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Author's Note: Now... on to the bit y'all were waiting for!

[story] [fu/fu/x] [more tags below]


I’m not sure how much time passes before I open my eyes again,‭ ‬blinking a few times before finally coming to full consciousness.‭ ‬My body aches all over,‭ ‬though I’m uncertain of the source‭ ‬--‭ ‬the walking,‭ ‬the fight with that thing,‭ ‬or...‭ ‬whatever happened afterwards.

My eyes adjust to dim,‭ ‬moody lighting and I find myself inside a building,‭ ‬shelves of booze,‭ ‬mixers,‭ ‬and other various accoutrements of mixology,‭ ‬leading me to believe I’m safe in the liquor store.‭ ‬Though...‭ ‬that thing....

‭“‬Raine‭? ‬Are you awake‭?” ‬Syx’s voice.‭ ‬I blink a few times,‭ ‬following the voice to see her sitting nearby,‭ ‬slouched against one of the shelves with a bottle of dark rum dangling from her hand.‭ “‬I know not whether to be grateful or shocked.‭”

“That bad‭?” ‬I grunt,‭ ‬sitting up a little.‭ ‬I’ve been propped against a wall,‭ ‬but seem to have slumped considerably in my unconsciousness.‭ “‬What the fuck‭ ‬happened‭? ‬How long have I been out‭? ‬Also‭ ‬--‭ ‬gimme that,‭” ‬I weakly extend one arm for the bottle Syx is holding.‭ ‬It’s been years since I found an intact bottle of booze,‭ ‬and efforts to make it myself went...‭ ‬poorly.

‭“‬About three hours‭; ‬Zaz is scavenging right now,‭” ‬she preempts,‭ ‬handing me the bottle.‭ ‬I unscrew the lid and take a long swig‭ ‬--‭ ‬it’s good,‭ ‬a nice funk to it,‭ ‬like that smell bananas give off when they’re just about to go bad.‭ “‬You...‭ ‬you did something to that creature,‭ ‬the Young One.‭ ‬When you threw your hand up,‭ ‬there was this pulse,‭ ‬or...‭ ‬blast.‭ ‬Like someone screaming every word you’ve ever heard,‭ ‬all at once.‭ ‬This sort of psionic...‭ ‬noise,‭ ‬I suppose.‭ ‬Almost killed Zaz,‭ ‬but fortunately I seemed resistant to it.‭ ‬Drove the creature off,‭ ‬as well.‭”

I hand the bottle back to Syx,‭ ‬who takes another drink.‭ ‬She seems to have polished off about half already,‭ ‬but isn’t showing many effects.‭ ‬Probably something to do with her weird physiology.‭ ‬Meanwhile,‭ ‬one swig and I can already feel my lips tingle,‭ ‬props to being barely over a hundred pounds.‭ “‬So wait,‭ ‬you’re saying I did that‭? ‬That flash of light‭?”

“As far as I can tell,‭ ‬yes,‭” ‬she nods.‭ “‬If I had to guess,‭ ‬I’d say your...‭ ‬erm,‭ ‬those tremors you make,‭ ‬your abilities,‭ ‬are stronger than you realize.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬it saved us‭ ‬--‭ ‬you saved us‭ ‬--‭ ‬and got us here.‭”

“Surprised to see the place is still stocked,‭” ‬I say,‭ ‬looking around.‭ ‬The lights are off,‭ ‬but it looks truly untouched.‭ ‬Wish I’d known about it before.

‭“‬Might be the most intact structure I’ve found.‭ ‬Looks like whoever lived here made it quite a while before they finally met their fate‭; ‬there’s a small stash of food,‭ ‬and the water’s finicky,‭ ‬but still works.‭”

My stomach gurgles at the mention of food.‭ “‬Where’s that stash,‭ ‬again‭?”


