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Author's Note: Whassup I did another DC story. ^_^

[ Features Power Girl, Starfire, and Atlee. Links to the designs I am using for the purposes of the DCEC. ]

[futa/futa/futa] [age difference (teen/adult)] [titfucking] [blowjob] [anal] [BK Triple Stacker™] [competition/jealousy]


‭“‬Do you think Supergirl will be coming back‭? ‬For,‭ ‬um...‭ ‬krissmus‭?” ‬Atlee asked,‭ ‬her purple eyes wide and expressive as she toppled down onto the couch,‭ ‬starting to unlace one of her black hero-ing boots.‭ ‬The holiday season had been unexpectedly difficult in Manhattan‭ ‬--‭ ‬with less than a year of experience as Power Girl’s sidekick,‭ ‬she had yet to see exactly how the crazy villains started turning out around this time of year.‭ ‬Already she and the kryptonian had fought against Blue Snowman‭ (‬who was a woman,‭ ‬oddly‭)‬,‭ ‬Captain Cold,‭ ‬and some moron calling himself the Gingerbread Grifter,‭ ‬whose power was to make everyday objects‭ “‬too dry to eat without milk.‭” ‬Even Calendar Man had made a rare appearance outside of Gotham to spread joy and stab-wounds to the citizens of New York.

But,‭ ‬at long last,‭ ‬night had fallen and things had seemed to settle down,‭ ‬if perhaps ironically.‭ ‬Snow swirled and tumbled onto the city streets like so many soft,‭ ‬white feathers,‭ ‬carols filled the air,‭ ‬and the spirit of giving seemed to have gotten a hold of everyone.‭ ‬When Power Girl had spotted Mr.‭ ‬Freeze giving away toys,‭ ‬she’d decided it was probably time to call it a night and let someone else protect the city for a while.

This brought the duo back to Power Girl’s‭ ‬--‭ ‬better known here as Karen Starr‭ ‬--‭ ‬apartment at the top of the skyscraper that was STAR Labs.‭ ‬Atlee continued to struggle with her boot,‭ ‬looking up to her partner who was busying herself with something at the stove.‭ “‬Oh,‭ ‬she’s spending it with the Kents,‭ ‬last I heard.‭ ‬Plus,‭ ‬I don’t need the bills for the property damage that always happens when she shows up...‭ ‬not that I don’t contribute to it,‭ ‬obviously.‭”

Atlee giggled under her breath.‭ “‬Yeah,‭ ‬the two of you nearly brought the place down with your sister-wrestling.‭”

Power Girl blinked.‭ ‬Sister-wrestling...‭? ‬Right,‭ ‬that was what she’d told Atlee the two were up to when Supergirl had come over that night and the whole building had almost come down.‭ ‬Cute as she was,‭ ‬the young terran was just too innocent to really want to go into detail about rough sex with.‭ ‬Not that the kryptonian hadn’t thought about what it might be like...‭ ‬many,‭ ‬many times,‭ ‬at this point.‭ ‬Shaking the musings from her mind,‭ ‬Karen decided to speed along the warming process with a carefully-applied beam of heat vision,‭ ‬bringing the pot of milk on the stove to a simmer almost instantly.‭ ‬A dash of kryptonian speed,‭ ‬and she’d gathered the chocolate and marshmallows before Atlee’d had time to look up from her boot,‭ ‬now bouncing up and down on the opposite foot in a desperate attempt to wiggle free of it.

‭“‬Hey,‭ ‬got you something,‭” ‬Power Girl smirked,‭ ‬handing out a single massive,‭ ‬steaming cup of hot cocoa to the raven-haired teen,‭ ‬who blinked at it,‭ ‬still standing on one foot.

‭“‬What’s this‭?” ‬Atlee asked gently,‭ ‬finally tugging the boot off and toppling onto her backside with a soft‭ ‬oof,‭ ‬but taking the fall well and reaching up from the mug.‭ “‬Is it like tea‭? ‬My people used to make something that looked like this out of roots and lava-rocks,‭ ‬but they never let me try it.‭ ‬Said it was for grown-ups only.‭”

“It’s hot chocolate.‭ ‬Figured since you hadn’t been topside for a Christmas yet,‭ ‬you might not have had this before either,‭” ‬the kryptonian smiled,‭ ‬taking a sip from her own mug and keeping her eyes on her young sidekick,‭ ‬waiting to see her reaction.‭ “‬Go on,‭ ‬you’ll like it.‭ ‬It’s sweet.‭”

Atlee blinked down into the mug,‭ ‬smelled it cautiously,‭ ‬and then took a sip of the hot liquid.‭ ‬What ensued was like watching an angel get its wings‭ ‬--‭ ‬the young terran’s eyes welled up,‭ ‬her lips pursing and a high-pitched squeal of bliss bubbling up from her chest,‭ ‬her entire body going rigid.‭ “‬Ahhh‭~!” ‬she finally gasped,‭ ‬a puff of steam escaping her soft lips before she dove back into the cup,‭ ‬taking another long gulp.

