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Author's Notes: Placeholder title! I'll (hopefully) come up with something better in time.

Anyway, this is a commission that I'm (late, again) using to double as the September monthly short, as it IS technically an original short and even takes place in the Fuck Yeah, Space universe. This story, however, focuses on Earth, which is more of a cyberpunk type place than the more "evolved" cultures we saw on Au Prime.

Anyway, here we go!

[story] [futa/F] [bathing] [kissing/groping] [hotdogging] [vaginal] [handjob/oral]


‭‭The year on Earth was‭ ‬141‭ ‬A.N.,‭ ‬a resetting of the calendar to reflect the most major development in mankind’s history:‭ ‘‬After Nauelli,‭’ ‬it stood for.‭ ‬When those blue bastards came down from the sky for the first time,‭ ‬the human race finally knew‭ ‬--‭ ‬and truly‭ ‬understood‭ ‬--‭ ‬that life existed outside of the little blue planet they lived on.‭ ‬Technological advances suddenly changed direction:‭ ‬boner pills and new phone OSs took a back-burner while every single scientific mind on the planet tried to figure out how to copy the Nauelli’s advanced space-flight.

It would be forty-eight years before mankind sent its first manned vessel to Au Prime,‭ ‬and it had taken quite a lot of change to reach that point.‭ ‬Governments had crumbled as they made every sacrifice to get into space,‭ ‬making backhanded deals and shadowy bargains with those entities that could help them with the least fuss‭; ‬those with the most money.‭ ‬Not even thirty years after the Nauelli arrived,‭ ‬the Democratic Terran Empires had been established,‭ ‬peddling slavery under the guise of unity.‭ ‬All that remained was the lofty corporations that had done their part to get mankind into the Crux Worlds.

The Earth itself had been bought.

That,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬had been a long time ago.‭ ‬Over a century had passed since then,‭ ‬enough time for the world’s affection for corporate rule to change to outrage,‭ ‬and then finally to complacency.‭ ‬For the newer generations,‭ ‬freedom was a myth‭ ‬--‭ ‬perhaps something that could be found on some other planet,‭ ‬if somehow you got rich enough to afford a shuttle to one of them.‭ ‬Fat chance of that,‭ ‬though.‭ ‬Most people understood that if you weren’t born into luxury,‭ ‬you’d live and die on the Grind just like everybody else.

Once one of the great hubs of industry‭ ‬--‭ ‬along with Tokyo and,‭ ‬unexpectedly,‭ ‬Egypt‭ ‬--‭ ‬Detroit was now one of the best examples of how far mankind’s own planet had fallen in the search for others.‭ ‬Grimy and grounded,‭ ‬most jobs now went to increasingly-efficient android workers.‭ ‬What humans remained did odd jobs to get by,‭ ‬capitalizing on the one thing most androids were programmed not to do:‭ ‬crime.‭ ‬Derelict buildings and factories in the inner city were largely repurposed into flophouses and apartments where gangs or loose organizations of organics could remain unmolested.‭ ‬In one such flophouse,‭ ‬amidst the crawling bugs and rats and surrounded by graffiti’d walls,‭ ‬one woman now sat up from her futon,‭ ‬now more duct tape than it was stained,‭ ‬threadbare fabric.

‭“‬Nnnhh...‭” ‬she groaned under her breath,‭ ‬eyes shimmering slightly as she opened them,‭ ‬then squeezed them shut again as they were stung by the thin light leaking through the rat-eaten plaster,‭ ‬streaming down in weak,‭ ‬poisonous rays from the smoggy sky above.‭ “‬Fuck.‭” ‬Last night was a blur,‭ ‬and her head was pounding.‭ ‬Taste and feel of metal in her mouth,‭ ‬but no matter how many times her dry throat tried to swallow,‭ ‬it wouldn’t go away.‭ ‬How much had she...‭ ‬what had she done at‭ ‬all,‭ ‬last night‭? ‬Where was she now‭? ‬Did she even belong here‭? ‬It seemed familiar and foreign at the same time,‭ ‬like it could have been hers,‭ ‬or someone else’s entirely.‭ ‬Part of her wondered if she’d ever even seen the inside of this building before.‭ ‬Another part of her could well have been born in it.