The food she digs up is pretty rudimentary stash stuff,‭ ‬but for me at least,‭ ‬it’s a meal fit for an empress.‭ ‬I make my way through about half a can of lukewarm clam chowder‭ (‬not that condensed shit,‭ ‬either‭!) ‬before my shrunken stomach gets uncomfortably full,‭ ‬and Syx and I return to drinking and chatting.‭ ‬She tells me a little more about the camp she’s from,‭ ‬though not enough for me to a form a clear picture of exactly what I’m getting into.‭ ‬As always,‭ ‬she’s mysterious,‭ ‬which extends to the answers she gives about the unusual powers she exhibited last night.‭ ‬She gives me a vague explanation about‭ ‘‬the stars guiding her and‭ ‘‬going where others can’t,‭’ ‬which doesn’t really give me the information I’m looking for.‭ B‬ut being like‭ “‬bitch which X-Men are you‭?” ‬probably won’t yield me any clearer results,‭ ‬so I drop it.

As always,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬when you’re alone with someone you have any prior sexual attachment to‭ (‬and even sometimes if you don’t‭)‬,‭ ‬talking and drinking often leads to kissing.‭ ‬This is very much the case with Syx and me,‭ ‬and as the booze numbs the ache in my body,‭ ‬I find myself crawling atop her,‭ ‬going for another taste of that weird-ass tongue of hers.‭ ‬A few hours ago I saw the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen in my life,‭ ‬and the experience has reopened a wound that had long ago scabbed over‭ ‬--‭ ‬the idea that any day could be my last.‭ ‬There’s precious little pleasure left to have,‭ ‬and I want as much of it as I can get.

Syx responds easily to my advance,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬leaning back a little as I crawl into her lap,‭ ‬her hands sliding down my sides,‭ ‬to my slim hips.‭ ‬She returns the kiss,‭ ‬her intoxication making her long,‭ ‬suckered tongue a little clumsier than I remember it,‭ ‬but I don’t mind.‭ ‬My tongue meets with hers,‭ ‬and I find myself tugging at her undershirt,‭ ‬pulling it up and above Syx’s head to free her breasts,‭ ‬then doing the same to my own snug,‭ ‬striped tee.‭ ‬My hand finds one of her full tits,‭ ‬massaging it in eager circles as we kiss,‭ ‬her own hands sliding beneath my skirt to take two gentle handfuls of my butt,‭ ‬groping and spreading my petite cheeks.

‭“‬Mmhhphh...‭ ‬I want you inside me...‭” ‬I whisper hoarsely,‭ ‬nibbling at her lower lip.‭ ‬Fuck,‭ ‬what’s gotten‭ ‬into me‭? ‬I didn’t think almost dying would make me so horny,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬right now all I can focus on is getting filled up with something hot and thick.‭ ‬I need something to take my mind off of what happened,‭ ‬off of that thing.‭ ‬The rum got me halfway there,‭ ‬and I know exactly what I need for the rest.‭ ‬I can already feel Syx’s pair of impressive members swelling beneath me,‭ ‬straining against her pants,‭ ‬readying themselves for their imminent destination.‭ “‬All of you,‭ ‬I can take it....‭”

There’s a brief struggle as we make out,‭ ‬the two of us stripping off whatever pieces of clothing still remain to obstruct us.‭ ‬Certain pieces remain‭ ‬--‭ ‬I find myself still wearing a wristband and one slashed-up stocking,‭ ‬and Syx manages to strip out of her trousers without doffing her sleek,‭ ‬dark boots‭ ‬--‭ ‬but in a few moments of grunting,‭ ‬panting,‭ ‬and eager kissing,‭ ‬I can feel all of her skin against mine...‭ ‬and the throbbing heat of her two thick members against my belly,‭ ‬warming me as I grind into the hybrid beauty’s body.