‭“‬Careful you don’t burn yourself,‭” ‬Power Girl chuckled,‭ ‬one hand on her hip as she watched her teen sidekick.‭ ‬Letting out a slow breath,‭ ‬she let watching Atlee drink the hot chocolate relax her a bit,‭ ‬coming down from the stress of a day of heroics.‭ ‬With no more catastrophes having shown up,‭ ‬and no random team-ups to get roped into,‭ ‬it looked like she was finally going to get the quiet,‭ ‬peaceful Christmas Eve that she was long,‭ ‬long due.

...At least,‭ ‬until a knock sounded at the window of her apartment.

Wait,‭ ‬window‭?

“Uhh,‭ ‬hang tight,‭” ‬the kryptonian said,‭ ‬weaving her way through the kitchen to the spacious bedroom she shared with Atlee.‭ ‬The knock resounded‭; ‬gentle,‭ ‬almost timid rapping on the glass.‭ ‬Drawing the blinders away revealed the figure floating behind the window,‭ ‬thirty stories in the air‭ ‬--‭ ‬an orange-skinned alien that was familiar only in passing,‭ ‬her deep green eyes and fiery red hair marking her as the ex-Teen Titan,‭ ‬Starfire.‭ ‬Sporting a wide grin and waving excitedly at the window,‭ ‬she was dressed in her usual revealing purple costume,‭ ‬consisting of leggings,‭ ‬gloves,‭ ‬panties,‭ ‬and a glorified sports bra‭ ‬--‭ ‬tonight,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬the outfit also included one final accessory in the form of a Santa hat.

‭“‬Mnbphmmbb‭! ‬Mammphmhmhh‭!”

Exhaling slowly through her nostrils,‭ ‬Power Girl slowly pushed the window open,‭ ‬the alien’s excited,‭ ‬muffled chatter now becoming clear.

‭“‬Noble kryptonian‭! ‬What a glorious surprise it is to find you here on this most joyous of Earth holidays‭!” ‬Starfire beamed,‭ ‬doing a quick twirl in mid-air.

The blonde arched a brow.‭ “‬Uhh...‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬you too.‭ ‬Starfire,‭ ‬right‭?”

“Correct‭! ‬Though you may also call me Koriand’r‭!”

“Right,‭” ‬Power Girl nodded.‭ ‬A pause ensued,‭ ‬then‭ ‬--‭ ‬a decidedly thick,‭ ‬gooey pause,‭ ‬as Kori stared expectantly,‭ ‬and Power Girl just sort of stared awkwardly back.‭ “‬Do you...‭ ‬want to come i--‭”

“That would be most delightful‭! ‬I do not wish to intrude,‭ ‬of course‭ ‬--‭ ‬are you having a party to celebrate your Hero’s Birth‭?” ‬Starfire zipped inside,‭ ‬twirling around and past the kryptonian and lighting gently on her booted feet,‭ ‬stretching out as she wandered toward the bedroom door that would take her to the apartment’s living room.

‭“‬It’s just me and Atlee,‭ ‬actually,‭ ‬we were just gonna--‭ ‬wait,‭ ‬what hero‭?”

“The one who sacrificed himself for mankind‭? ‬He was a great superhero,‭ ‬correct‭? ‬I have heard many stories about him,‭ ‬with his red costume and mighty beard,‭ ‬so much like the pthaxias centurions of my own home planet.‭”

“Are you talking about...‭ ‬Santa‭?”

“The Santa Christ,‭ ‬indeed‭! ‬The oldest of Earth’s heroes,‭” ‬Starfire turned,‭ ‬beaming proudly.

‭“‬You’re a little off base,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬sure.‭”

“You shall have to explain the legend to me in greater detail,‭ ‬perhaps when we share tales over the ritual imbibing of fermented eggs,‭” ‬the tamaranean opened the door and sped into the living room,‭ ‬her feet never seeming to touch the floor for more than an instant.‭ ‬Far less accustomed to blending in with humans than Power Girl was,‭ ‬the alien rarely bothered to walk.‭ ‬Just sort of...‭ ‬glided.

‭“‬I‭ ‬really hope you’re just talking about egg nog,‭” ‬Karen sighed,‭ ‬following the tamaranean out into the living room to the sound of Atlee’s delighted squeal.

‭“‬Star‭!” ‬the terran shouted,‭ ‬clambering to her feet and racing across the living room to leap into Koriand’r’s arms,‭ ‬who quickly caught her in a hug and spun her in a tight circle.‭ “‬You came‭!”