Planting her feet beneath her,‭ ‬the woman struggled up to a standing position,‭ ‬stumbling over a bit of‭  ‬refuse that had gathered around the futon‭ ‬--‭ ‬mostly bottles of beer and liquor,‭ ‬still dribbling the last remnants of their contents as they rolled across the floor.‭ ‬Recent,‭ ‬then.‭ ‬She stumbled forward,‭ ‬looking for the nearest door,‭ ‬finding two.‭ ‬One was a little sturdier,‭ ‬enough so that what lay beyond remained a mystery.‭ ‬The other was mostly shattered,‭ ‬its top half torn away to reveal the jagged,‭ ‬termite-eaten wood,‭ ‬as much a product of entropy and decay as anything else here.‭ ‬Its openness,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬revealed a bathroom,‭ ‬which the girl staggered slowly towards.‭ ‬Water.‭ ‬Needed water.

Glaring white tile from beneath and around almost blinded her once more,‭ ‬and she had to squint her aching eyes as she made her way to the sink.‭ ‬Turning on the faucet resulted in a burbling,‭ ‬belching sound,‭ ‬the pipes seeming to churn before coughing forth a single glug of thick,‭ ‬deep orange ooze.‭ ‬Stank like a mix of sewage and that yellow fluid that androids circulated through their bodies.‭ ‬Probably exactly what it was,‭ ‬to be honest.

No water,‭ ‬then.‭ ‬Okay.

Her eyes tilted up from the the puddle of sludge slowly burbling back down the drain,‭ ‬to the dusty,‭ ‬cracked mirror just above the sink.‭ ‬It revealed a woman with pale skin and a shock of messy black hair,‭ ‬a collection of piercings leaving their marks across her face and ears.‭ ‬That explained the feeling in her mouth,‭ ‬too‭ ‬--‭ ‬a barbell in her tongue.

She stared into the reflection for a long time.‭ ‬Her name remained a fuzzy memory,‭ ‬but maybe if she could find something in that mirror,‭ ‬some clue as to who she was,‭ ‬the rest might start flooding back....

Through the spiderweb cracks in the obsolete‭ ‬glass mirror,‭ ‬the girl’s eyes stared back at her.‭ ‬One gray-blue iris rotated as she watched it,‭ ‬and she found the image corrected‭; ‬strangely compensating for the dust and the cracks.‭ ‬She remembered a bit,‭ ‬then.‭ ‬If not who she was,‭ ‬at least‭ ‬what she was.‭ ‬A human,‭ ‬born and raised in the Grind with all the other low-lifes,‭ ‬though she’d picked up more than a few not-exactly-natural enhancements along the way.‭ ‬The question,‭ ‬then,‭ ‬was where she’d gotten them in the first place‭ ‬--‭ ‬enhancements of any level of quality were usually reserved for the very wealthy or the very wanted,‭ ‬and with the hangover she was sporting right now,‭ ‬the last thing she wanted was a Contingent on her ass.

The sound of a pounding fist on the door to the flophouse room sent the woman staggering back a step,‭ ‬out of the bathroom and back into the space where she’d woken up,‭ ‬along with that solitary futon.‭ ‬Cops‭? ‬Had just‭ ‬thinking about a Contingent brought them to her fucking door‭? ‬Or had she--

The knock repeated,‭ ‬but this time it was accompanied by a voice‭ ‬--‭ ‬bright,‭ ‬female,‭ ‬and with a noticeable east-end London accent.‭ “‬Oy,‭ ‬luv‭? ‬You still in there‭?”

She swallowed the lump in her throat.‭ ‬Despite her sensation of sudden panic,‭ ‬the voice sounded anything but threatening.‭ ‬Pulling up against the wall and leaning into it,‭ ‬she glanced sidelong at the room’s other door,‭ ‬the one she hadn’t gone through‭ ‬--‭ ‬the one being pounded on from the other side.‭ “‬What’s it matter to you‭?” ‬the nameless woman finally hissed.

‭“‬Well,‭ ‬not a whole‭ ‘‬elluva lot,‭ ‬if I’m honest,‭” ‬the voice on the other side of the door continued,‭ ‬in seemingly quite high spirits.‭ “‬But considerin‭’ ‬that there are a good number of blokes groundside askin‭’ ‬on your description,‭ ‬I’d say you’d be a great deal‭ ‘‬appier comin‭’ ‬along with me,‭ ‬rather than goin‭’ ‬with them.‭ ‬Make sense‭?”

The awakened woman paused for a long moment,‭ ‬drawing a deep,‭ ‬stale breath in through her nose.‭ ‬It did sound like a tempting offer.‭ ‬She noticed her own black-painted fingernails for what felt like the first time as she laid her hand on the tarnished doorknob,‭ ‬turning it and finding the door entirely unlocked.‭ ‬Opening it revealed the girl beyond:‭ ‬slim and adorable,‭ ‬her brunette hair short and tomboyish.‭ ‬She was like a breath of sunshine amidst all the bugs and used-up air of the flophouse,‭ ‬and her brown bomber jacket marked her as either a wannabe pilot or someone who didn’t want other people knowing what she did‭ ‬--‭ ‬though her playful smile made it difficult to imagine her doing anything‭ ‬too unwholesome.