‭“‬I confess,‭ ‬I’ve been distracted by thoughts of you since our shower,‭” ‬Syx whispers,‭ ‬her long tongue drifting up along my ear before winding partway around my throat,‭ ‬the suckers gripping gently as she wiggles beneath me to rub and squish her two stiff dicks against my much smaller one.‭ ‬As always,‭ ‬my dick doesn’t provide a barometer of arousal,‭ ‬as inert as ever despite the overwhelming desire flooding through me.‭ ‬Sparks of excitement dance along my skin as she teases me with her duo of massive members,‭ ‬but Syx knows what I want‭ ‬--‭ ‬she leans back,‭ ‬depositing a generous line of saliva on both of her tips before shifting below my light weight,‭ ‬repositioning me to sit more fully onto her lap...‭ ‬and of course,‭ ‬onto her brace of cock

My breath catches as I push down onto the two towers of pale purple flesh,‭ ‬straining to get both throbbing crowns inside of me.‭ ‬I’m now no stranger to taking two dicks‭ (‬or tentacles‭) ‬at once,‭ ‬but shoving both in at the same time is turning into a bit of a challenge,‭ ‬though one I’m determined to overcome.‭ “‬Hnnnn...‭ ‬nnnahhhn,‭ ‬fuhck...‭” ‬I groan,‭ ‬biting down hard on my lower lip as I push down harder,‭ ‬feeling my tight back entrance slowly stretch,‭ ‬swallowing the end of one of Syx’s creamy tips and then finally enveloping the other as well,‭ ‬allowing both to sink in a few inches deeper.‭ ‬A hoarse yelp of pleasure escapes my lips as her pair of dicks are buried into my single tight hole,‭ ‬and I can’t help but quiver,‭ ‬a thin strand of my juices leaking from the tip of my own drowsy member.

‭“‬Ahhffhh...‭ ‬you’re so tight,‭” ‬Syssyx groans,‭ ‬leaning in to press her forehead into mine,‭ ‬her breath soft against my lips as she steals the occasional soft kiss.‭ ‬She’s‭ (‬fortunately‭) ‬letting me control the pace so far,‭ ‬not thrusting up into me but letting me acclimate to the sensation of her being inside me,‭ ‬letting my ass adjust,‭ ‬moulding to the size‭ ‬--‭ ‬and number‭ ‬--‭ ‬of the pulsating members inside of me.

‭“‬Well,‭” ‬I let out a breathless chuckle,‭ “‬what do you expect when you stuff two huge dicks...‭ ‬into a girl’s ass....‭” ‬I wince,‭ ‬biting my lip again as I slide more fully into her lap,‭ ‬taking inch after inch of her twin columns into the inviting cavern of my butt.‭ ‬As she gets deeper into me,‭ ‬my backside moulding around the two invaders,‭ ‬I start to relax a little,‭ ‬leaning forward into Syx and wrapping one arm loosely over her shoulder,‭ ‬using the other to affectionately massage the half-alien girl’s breast.‭ ‬I fit my legs beneath me,‭ ‬planting my feet at the sides of her hips and using them to shift my weight up and down,‭ ‬up and down,‭ ‬easing myself up far enough that only the tips of Syx’s dicks remain inside me before sitting back down onto them,‭ ‬letting them fill up my greedy hole.‭ ‬I find myself feeling quietly grateful that Zaz always insisted on pushing my limits and fitting more inside of me‭ ‬--‭ ‬the effort has left me incredibly well-trained for this specific scenario,‭ ‬one I would have hated to miss out on.

With the sheer volume within me,‭ ‬it takes a little while for me to get into a decent rhythm,‭ ‬stretching enough that I can move easily with Syx’s dicks‭ (‬Syx’s dyx‭?) ‬inside of me.‭ ‬I arch backwards,‭ ‬rocking up and down in her lap,‭ ‬and she leans in to meet me‭ ‬--‭ ‬kissing up between my breasts,‭ ‬letting the sucker-studded flat of her tongue drag along one of my nipples,‭ ‬tugging at the metal piercing.‭ ‬I wrap both arms around her,‭ ‬nuzzling down into the mess of tendrils where her hair should be,‭ ‬clinging to her for warmth,‭ ‬comfort,‭ ‬pleasure.‭ “‬Fuck...‭ ‬fhuuuhhh...‭ ‬omigosh...‭” ‬I pant softly,‭ ‬reaching over her shoulder to grab the bottle of rum and taking another long swig from it,‭ ‬pushing down as hard as I can until I feel my rear press into Syx’s thighs,‭ ‬telling me she’s as deep inside my ass as she can possibly be.