“Indeed‭! ‬Finding you was quite challenging,‭ ‬I was required to ask for directions no less than one-hundred and twenty-eight times,‭ ‬before I finally found a helpful woman who’s voice was trapped in a box.‭ ‬Her primary instructions were to make the next available U-Turn,‭ ‬though her refusal to explain what such a maneuver entailed was also a considerable setback.‭” ‬Starfire gently squeezed the young terran before setting her back down onto the carpet.‭ “‬I never was able to release her from the box.‭ ‬Perhaps my greatest failure.‭”

“You two know each other‭?” ‬Power Girl inquired,‭ ‬reclaiming her own cup of cocoa from the kitchen counter and taking a quick gulp of it.

‭“‬Indeed‭! ‬It was Atlee I came to see,‭” ‬Starfire confessed.‭ “‬Though I hope I offer no offense‭! ‬While I was unaware that you,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬lived here,‭ ‬I am most delighted to make you acquiescence‭!”


“Oh,‭ ‬no thank you,‭ ‬I do my best not to partake in those before bedtime.‭”

Power Girl squeezed her eyes shut for a moment,‭ ‬drawing in a deep breath.‭ ‬She’d thought Atlee was endearingly naive,‭ ‬but Starfire took that quality to an entirely new level.‭ ‬Glancing to Atlee herself,‭ ‬the kryptonian tried to shift the conversation.‭ “‬So,‭ ‬how two do you know each other‭? ‬Was it before you came topside‭?”

“Ohh,‭ ‬eheh,‭ ‬no,‭” ‬the terran chewed her lip,‭ ‬idly struggling against the tight squeeze of Starfire’s arms around her,‭ ‬the tall tamaranean’s breasts squishing against the back of her raven-haired noggin.‭ “‬Remember when you had to go to Mars with the JSA‭?”

The blonde nodded.‭ “‬In March,‭ ‬yeah.‭ ‬It was just a few weeks.‭”

“Well I sorta...‭ ‬went on vacation‭? ‬And I ended up being Star’s sidekick in Florida for a little while until you came back‭!”

Vacation‭? ‬Explained the missing company funds she’d never been able to track down.‭ “‬Huh.‭ ‬Well I’m...‭ ‬sure you learned a lot.‭ ‬Starfire’s an incredible hero,‭ ‬from what I’ve heard.‭”

“Oh,‭ ‬definitely‭! ‬She taught me all about how to feed and care for a thoglax,‭ ‬to not touch battery acid because it hurts,‭ ‬and using my feelings to be better at flying‭! ‬Or...‭ ‬riding on flying rocks,‭ ‬anyway.‭”

“She was a most apt pupil,‭” ‬Kori added,‭ ‬pride in her oddly-accented voice.‭ ‬The young terran smiled brightly,‭ ‬and while Power Girl felt a tiny pang of jealousy in her gut,‭ ‬it faded quickly.‭ ‬She‭ ‬had left Atlee behind,‭ ‬and it was good that she got some more experience during that time.‭ ‬Plus,‭ ‬the tamaranean seemed like about as positive an influence as a teenager could have.

‭“‬Well,‭ ‬looks like I need to make more hot cocoa.‭” ‬Kara Zor-L finally nodded.‭ ‬Better to make the best of the situation than be resentful‭ ‬--‭ ‬especially considering what night it was.‭ “‬Are you planning to stay the night,‭ ‬Starfire‭? ‬I have a guest bed Atlee refuses to use,‭ ‬so you’re free to use it.‭ ‬I was just about to put a movie on.‭”

“That would be most delightful‭! ‬Which holographic tale shall we partake in‭? ‬I also brought crispy dried zaphnorbs if anyone would care to try some--‭”

“No,‭” ‬Power Girl and Terra spoke in unison,‭ ‬the latter out of experience and the former out of sheer dread,‭ ‬as the orange-skinned alien removed her Santa hat and began rifling through it.

‭“‬Ah,‭ ‬very well‭! ‬Just for me,‭ ‬then.‭”


‭“‬The message of this holographic tale evades me.‭ ‬The skeleton man has exerted his greatest effort into engineering Christmas,‭ ‬yet he has failed,‭ ‬and must return to being the sovereign monarch over another holiday.‭ ‬Is he being bound by the circumstance of his birth,‭ ‬rather than the person he would choose to be‭?” ‬Starfire mused,‭ ‬shoving a handful of what appeared to be beetle husks into her mouth.‭ ‬While the crunch sounded satisfying,‭ ‬the smell most assuredly was not.

‭“‬I think it’s just a warning to slow your roll,‭ ‬you know‭? ‬Not put all your eggs in one basket,‭” ‬the kryptonian answered.‭ ‬Atlee lay between the two,‭ ‬her head on Power Girl’s lap but her legs draped across Starfire’s,‭ ‬her pert backside pressed into the tamaranean’s stomach and one boot‭ ‬still on.