“Oy,‭ ‬looks like we may‭ ‘‬ave to clean you up a bit,‭ ‬luv.‭ ‬You may’ve had a bit of a rougher night than I thought.‭” ‬She hesitated,‭ ‬then continued.‭ “‬There’s a place I can take you,‭ ‬where you’ll be safe from those munchkins out there,‭ ‬yah‭? ‬But we’ll‭ ‘‬ave to get you into a bath first,‭ ‬and you’ll‭ ‘‬ave to promise to be cool.‭ ‬Not supposed to be bringin‭’ ‬in too many outsiders.‭ ‬Think you can make that promise for me‭? ‬And,‭ ‬ah...‭” ‬the girl paused,‭ ‬popping one slender hip to the side and placing her hand on it.‭ “‬You got yourself a name,‭ ‬luv‭?”

A name.‭ ‬She did have a name‭ ‬--‭ ‬she could feel it just at the edge of her mind,‭ ‬threatening to break through the fog of whatever had happened the night before.‭ ‬She blinked her eyes shut,‭ ‬then squeezed them tight,‭ ‬running one hand up through her messy crest of black hair.‭ ‬A name.‭ ‬A name.‭ “‬Ciarra.‭ ‬Something...‭ ‬something like that.‭”

“Woof,‭” ‬the brunette chuckled.‭ “‬Looks like last night was rougher on you than I thought,‭ ‬if you’re‭ ‘‬aving that rough a go at remembering your own name.‭”

“What do you know about last night‭? ‬I can’t...‭” ‬Ciarra‭ ‬--‭ ‬yes,‭ ‬that was definitely her name,‭ ‬her first name anyway‭ ‬--‭ ‬paused,‭ ‬not certain of how much to give away,‭ ‬but how much she could remember.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬the other girl interrupted quickly enough that the pause didn’t seem awkward...‭ ‬as did the sound of heavy footsteps at the flophouse’s lower level,‭ ‬clearly audible through the thin,‭ ‬cracked floors.

‭“‬Let’s maybe leave reminiscing for anothah time‭? ‬Chappies call me Vim‭ ‘‬round‭ ‘‬ere,‭ ‬so now we’re on even footing,‭ ‬yeah‭?” ‬The other girl nodded back to the entryway she’d come through,‭ ‬reaching out one hand to take Ciarra’s.‭ “‬Unless you want a corp Contingent powderin‭’ ‬ya down and probin‭’ ‬every‭ ‘‬ole you’ve got,‭ ‬I’d suggest ya follow me.‭”

Ciarra opened her eyes,‭ ‬finally.‭ ‬Out on the Grind,‭ ‬it was hard to trust anyone.‭ ‬That went double for anyone offering help,‭ ‬and triple for a pretty face.‭ ‬Vim was sporting both,‭ ‬and even if it was a good look on her,‭ ‬it didn’t smell as sweet.‭ ‬Nonetheless‭ ‬--‭ ‬corp goons were one of the few instances where‭ ‘‬the devil you know‭’ ‬simply wasn’t a valid means of decision-making.‭ “‬Yeah,‭ ‬you got it,‭” ‬Ciarra whispered,‭ ‬reaching out to take the brit’s hand and being quickly led outside of the small room and out into the narrow hallways of the creaking tower of the derelict building where she’d woken up.

Her bare feet seemed to sag into the carpet with each step,‭ ‬dark red stained an oily,‭ ‬brownish black here and there from what Ciarra could only assume was use of Thaczyrin‭ ‬--‭ ‬a cheap street drug known to violently purge itself from the body once its high was over.‭ ‬Left you feeling fresh the next day.‭ ‬The mess it inevitably left behind could be someone else’s problem.‭ ‬Fuck,‭ ‬it stank,‭ ‬too.

Beneath,‭ ‬she could hear voices‭ ‬--‭ ‬the crackling,‭ ‬warbled sounds of words being distorted through comm-helmets.‭ ‬The main question floating in her head was a resounding‭ ‬why:‭ ‬obviously something had happened last night,‭ ‬she just couldn’t remember what it was.‭ ‬Was Ciarra a criminal‭? ‬Did she‭ ‬feel like a criminal‭? ‬It was still hard to tell...‭ ‬especially when both her eyes and mind kept being drawn back to the cute,‭ ‬petite posterior of the woman leading her through the labyrinth of slumping,‭ ‬wheezing hallways,‭ ‬hugged tight in dark brown pleather trousers that bore a single neon yellow streak down the left side,‭ ‬glow-in-the-dark but likely with a feature to be turned off.‭ “‬Try to keep up,‭ ‬luv,‭” ‬came a whisper from Vim in front of her,‭ ‬now keeping her cheery voice an octave lower and a good deal quieter.