She kisses my nipple again,‭ ‬licks at it,‭ ‬lets her tongue slither and coil around it,‭ ‬making my body hum with excitement‭ ‬--‭ ‬but now she also,‭ ‬at last,‭ ‬starts to thrust into me.‭ ‬It’s slow at first,‭ ‬which is good,‭ ‬but as I keep myself planted down into her lap,‭ ‬I let her start to control the pace...‭ ‬and it grows faster and faster,‭ ‬more intense.‭ ‬I can feel her hot flesh pushing and grinding against the sensitive button in my butt,‭ ‬my lower belly starting to flush with heat and pleasure,‭ ‬a feeling of building release.‭ ‬I lean back forward and immerse myself in Syx,‭ ‬kissing her hungrily again,

“‬May I experience enterings‭? ‬My minds taste excitEs within,‭ ‬and I have engaged in a great piLfering of g00dz.‭”‬ My eyes pop open as my mind is suddenly invaded by the alien presence of Zazkoroth,‭ ‬and by the stiffening of Syx beneath me,‭ ‬I get the feeling he’s addressed her somehow as well.‭ ‬I chuckle,‭ ‬halting my thrusting for the moment and looking down at Syssyx.

‭“‬Forgot about Zaz,‭” ‬I snort,‭ “‬guess I’ll get it.‭”

I wince as her two shafts slide slowly out of my butt,‭ ‬leaving me with a not-insignificant gape as I stand up and off of her lap,‭ ‬waddling awkwardly to the door.‭ ‬I hear Syx giggle behind me,‭ ‬and try not to blush as I unlock and open the liquor store’s front door.‭ ‬Behind it,‭ ‬expectedly,‭ ‬is the round purple hulk of Zaz,‭ ‬who beams at me with his single massive eye.‭ ‬“My gaze sees that you are awake and well‭! ‬Also that you find yourselF relishing playtime with our c0mpanion.‭”

I shut and lock the door behind him,‭ ‬biting my lip for a moment as I look back at Zaz.‭ ‬I’d forgotten about the possibility of him showing back up,‭ ‬and now I find myself reaching a new train of thought,‭ ‬pondering something I’m surprised I haven’t pondered before.‭ ‬There’s no reason I can’t have some fun with Zaz and Syx at the same time.‭ “‬I hope you mon’t dind--‭ ‬phffhaha--‭ ‬don’t--‭ ‬I hope you don’t mind if we continue,‭” ‬I chuckle drunkenly,‭ ‬staggering past the amorphous monstrosity and back over to Syx,‭ ‬tumbling down into her and burying my face in her chest,‭ ‬if only for a moment.‭ ‬I quickly find myself squirming to find a new position,‭ ‬laying down on my side in front of her,‭ ‬facing away and reaching back to lift one perky buttcheek.

It’s only a moment before Syx realizes the new position I’m trying to solicit,‭ ‬and lays sideways herself,‭ ‬sidling up to me and spooning me from behind...‭ ‬then gracefully easing both her cocks back into the eager confines of my ass,‭ ‬drawing a blissful yelp from me.‭ ‬I hoist myself up onto one elbow to keep balanced,‭ ‬lifting my top leg and keeping it loosely draped around Syx’s hip,‭ ‬letting out a long,‭ ‬low moan of delight as I feel her begin to easily thrust into me once more.