‭“‬How are eggs involved in this tale‭? ‬Are they not the domain of the Behemoth Lupid of Easter‭?”

“It’s a metaphor.‭”

“Ah,‭ ‬I see.‭ ‬I am often informed that these elude me to a frustrating degree,‭ ‬though I do find that Earth’s twirls of phrase can be frequent to the point of excess.‭”

“Turns of phrase.‭ ‬Not twirls.‭”

“I rest my crate.‭”

“Ooh,‭ ‬can we watch Die Hard next‭?” ‬Atlee interrupted,‭ ‬beaming as the ending credits began to roll over the last film.‭ “‬That’s a Christmas movie right‭?”

“I am‭ ‬definitely not getting into that argument with either of you,‭” ‬Power Girl chuckled.‭ “‬You might be a little young for it,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬fuck it,‭ ‬it’s Christmas.‭ ‬Yippee ki yay.‭”

Inserting the next disc,‭ ‬Karen settled back into place on the couch,‭ ‬laying Atlee’s head back into her lap and getting ready to watch.‭ ‬Though,‭ ‬as with the last movie the trio had watched,‭ ‬she found herself distracted‭ ‬--‭ ‬both with thoughts,‭ ‬and glances.‭ ‬The former were of Starfire,‭ ‬imagining the orange-skinned alien working alone with Atlee,‭ ‬being a mentor to her.‭ ‬It was strange to think about,‭ ‬that Atlee had replaced her so quickly and taken so well to the tamaranean,‭ ‬though she constantly attempted to dispel such thoughts as petty jealousy that she was‭ (‬or at least‭ ‬should be‭) ‬well above.‭ ‬Atlee had come back to Manhattan,‭ ‬after all,‭ ‬hadn’t she‭?

The latter distraction,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬the glances,‭ ‬were also of Starfire‭ ‬--‭ ‬flicking her eyes away from the movie at super-speed to examine the gorgeous alien,‭ ‬her arms stretched casually along the back of the couch.‭ ‬Her skimpy purple outfit hugging so hungrily to her flawless figure,‭ ‬her expression invested yet open,‭ ‬every flicker of excitement or interest plain to see on her beautifully honest face.‭ ‬Every wince when the film’s hero was hurt,‭ ‬every gasp of joy when a success was seized...‭ ‬and yes,‭ ‬every expression of utter befuddlement when a‭ ‘‬twirl‭’ ‬of phrase beyond her immediate understanding was used.‭ ‬But even as frustratingly adorable as her face was,‭ ‬Karen found her eyes constantly returning to the alien princess’s body....


Power Girl blinked,‭ ‬looking down at Atlee,‭ ‬whose head had started to feel increasingly...‭ ‬intimate in her lap,‭ ‬especially considering the exposing state of the superhero costume she had yet to change out of.‭ ‬Every tilt of the young terran’s head caressed her short,‭ ‬soft black hair along the kryptonian’s exposed thighs,‭ ‬and though she hadn’t realized it,‭ ‬the warmth of the teen’s noggin had masked a growing heat between those powerful trunks of superhuman flesh that Power Girl called legs.

‭“‬What’s up‭? ‬You need another drink‭?”

“Something keeps bumping my head,‭” ‬Atlee insisted,‭ ‬sitting up just enough to grab the remote and pause the movie,‭ ‬then looking down at the lap she’d been so comfortably nestled into‭ ‬--‭ ‬her deep violet eyes widening at the sight of something very hard and very big straining against the thin white fabric of her mentor’s unitard.‭ “‬Ohh.‭ ‬Um.‭ ‬Hey.‭ ‬Are you...‭ ‬enjoying the movie,‭ ‬Peej‭?”

“Umm,‭” ‬Karen blinked.‭ “‬That’s...‭ ‬nothing‭?”

“It doesn’t look like nothing,‭” ‬Atlee mused.‭ ‬Despite her innocent-sounding inquisition,‭ ‬a small smirk was starting to curl her lips as she admired the monstrous,‭ ‬torpedo-shaped bulge straining against the cloth.‭ “‬I should look into it.‭”

“Oooh,‭ ‬is there a phenomenon to observe and critique‭?” ‬Starfire interrupted,‭ ‬suddenly becoming quite animated and turning in her seat,‭ ‬leaning towards Power Girl to see whatever the teen was looking at.‭ “‬Something embarrassing perhaps‭? ‬That we may bond over our mutual misunderstanding and potential mockery of it‭?”

