ve glamoured.‭ ‬A moment later I begin to wiggle free of my bottoms,‭ ‬loose enough that I can leave my shoes on,‭ ‬as the realization of what I’m about to do becomes very concrete in my mind‭ ‬--‭ ‬I’m definitely about to fuck this girl,‭ ‬and while the curious context of doing so after literally eating her is not lost on me,‭ ‬it’s going to happen anyway.

With one last long lap of my tongue along the underside of Annie’s shaft,‭ ‬I pull up,‭ ‬pushing her backwards firmly onto the elevated,‭ ‬unforgiving clinic bed‭ ‬--‭ ‬my lips this time finding her own to lock her in a long,‭ ‬deep kiss.‭ ‬I can feel her murmur weakly beneath me,‭ ‬both physically drained and mentally stunned,‭ ‬but the way her body responds to my touch,‭ ‬I know the truth.‭ ‬I’m not controlling her,‭ ‬but tearing down her barriers,‭ ‬entrancing her in pleasure and giving her the true release of complete submission...‭ ‬and soon,‭ ‬a few other forms of release as well.‭ ‬Tugging my panties aside,‭ ‬I free my own rigid girldick,‭ ‬slightly larger than hers and even more milky pale,‭ ‬gently bumping it against her twitching member before guiding it lower,‭ ‬between those spread thighs.‭ ‬Then again‭ ‬--‭ ‬why should I do the work‭?

Kissing her gently once again,‭ ‬I pause and climb up onto the bed beside her,‭ ‬putting my back to the wall and sitting up,‭ ‬my own legs spread to invite her into my lap,‭ ‬and onto my cock.‭ “‬You want me,‭ ‬Annie‭? ‬Claim me.‭

“Of course,‭ ‬mistress,‭” ‬she says softly,‭ ‬gazing into my eyes for another long moment before pulling herself up to sit on her knees,‭ ‬scooting forward until she’s in my lap,‭ ‬her stiff,‭ ‬shimmering girldick wobbling pleasantly with every forward shimmy of‭  ‬her slim figure.‭ ‬I can tell she’s weakened from my feeding,‭ ‬but I think I preserved her well,‭ ‬as she’s able to function with enough physical competence to lift herself up and settle her backside down into my lap,‭ ‬prodding her rear entrance against the tip of my member.‭ ‬She bites her lower lip hesitantly as she follows my instructions,‭ ‬lowering her weight down onto me,‭ ‬first allowing me to just prod at her snug hole and then finally,‭ ‬slowly letting it ease inside of her.‭ ‬I let out a short gasp of pleasure as I feel my throbbing tip breach the initial barrier of her backdoor and sink inside of her,‭ ‬and she,‭ ‬likewise,‭ ‬winces and whimpers with pleasure as I ease deeper and deeper.‭ “‬Nnnnn....‭”

“Ahhn,‭ ‬fuck,‭” ‬I let out a quiet groan,‭ ‬arching my back slightly,‭ ‬mouth open in a long,‭ ‬silent gasp.‭ ‬My fangs remain extended,‭ ‬and I seem unable to retract them,‭ ‬likely due to being so riled up‭ ‬--‭ ‬something I’ll have to keep in mind when keeping up my new disguise as a mortal.‭ ‬I reach out to place one hand gently on her hip,‭ ‬fingertips brushing across the smooth curves of Annie’s perky backside,‭ ‬while my other hand reaches up to tease one of her breasts,‭ ‬fondling the nipple piercing between my fingertips.‭ ‬She shifts up,‭ ‬knees planted on either side of my waist,‭ ‬and drops down again,‭ ‬sending a tremor of pleasure through me as I feel her ass drag up along the length of my cock,‭ ‬only to swallow it deeply once more.‭ “‬There you go...‭ ‬that’s a good girl,‭” ‬I whisper,‭ ‬biting my rose-red lower lip,‭ ‬pricking the skin but not drawing blood.