Zaz’s reaction is...‭ ‬well,‭ ‬I never thought I’d see an apocalyptic tentacle-creature look flustered or shy,‭ ‬but against all odds,‭ ‬I have now.‭ ‬His thoughts cease to form words,‭ ‬however quasi-sensical they tend to be,‭ ‬and instead flow together into the mental equivalent of someone dumping all the pots and pans out of their cupboard.‭ ‬His single eye wanders bashfully,‭ ‬flicking back towards us on occasion but not remaining long...‭ ‬until Syssyx finally speaks.

‭“‬Well‭? ‬Aren’t you going to join us,‭ ‬Zaz‭?” ‬she grins,‭ ‬thrusting into me again,‭ ‬causing another yelp of delight.‭ ‬She,‭ ‬like me,‭ ‬keeps herself steady with one elbow,‭ ‬but the other hand reaches around me to fondle one tiny breasts,‭ ‬pinching and teasing my nipple as she rolls her hips into me with slow,‭ ‬rhythmic thrusts,‭ ‬keeping my pleasure from either mounting or falling‭ ‬--‭ ‬a torturously sweet steadiness that has me almost writhing with need on the floor.

If Zaz had a mouth,‭ ‬I’m sure he would have grinned.‭ ‬He doesn’t,‭ ‬obviously.‭ ‬Have a mouth,‭ ‬that is.‭ ‬Or grin.‭ ‬What he‭ ‬does‭ ‬do is unspool a number of tendrils from his body,‭ ‬his dark,‭ ‬meaty appendages cascading forth as he shuffles his mass closer to Syx and me.‭ ‬Though,‭ ‬it only just occurs to me‭ ‬--‭ ‬with me pretty much full to capacity,‭ ‬what does he plan to do with his tentacles‭?

I hear a moan from Syx behind me,‭ ‬and shift a bit to glance back at her‭ ‬--‭ ‬her slow thrusts into me haven’t stopped,‭ ‬but I can see her wince as dark tentacles begin to coil around her,‭ ‬one sliding between those full tits while another binds them against each other,‭ ‬creating a snug valley for Zaz to penetrate.‭ ‬I stifle a menacing giggle when I see one more tentacle winding its way behind her,‭ ‬but find the stifling quickly made unnecessary when one of Zaz’s tendrils pushes its way past my dark,‭ ‬half-parted lips,‭ ‬sliding into my mouth.‭ “‬MMphhH--‭!” ‬I hold back a cough,‭ ‬letting out a muffled groan as the appendage slips in deep,‭ ‬not yet inviting itself down my throat...‭ ‬but knowing Zaz,‭ ‬it won’t be long before he decides to have some fun with my esophagus.

‭“‬Nnh,‭ ‬you...‭ ‬certainly are bold...‭” ‬I hear Syx groan before inhaling sharply‭ ‬--‭ ‬I feel both of her cocks throb and flex hard inside of me,‭ ‬her body going rigid and still for a moment,‭ ‬and I know what’s happening behind me.‭ ‬The way her breath holds,‭ ‬then relaxes into a low,‭ ‬lazy moan.‭ ‬I’ve been exactly where she is,‭ ‬and there’s no doubt in my mind that Zaz just slipped a tentacle into her ass.‭ ‬From the way she squirms and thrusts erratically into me,‭ ‬I feel like the true winner in this situation,‭ ‬even if I’m having difficulty offering any vocal feedback with a mouthful of Zaz.

“‬Fretn’t,‭ ‬young staR-hy00m,‭ ‬for the long bits of Zaz are fleximous--‭”‬ the creature burbles,‭ ‬the long coils of his limbs growing more restless now,‭ ‬thrusting playfully between Syx’s tits,‭ ‬up her ass,‭ ‬and into my mouth,‭ ‬finally breaching the hesitant blockade of my uvula and fully down my throat,‭ ‬forcing me to suck in the sanctuary’s stale air through my nostrils.‭ ‬My senses are so overflooded as to be almost dulled,‭ ‬my body humming at a plateau of bliss between the alcohol,‭ ‬weariness,‭ ‬breathlessness,‭ ‬and continued stimulation of Syx’s cocks shifting and rocking in and out of my backdoor.‭ ‬My eyes widen,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬as another tendril looms in front of me,‭ ‬hovering‭  ‬“--Though this‭ (‬1‭) ‬d0es wonder how much more a dr0plet can insert,‭ ‬when her door has already been twice knocked up0n.‭”