“It’s nothing,‭ ‬alright‭? ‬I was just...‭ ‬I lost my concentration,‭ ‬and--‭ ‬hey,‭ ‬let go,‭ ‬brat‭!” ‬Despite the kryptonian’s aggravated warning,‭ ‬it was too late‭ ‬--‭ ‬Atlee had grabbed the edge of Power Girl’s unitard and drawn it aside,‭ ‬meeting impressive resistace before the cloth finally gave way and a massive length of hard girlshaft sprung forth.‭ ‬Agitated by a combination of prolonged staring at Starfire’s body,‭ ‬and she sensation of Atlee’s casually squirming head and shoulders atop it,‭ ‬the thing stood at full size,‭ ‬bobbing lightly as it was exposed to the dimly-lit living room.

‭“‬Holy smokes,‭” ‬Atlee swallowed hard,‭ ‬staring the thing in the face.‭ ‬Or...‭ ‬the head,‭ ‬anyway.‭ “‬I’ve never seen one so big.‭ ‬I,‭ ‬um....‭”

“Truly,‭ ‬never‭?” ‬Starfire purred,‭ ‬her own eyes wide with enthusiasm that rivalled Atlee’s in its bombastic innocence,‭ ‬despite the former Titan’s‭ (‬slightly‭) ‬greater age.‭ “‬I admit that it is a remarkable specimen,‭ ‬but I have seen its equal.‭ ‬I once saw Wonder Woman in the Watchtower shower‭! ‬In all honesty,‭ ‬it is likely not far greater than my own.‭”

“Whoa,‭ ‬seriously‭?” ‬Atlee gasped.

‭“‬Look,‭ ‬can we just--‭”

“Oh,‭ ‬absolutely‭! ‬I can reveal it for you as well if you would like to compare the two.‭ ‬I assure you I shall not disappoint.‭ ‬I trust that measurement and comparison of womanhoods is a commonplace tradition of this holiday‭?” ‬Starfire beamed,‭ ‬starting to get up from the couch and reaching down to the durable violet panties that contained her promised prize.

Despite her embarrassment and the awkwardness she felt at being exposed in front of her own sidekick,‭ ‬Power Girl felt a sudden sense of pride wash over her.‭ ‬The opportunity to compare directly with the tamaranean was tempting in so primal a way that she felt her next bout of protest melt in her throat completely,‭ ‬replaced with,‭ ‬of all things,‭ ‬a challenge‭ ‬--‭ “‬Come on,‭ ‬Princess of Tamaran.‭ ‬Let’s see it.‭”

“Ooh,‭ ‬competition‭! ‬I knew it‭! ‬We have many similar traditions on my homeworld‭! ‬Though I feel you may have an early advantage,‭ ‬as I would require further stimulation to gain full strength...‭” ‬Starfire bit her lip as she tugged her battle-panties around her knees in one simple tug,‭ ‬revealing one of the few things not already revealed by her conventionally scandalous outfit:‭ ‬her cock,‭ ‬deep orange and at about half-mast,‭ ‬neither fully erect nor utterly slack.‭ ‬Despite its unconvinced state,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬the thing was big‭ ‬--‭ ‬remarkably big,‭ ‬uncut and beginning to swell under observation.‭ “‬In the spirit of holiday sportsmanship,‭ ‬may I request some assistance‭?”

Power Girl narrowed her eyes,‭ ‬then licked her lips.‭ “‬Fine.‭ ‬Bring that over here,‭ ‬and I’ll let you put it somewhere that it...‭ ‬well,‭ ‬let’s just say it won’t stay soft for long.‭” ‬Biting her lip,‭ ‬she looked the tamaranean over,‭ ‬biting back a gasp as a new idea entered her mind.‭ ‬A competition only she could win,‭ ‬something that would leave Atlee both amazed,‭ ‬and convinced that Power Girl was the better hero and mentor.‭ “‬But,‭ ‬you have to take off your top.‭”

“Oh,‭ ‬that is entirely reasonable‭! ‬Might I add that this tradition is fascinating and most exciting,‭ ‬I shall make note of celebrating and spreading it in the future‭!” ‬Starfire reached to the lower hem of her top,‭ ‬peeling it up and over her head without an instant of hesitation,‭ ‬leaving both Power Girl and Terra to wonder exactly how fun life on Tamaran must have been.‭ ‬The removal of the garment revealed two high,‭ ‬firm breasts,‭ ‬the same bright orange as the rest of Koriand’r’s skin and studded with perky ochre nipples,‭ ‬a gorgeous complement to the alien’s flawless body and thick,‭ ‬snoozing schlong.‭ “‬Now,‭ ‬where should I place this‭? ‬Ordinarily I would consider a charging station for such a tender organ to be unlikely,‭ ‬but I never cease to be astounded by Earth’s technology‭!”