Ciarra didn’t respond.‭ ‬She felt oddly exposed in her unmarked,‭ ‬unwashed tank top and boy shorts,‭ ‬especially as the pair of women moved past doors left slightly ajar within the corridors of this ground-out flea-trap.‭ ‬The thin buzz of different sounds,‭ ‬either from chatter,‭ ‬hijacked radios,‭ ‬or even stolen PasTimes assured her that those within were distracted...‭ ‬but she definitely wanted to get to wherever Vim was taking her before someone noticed her.‭ ‬Before someone had information they could sell to a Contingent,‭ ‬if it was indeed her that they were looking for.

Just when it seemed that those winding mauve hallways would go on as long as her train of thought,‭ ‬Vim stopped at a literal hole in the wall,‭ ‬ducking through it and past the lengths of cheap,‭ ‬sturdy plastic that held the walls together,‭ ‬chewed apart by bugs or broken in a fight who knew how long ago.‭ “‬Come on in,‭ ‬dearheart‭ ‬--‭ ‬may be dark,‭ ‬but at least it smells bettah,‭” ‬Vim whispered with a smirk,‭ ‬seeming to crawl down into something within the hole.

Ciarra followed hesitantly,‭ ‬taking the first step in and downward,‭ ‬then ducking her head inside.‭ ‬To her unexpected delight,‭ ‬her enhanced eyes adjusted to the darkness within,‭ ‬colors distorting briefly before adapting to the gloom completely.‭ ‬Within the crack was another narrow area,‭ ‬even more claustrophobic as the hallways but with stairs leading down.‭ ‬A thick,‭ ‬dark green door with light leaking from its edges could barely be seen at the bottom of them‭ ‬--‭ ‬hopefully the place she was headed was as safe as her mysterious benefactor seemed to think it was.

‭“‬Is this the place where you kill me and take my skin for some prototype android,‭ ‬or something‭?” ‬Ciarra mumbled,‭ ‬half under her breath.‭ ‬Out on the Grind,‭ ‬it was hard to trust anyone.‭ ‬That kept running through her head.‭ ‬How stupid or desperate was she that she’d follow a complete stranger down a dark,‭ ‬secret staircase and through a doorway into who knew what kind of hideout.

‭“‬Android‭? ‬Pff.‭ ‬I fuckin‭’ ‬hope not,‭” ‬Vim chuckled.‭ “‬We ain’t too crazy about‭ ‘‬em,‭ ‬down here.‭ ‬Unless you count Mad Zoe.‭ ‬She’s quite crazy‭ ‘‬bout just about everything.‭ ‬Nah,‭ ‬you’ll find humans and even some aliens down here,‭ ‬once we get you clean and wait for the corp boys to piss off‭ ‬--‭ ‬but androids,‭ ‬not so much.‭”

Some kind of pro-organic cabal,‭ ‬then‭? ‬Could be worse.‭ ‬They were whackjobs more often than not,‭ ‬but at least it was a kind of whackjob Ciarra knew how to reason with.‭ ‬Inhaling,‭ ‬she nodded toward the door,‭ ‬and Vim opened it,‭ ‬quickly dashing inside and ushering her new friend along behind her.

Beyond the door,‭ ‬the difference was like night and day‭ ‬--‭ ‬the sound of pulsating music could be heard somewhere in the distance,‭ ‬while harsh neon lights and signs blared around Ciarra’s senses.‭ ‬Advertisements,‭ ‬in particular,‭ ‬blanketed the dark blue-carpeted entryway to whatever kind of secret clubhouse this place was.‭ ‬‘Thaczyrin Cocktails‭ ‬-‭ ‬only‭ ‬2‭ ‬toks on tuesdays‭;’ ‘‬Try the Heaven’s Gate of Detroit‭ ‬-‭ ‬made with‭ ‬100%‭ ‬real alien spunk to give you that buzz you need‭;’‘‬Android fuckbots‭ ‬-‭ ‬simulated sentience and free to abuse‭ ‬-‭ ‬20‭ ‬toks/hour‭!’‬ and‭ ‬‘Nauelli girls with hard cocks waiting for you to notice them‭’‬ caught Ciarra’s eyes straight away.‭ ‬What kind of place was this...‭?