I lay my head back against the wall,‭ ‬still gently fondling her,‭ ‬caressing her,‭ ‬as Annie gains a slow,‭ ‬steady rhythm,‭ ‬hips shifting up and down as she pushes off of her knees,‭ ‬riding my cock exactly the way I wanted her to.‭ ‬I can feel the little twitches and shudders in her body,‭ ‬the way her tight hole will clench or quiver around me,‭ ‬that lets me know she’s enjoying it as well‭ ‬--‭ ‬even in her borderline-entranced state,‭ ‬her mind dominated by the effects of my vampiric charm,‭ ‬her body betrays genuine pleasure she wouldn’t have the awareness to feign.‭ ‬I set one foot down against the high,‭ ‬squeaky clinic bed to push off of,‭ ‬and thrust into her,‭ ‬drawing a rapturous moan and spurring her to move more quickly,‭ ‬more eagerly,‭ ‬finding the vigor even in her weakened state to better please both me and herself.

‭“‬Mnnn...‭ ‬holy shit...‭” ‬I drag my hand down from her breast to that bouncing,‭ ‬bobbing cock,‭ ‬still stiff and throbbing with excitement as she obediently bottoms for me,‭ ‬and take firm hold of it‭ ‬--‭ ‬not stroking,‭ ‬but gently squeezing,‭ ‬dragging my thumb across its tip and admiring the aching rod.‭ ‬I ease my hips up and down,‭ ‬asynchronous with Annie Shaw’s own hops and drops,‭ ‬bullying her tight ass with a rhythm she can’t adapt to.‭ ‬She whimpers desperately through clenched teeth,‭ ‬looking down at me as she rides my cock,‭ ‬addicted to my gaze,‭ ‬hypnotized by my vampiric will.

I hold my bond tightly with her,‭ ‬not directing her but maintaining control,‭ ‬maintaining my grip on her senses‭ ‬--‭ ‬the crimson delirium that’s overwritten her sense of what she should and should not do.‭ ‬Increasingly,‭ ‬I feel like keeping hold of her mind isn’t necessary,‭ ‬that I could release her and events would continue to play out much the same way...‭ ‬but I‭ ‬want her under my control.‭ ‬I want her to be mine,‭ ‬my plaything,‭ ‬my possession,‭ ‬to feast and fuck.‭ ‬I squeeze her cock a little harder,‭ ‬thrusting up into her,‭ ‬deeper,‭ ‬faster,‭ ‬finally letting go of her throbbing shaft and lunging up to meet her lips,‭ ‬locking her in a dark,‭ ‬decadent embrace.‭ ‬My tongue flicks and spirals around hers,‭ ‬both hands scooting beneath her butt to hold her up,‭ ‬letting me drill her tight ass more relentlessly,‭ ‬using my newfound power and speed to take her as roughly as I desire.‭ ‬I break the kiss,‭ ‬tilting sidelong to lunge for her throat,‭ ‬sinking my fangs in once more as my hips clap up against the taut cheeks of her petite bottom,‭ ‬and as I take one final long drink from her,‭ ‬I feel her eruption between us.

I unload a barrage of my own cum inside of her as she explodes against my belly,‭ ‬our tight embrace creating a creamy slickness between the both of us as I feed from her.‭ ‬Drawing back,‭ ‬I kiss her again,‭ ‬nuzzling her nose and gasping hotly as shot after shot of my spunk fills her backside,‭ ‬threatening to overflow around my cock.‭ ‬A long moment passes as I topple back onto the bed with Annie on top of me,‭ ‬my arms gently draped around her.‭ ‬Peace,‭ ‬for a long moment.‭ ‬Rest.

After a short time,‭ ‬I relax my grip on the girl’s mind,‭ ‬leaving her vacant,‭ ‬confused,‭ ‬her own thoughts yet to return to her.‭ ‬A few bandages around her throat and thigh‭ (‬along with a little bottle of what she‭ ‬came here for,‭ ‬as a thank you gift‭) ‬and I’m able to send her on her way,‭ ‬forging Jay Ericssen’s name in a process that comes to me as if by instinct.‭ ‬I’m not sure if I’ll see her again,‭ ‬or what will become of her,‭ ‬but she marks a significant point of progress‭ ‬--‭ ‬I can feed without creating an unnecessary scene.‭ ‬The first step toward figuring out what I am and where to go from here.‭ ‬The first step to becoming the perfect creature of the night.


[fu/fu] [oral] [anal] [mind control] [vampirism/blood] [minor horror elements]


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