I let out a gargled squeak around the tentacle in my throat as the other starts to explore the stretched rim of my back entrance,‭ ‬poking and prodding gently at the edges of my asshole where Syx’s two cocks are already buried.‭ ‬Unable to physically speak‭ ‬--‭ ‬and mostly moaning anyway,‭ ‬especially as Zaz’s slimmer tendrils begin to coil and tug at my nipples‭ ‬--‭ ‬I try to force my thoughts into Zaz’s mind.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬with everything going on,‭ ‬forming a single coherent thought is impossible,‭ ‬and even trying to transmit a pang of urgency is muddled by the haze of pleasure I’m already in.‭ ‬What I end up beaming into his head is more a psionic wail of lust than anything else...‭ ‬and rather than making him rethink his advances,‭ ‬it seems to spur him on.

‭“‬MMphh--‭!” ‬I gag as one tendril winds around my ankle,‭ ‬lifting it and spreading me more completely,‭ ‬my ladydick bobbing limply from the repeated thrusts into my exposed backside‭ ‬--‭ ‬and Zaz goes for the kill,‭ ‬one thick,‭ ‬slippery appendage finally forcing its way inside of me alongside the two invaders already present.‭ ‬I squeeze my eyes shut with a muffled whine,‭ ‬my back arching as I’m seized by what feels like a mini-orgasm,‭ ‬a spasm of ecstasy heralding a future,‭ ‬larger implosion of sensation.‭ ‬I savor the difference in textures,‭ ‬hot and rigid contrasted with cool and flexible,‭ ‬Zaz’s tentacle winding around and between Syx’s cocks as it explores deeper inside of the familiar terrain of my ass.

I place one hand hesitantly on my lower belly,‭ ‬moaning breathlessly as I feel the steady thrusting and pumping within my butt‭ ‬--‭ ‬now not only of Syx’s dicks but one of Zaz’s tentacles,‭ ‬creating a combo platter of penetration that I’m not sure I can handle.‭ ‬Behind me,‭ ‬I hear Syx’s gasps of pleasure muffled by yet another tentacle,‭ ‬this one diving into her mouth as yet another winds around to add itself to the starspawn’s backside.‭ ‬I’ve been where Syx is more times than I can recall,‭ ‬airtight with Zazkoroth’s appendages,‭ ‬and know the exquisite pleasure she must be in,‭ ‬made even more extreme by the increasing speed and fervor of her thrusts into‭ ‬me.

Still,‭ ‬two tentacles has nothing on what I’m going through,‭ ‬my ass so sweetly stretched,‭ ‬my body so full of squirming,‭ ‬thrusting delights that I can’t help but squeal out around the tentacle in my mouth.‭ ‬I hear the bottles around me start to shake,‭ ‬glass rattling against glass as my pleasure escalates,‭ ‬mounting toward a crescendo that,‭ ‬in this place,‭ ‬could lead to a lot of breakage.‭ ‬I squeeze my eyes shut and try to silence my mind,‭ ‬my thoughts‭ ‬--‭ ‬try to control the abilities that I still don’t yet understand.‭ ‬It doesn’t matter if Syx and Zaz are resistant to my psionics‭; ‬a shower of shattered glass is gonna ruin‭ ‬everyone’s‭ ‬day if I can’t control my orgasm.

Boom,‭ ‬boom,‭ ‬boom,‭ ‬boom‭ ‬--‭ ‬Syx’s voice is drowned out by the dark tendril down her throat,‭ ‬and I can no longer hear Zaz’s bizarre chatter.‭ ‬I can’t hear the crazies,‭ ‬or even my own thoughts,‭ ‬just this non-stop pulse in my mind.‭ ‬It’s like I can feel every nerve in my body,‭ ‬lightning screaming across my neural pathways,‭ ‬every part of me wanting to explode as my pleasure grows greater and greater.‭ ‬I need to control it.‭ ‬I have to hold it back.