“Well,‭ ‬this isn’t technological...‭” ‬the kryptonian murmured,‭ ‬reaching beneath the bustline of her costume and tearing a hole wide enough to accommodate Starfire’s impressive rod.‭ “‬But it’ll do the trick.‭ ‬Put the tip in here,‭ ‬and push up.‭”

“Ohh,‭ ‬this is well understood to me,‭” ‬Starfire smiled.‭ “‬Though I find your womanly curves...‭ ‬imposing,‭ ‬I shall nonetheless relish in utilizing them for the sake of our friendly tournament‭!” ‬Despite the inherent lack of appeal in a term like‭ ‘‬utilizing,‭’ ‬Karen nonetheless knew a compliment when she heard it,‭ ‬and couldn’t help but feel her heart start to race when the other alien drew nearer.‭ ‬How had she even gotten into this‭? ‬First thing she knew she was experiencing a fit of competitive jealousy,‭ ‬and the next she was offering to let Starfire titfuck her.‭ ‬Then again,‭ ‬if she hadn’t wanted it at least a little,‭ ‬she wouldn’t have popped such a noticable stiffie just watching the tamaranean princess watch TV.

Power Girl swallowed hard as Starfire‭ ‬--‭ ‬now entirely nude but for boots,‭ ‬gloves,‭ ‬and that ridiculous Santa hat‭ ‬--‭ ‬straddled her on the couch and took the proferred gift without a hint of hesitation or embarrassment,‭ ‬slipping the spongey tip of her stiffening rod up into that hole and up,‭ ‬between the tight,‭ ‬squishy valley of the kryptonian’s legendary breasts,‭ ‬and finally out through her trademarked‭ ‘‬cleavage window,‭’ ‬something Supergirl had barely been able to breach with her deepest thrust.‭ ‬Starfire had managed it easily.

‭“‬Oof,‭ ‬there we go...‭” ‬Karen gasped lightly,‭ ‬chewing her lower lip as the other alien straddled her,‭ ‬slowly shifting her stiffening shaft up between her breasts and out through her chest window,‭ ‬the tip of Starfire’s admittedly impressive cock nearly touching her chin if Power Girl wasn’t careful.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬despite the fact that the slow,‭ ‬steady repetitions of that throbbing thing between her huge,‭ ‬sensitive tits was making her hornier than ever,‭ ‬she felt a pang of fear that she wouldn’t win any such measurement contest against the tamaranean.‭ ‬Tie perhaps,‭ ‬but win...‭ ‬unlikely.

Those thoughts were broken almost immediately,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬by an unexpected sensation‭ ‬--‭ ‬that of nuzzling,‭ ‬then licking,‭ ‬along her own exposed shaft,‭ ‬which was only growing harder and more anxious with every second that Starfire floated above her lap.‭ ‬Power Girl gasped,‭ ‬glancing around Starfire’s exposed hip to spot Atlee,‭ ‬the teen heroine’s curiosity having clearly gotten the best of her as she now licked,‭ ‬kissed,‭ ‬and bumped against the tip of Karen’s kryptonian cock.‭ “‬Atlee--‭!” ‬she yelped,‭ ‬squeezing her powerful thighs together in a completely useless attempt to hide or guard the massive,‭ ‬rock-hard member Atlee was taking advantage of.‭ “‬I don’t remember inviting you anywhere near that.‭”

“I’m helping it stay big while you help Kori,‭” ‬Atlee beamed,‭ ‬nibbling tenderly at the edge of Power Girl’s foreskin before slipping the entire tip of the thing into her mouth,‭ ‬taking a long,‭ loving‬ suckle at it before popping it out back out with a wet schlurp,‭ ‬the swollen head now shimmering with the teen sidekick’s terran saliva.‭ “‬So we can compare them,‭ ‬remember‭?”

Again,‭ ‬the girl’s words rung hollow,‭ ‬or at least tainted by something deeper.‭ ‬Her slight grin and the playful eagerness with which she licked and slobbered on the side of Power Girl’s shaft spoke far more about Atlee’s intentions and desires than her words did...‭ ‬as did the tense,‭ ‬pulsating bump between the teen’s exposed thighs,‭ ‬hidden under the black-and-white fabric of her costume.‭ ‬Power Girl may have gotten into a lot more than she’d thought,‭ ‬this Christmas.

‭“‬Ohhh,‭ ‬miss Power Girl,‭ ‬this is far more enjoyable than I’d...‭ ‬hnn...‭ ‬a-anticipated...‭” ‬Koriand’r groaned quietly,‭ ‬biting her lip as she continued to thrust upward between the kryptonian’s full,‭ ‬smooth tits.‭ ‬Her she-dick was as hard as it was ever going to be,‭ ‬far beyond what was necessary for any kind of contest,‭ ‬yet she continued to pump her hips up and down,‭ ‬legs tucked behind her as she floated in mid-air to fuck the blonde’s boobs.‭ “‬How...‭ ‬long am I allowed to...‭ ‬k-keep going...‭?”