The sensation of cum shooting into my ass by way of the double-barreled cannon that is Syssyx makes resisting orgasm impossible.‭ ‬My eyes shoot open,‭ ‬and the world looks bright for the first time.‭ ‬I convulse,‭ ‬back arching,‭ ‬toes clenching,‭ ‬my hands balling into fists as I feel several long squirts of Zaz’s creamy ooze blast across my face and chest,‭ ‬even splattering one wad of white spunk over my dick and balls.‭ ‬My ass clenches down,‭ ‬squeezing around both of them tightly,‭ ‬and I feel the psychic scream burgeoning against the walls of my brain‭ ‬--‭ ‬but I don’t release it.

I feel waves of energy pulse through me,‭ ‬but not the liquor store,‭ ‬flooding me before finally fading...‭ ‬no,‭ ‬not fading.‭ ‬Being‭ ‬absorbed.‭ ‬I feel my body drink the energy back into itself,‭ ‬feel revitalized in an incredible way,‭ ‬if still weary from such ferocious activity.‭ ‬My spasms stop,‭ ‬and I collapse,‭ ‬my eyes half-lidded,‭ ‬and Zaz’s tentacle slides free of my throat,‭ ‬then the other from my ass,‭ ‬leaving me lazily mounted side-saddle on Syx’s shafts.

‭“‬What...‭ ‬what was that,‭ ‬Raine‭?” ‬I hear Syx’s voice,‭ ‬barely registering it until after a moment.

“‬Deafening,‭ ‬then sileNt,‭”‬ Zaz burbles,‭ ‬looking satisfied though inexhausted.‭ ‬“A dr0plet become thunderstorm,‭ ‬yes‭?”

“I...‭ ‬I dunno,‭” ‬I murmur quietly,‭ ‬blinking away spots of color from my vision.‭ ‬Something feels different,‭ ‬but I’m not sure what.‭ “‬What did...‭ ‬I mean,‭ ‬did you guys notice anything‭?”

Syx curls up a bit closer into me,‭ ‬hugging me tightly from behind and nuzzling into the back of my neck.‭ “‬Your eyes changed color for a moment,‭” ‬she nods slightly,‭ “‬almost silver...‭ ‬but the pupils were deep green.‭”

I blink,‭ ‬furrowing my brow,‭ ‬still panting softly.‭ “‬What are they now‭?”

“Hazel,‭ ‬as they usually are.‭”


“It would seeMinge that thyne abiliting grows each day,‭”‬ Zaz muses,‭ ‬“answers as to the g i r l‭ ’ ‬s condition when arrival‭ = ‬camp,‭ ‬perhaps‭?”

I let out a soft sigh.‭ ‬Every time my powers do something new,‭ ‬I understand them less.‭ ‬I thought that trying to control,‭ ‬trying to‭ ‬use them,‭ ‬would make them safer,‭ ‬more reliable.‭ ‬Now I just understand what they are,‭ ‬and how they work,‭ ‬less than ever before.‭ “‬I hope so,‭ ‬yeah,‭” ‬I nod back,‭ ‬then tilt sideways slightly,‭ ‬trying to let Syx stay buried inside of me but laying my head against her soft breasts,‭ ‬using her chest as a pillow.‭ ‬My mind is racing,‭ ‬but my body’s still aching,‭ ‬and now prostrated from being painstakingly pushed past the previous perimeter of my posterior.‭ ‬I need to rest,‭ ‬and think.‭ ‬More than anything else,‭ ‬I need answers.

I lazily reach out for the bottle of rum and take another swig.‭ ‬I don’t have answers,‭ ‬but booze is a decent replacement for right this second.


[t3ntacl3s] [an4l/DAP/TAP] [doublec0ck] [oral] [titfuck] [alcohol use]


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