“You should probably...‭ ‬s-stahhh...‭” ‬Power Girl winced,‭ ‬squeezing both eyes shut for a moment as Atlee sunk down deep onto her cock,‭ ‬taking as much of it as she could into her mouth.‭ ‬She‭ ‬really should have given the girl a talk about sex at some point,‭ ‬considering she was her primary guardian,‭ ‬but...‭ ‬now it looked like Atlee was going to have to either learn about the birds and the bees in a very hands-on way,‭ ‬or she had already sussed it out for herself.‭ “‬I think you’re hard enough...‭ ‬and I‭ ‬know I am.‭” ‬She tensed,‭ ‬letting out another moan as Atlee dragged her tongue back up along the side of her twitching dick.

‭“‬Oh yes,‭ ‬I apologize--‭ ‬in my excitement I lost sight of our competition,‭” ‬Starfire blushed fiercely,‭ ‬taking a few last rapid thrusts between Power Girl’s tits before sliding down and out of the reverse-window opened beneath the costume’s bust,‭ ‬her shaft glistening with its own juices now and every bit as hard‭ ‬--‭ ‬and as large‭ ‬--‭ ‬as the kryptonian’s.‭ “‬Atlee,‭ ‬do you wish to join our contest,‭ ‬or simply be the judge‭?”

“Ohh,‭ ‬hehe,‭ ‬I’m...‭ ‬not gonna win that,‭” ‬Atlee blushed,‭ ‬taking one more long lick at Karen’s dick before sitting up,‭ ‬hooking one finger into the front of her own unitard and drawing it aside enough to reveal her own member,‭ ‬just for a moment.‭ ‬It was small,‭ ‬close to Supergirl’s size but perhaps a bit thicker‭ ‬--‭ ‬making it about half the length of the dual colossi that Power Girl and Starfire were sporting.‭ “‬But yeah‭! ‬I’d love to be the judge.‭”

As both of the older heroines sat up fully from the couch,‭ ‬Power Girl made a note to quickly remove her outfit,‭ ‬freeing her outstanding breasts‭ (‬now a bit wet from Starfire’s play‭) ‬and sitting next to the tamaranean.‭ ‬Both spread their legs,‭ ‬glancing shyly from each other,‭ ‬down to one another’s members,‭ ‬and then to a mesmerized Atlee‭ ‬--‭ ‬the terran reaching out to wrap a hand around the base of each and starting to slowly stroke them,‭ ‬licking her lips,‭ ‬then bumping the two tips together.

‭“‬Let’s see...‭” ‬she mused quietly,‭ ‬nuzzling one,‭ ‬then the other,‭ ‬giving Starfire’s a little lick as she continued to stroke both rods.‭ “‬Both have really good taste,‭ ‬and really,‭ ‬really big...‭ ‬not sure I can decide without another test.‭”

“Test‭?” ‬Starfire inquired.‭ “‬Are further layers of inquisition warranted to find a conclusive verdict‭?”

“Definitely,‭” ‬Atlee nodded,‭ ‬licking her lips and shooting a mischievous glance at Power Girl.‭ “‬Since I already had PeeGee’s in my mouth,‭ ‬maybe I should let you put yours in me,‭ ‬Star...‭” ‬sitting down onto the carpet with‭ ‬Die Hard still playing in the background,‭ ‬the terran laid back and spread her legs,‭ ‬tugging the lower end of her suit to the side once more,‭ ‬leaving her swollen girldick tucked away but exposing her pale asshole,‭ ‬looking to the tamaranean expectantly.‭ “‬Then I think I’d know for sure.‭”

“That would be most...‭ ‬exhilarating...‭” ‬Starfire said hesitantly,‭ “‬but I do not wish for Miss Starr to feel left out.‭”

“Oh,‭ ‬don’t worry about that,‭” ‬Power Girl narrowed her eyes.‭ “‬I have an idea.‭”

The next few instants saw a rapid rearranging of bodies that culminated in a sort of‭ ‘‬stack‭’ ‬--‭ ‬Power Girl sitting on the couch,‭ ‬Starfire mounted ass-first on the kryptonian’s thick,‭ ‬twitching cock,‭ ‬and Atlee perched atop the tamaranean in similar position,‭ ‬though facing inward rather than out.‭ ‬The terran’s costume remained in place,‭ ‬though the front was unzipped enough to reveal more of her surprisingly robust teen breasts,‭ ‬including a glimpse at one stiff pink nipple as she pushed herself down onto Starfire’s cock,‭ ‬her tight ass filled to the brim by the massive orange rod while her own far smaller one remained trapped under her costume.‭ “‬Ohhh craaappp...‭ ‬it’s so big inside me...‭ ‬I don’t know how much more I can handle,‭ ‬it’s so...‭ ‬s-so deep...‭!”

Hhahaahhh‭~!‬” Starfire squealed back wordlessly,‭ ‬the next rung down on the totem pole of heroic girldick,‭ ‬and naturally in the most advantageous possible position.‭ ‬Not only did she get to cram her pillar of orange girlmeat straight into Terra’s brazenly adventurous backdoor,‭ ‬her own tight orange asshole was being packed full with kryptonian dong.‭ ‬While she didn’t know if she’d done something to make Power Girl so aggressive,‭ ‬or if the blonde was just always so fierce,‭ ‬she couldn’t help but appreciate the deep,‭ ‬rough anal hammering she was on the recieving end of‭ ‬--‭ ‬each rough thrust of Power Girl’s dick up her ass sent the other alien’s smooth balls rocketing up to pummel Kori’s own.

Then on the bottom,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬was Power Girl,‭ ‬who’d seized‭ (‬or rather,‭ ‬manufactured‭) ‬an opportunity to take out some of her frustration on Starfire,‭ ‬and was having a magnificent time of it.‭ ‬While not as waifishly slender as Supergirl,‭ ‬Starfire’s athletic curves made for an incredible fuck,‭ ‬her perky bubble-butt slamming wildly down into the Earth-2‭ ‬immigrant’s lap‭ ‬--‭ ‬and onto her cock‭ ‬--‭ ‬each time she came down from a thrust into Atlee.‭ ‬Power Girl had forgotten about the contest,‭ ‬at this point‭; ‬it didn’t really matter when she was already taking the ultimate victory of fucking the newcomer up the ass,‭ ‬did it‭? ‬Each thrust of her hard cock sending shockwaves of pleasure through the tamaranean,‭ ‬making her tremble,‭ ‬words failing her as eventually even her own upward thrusts dissolved into helpless squirming.

In that way,‭ ‬Power Girl even got to be the one fucking Atlee‭ (‬a situation she was sure to revisit in the‭ ‬--‭ ‬possibly near‭ ‬--‭ ‬future‭) ‬by puppeting the flame-haired alien beauty.‭ ‬It was her thrusts that now sent Starfire’s cock rocketing up into Terra,‭ ‬the force of her momentum alone as her pummeling hips melted the tamaranean with pleasure.‭ ‬Slam after slam of her hot shaft drilling into Kori’s backdoor sent enough force through the ex-Titan’s body that her own rod crammed into Atlee nearly as hard,‭ ‬the little terran now panting and squealing out,‭ ‬lost for words herself as she was fucked to the point of climax,‭ ‬holding on for dear life not to explode inside of her own suit.

‭“‬Aahhhahh...‭ ‬h-holy‭ ‬hecccckkk...‭!!‬” Atlee bellowed out,‭ ‬one perky breast falling free of her outfit completely as she started to feel burst after burst of alien cum filling up her asshole,‭ ‬the wild pummeling against her developing prostate now driving her to a similar eruption as thick splatters of sticky cum began to fill her costume,‭ ‬her trapped cock unloading without needing a decent avenue to do so.‭ ‬Even as she relished the sensation of her butt being filled with sticky cream,‭ ‬the teen heroine found herself shivering with excitement as her own warm spunk burbled over her belly and the undersides of her breasts,‭ ‬pooling inside of her navel,‭ ‬and even dripping down her smooth balls to leak out the leg-hole of her outfit.

Only when both Kori and Atlee had been stuffed to dripping,‭ ‬squealing completion did Power Girl finally let herself cum,‭ ‬popping her own cock outside of Starfire’s gaped,‭ ‬satisfied ass to shoot a fusillade of kryptonian nut on both of the other superhumans,‭ ‬rope after rope of the stuff latticing itself across Atlee’s outfit and Starfire’s naked body alike,‭ ‬coating the two panting,‭ ‬twitching,‭ ‬whimpering beauties as they collapsed on top of one another on the couch.

‭“‬While I am...‭ ‬willing to...‭ ‬concede victory...‭” ‬Starfire gasped,‭ ‬toppling backwards to lay her head on Power Girl’s tits,‭ ‬with Atlee tumbling into a similar position on the other side of the blonde’s chest.‭ “‬I think I...‭ ‬still kind of won....‭”

“Heck,‭ ‬I’m the judge and I think I won too,‭” ‬Terra giggled weakly.‭ “‬You should stay over for Christmas Day,‭ ‬Kori.‭ ‬Maybe we can try some other contests and really get to the‭ ‘‬bottom‭’ ‬of this.‭”

“That better not have been a pun,‭” ‬Power Girl sighed.

‭“‬Nooo,‭ ‬I love puns‭!” ‬Atlee insisted,‭ ‬leaving Starfire to furrow her brow in confusion.

‭“‬...What is a pun?”


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