“You can grab a peek at those later,‭ ‬lovely,‭ ‬first we’re going this way,‭” ‬Vim chirped,‭ ‬grabbing the other woman’s hand again and dragging her away from the blazing lights and thumping,‭ ‬artificial dance music and down through another doorway into the surprisingly spacious underground club.‭ ‬This one led to what seemed to be some sort of bathhouse,‭ ‬though the size of the single central,‭ ‬empty bath was more reminiscent of a swimming pool.‭ “‬Alright,‭ ‬let’s get those things off’a you.‭ ‬If I’m gonna vouch for ya I need you clean...‭ ‬maybe in some decent clothes,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬but we can deal with that after,‭ ‬yeah‭?”

Ciarra glanced from the pool back to Vim,‭ ‬slowly arching one pierced brow.‭ “‬Just...‭ ‬right here‭? ‬Where anyone can come in‭?”

“What,‭ ‬you modest or somethin‭’? ‬It’s a bath,‭ ‬luv.‭ ‬I can get in with you,‭ ‬if that makes you feel bettah.‭”

“You never know,‭ ‬maybe it would,‭” ‬Ciarra said,‭ ‬trying to hide a little grin of her own.‭ ‬As disorienting as all of this was,‭ ‬she couldn’t help but feel an attraction to the spunky,‭ ‬dark-haired brit,‭ ‬and staring at those slender legs and that cute rear all during her journey through the flophouse hadn’t helped quell those feelings in the slightest.‭ “‬Besides,‭ ‬you always get cleaner when you have help.‭ ‬Those...‭ ‬hard to reach places,‭ ‬you know.‭”

“Oy--‭ ‬you cheeky bird,‭ ‬you,‭” ‬Vim snorted,‭ ‬taking a quick step forward toward Ciarra and standing close,‭ ‬close enough to better illustrate her short stature‭ ‬--‭ ‬this near,‭ ‬she had to crane her neck up to look at the significantly taller Ciarra.‭ “‬You just wake up,‭ ‬on the run from a Contingent,‭ ‬and the first free moment you get you’re already thinkin‭’ ‬about‭ ‘‬avin‭’ ‬a tumble‭?”

“Says the girl who’s trying to get me out of my clothes,‭ ‬and just offered to take hers off too,‭” ‬Ciarra retorted quickly,‭ ‬her gaze meeting Vim’s for a long,‭ ‬electric moment,‭ ‬each woman trying to find something in the other’s eyes,‭ ‬some sign that they shouldn’t indulge in what was about to happen.‭ ‬Neither appeared to find one.

As the pulsating synthetic music of the club beyond continued to echo its way down into the little bathing room,‭ ‬Ciarra finally made the first move‭ ‬--‭ ‬slipping out of the ragged clothing she’d managed to scrape together and,‭ ‬for the first time,‭ ‬revealing her body.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬no outward signs of artificial enhancements could be seen‭; ‬her body was dominated only by smooth,‭ ‬pale skin,‭ ‬bits of grime or dirt marring it in areas as the woman stripped away her garments.

‭“‬Bloody‭ ‘‬ell,‭” ‬Vim whispered under her breath as she reflexively took a step back,‭ ‬taking her moment to eat the eye candy,‭ ‬looking over the black-haired beauty’s soft breasts and firm pink nipples,‭ ‬each of them decorated with piercings‭ ‬--‭ ‬fitting,‭ ‬considering the vast array of metal that also covered Ciarra’s face.‭ ‬Vim’s eyes continued downward,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬as the strange woman with the mohawk started making her way into the pool of warm,‭ ‬sterilized water,‭ ‬examining the curve of her hip,‭ ‬the swell of her firm backside,‭ ‬and eventually,‭ ‬the astoundingly large,‭ ‬beautifully-shaped limp cock nestled between the woman’s smooth thighs.‭ ‬Any amount of surprise was quite brief,‭ ‬of course‭; ‬with the alien influx and advancements both technological and social,‭ ‬seeing a girl with a cock‭ (‬even one as mouth-watering as Ciarra’s‭) ‬wasn’t shocking.‭ ‬Hell,‭ ‬all the nauelli women had them.

‭“‬I thought you were going to join me‭?” ‬Ciarra smiled shyly,‭ ‬slipping down into the water and gliding backwards to the pool’s opposite side,‭ ‬keeping her eyes on the fidgeting brit.‭ “‬Or are you having second thoughts‭? ‬The water’s wonderfully warm.‭”

Vim blinked,‭ ‬realizing she was still staring at the space where the other woman‭ ‬had been,‭ ‬and snapped back out of her thirsty haze.‭ ‬Suddenly,‭ ‬the playful teasing and flirting seemed all too real,‭ ‬and the prospect of undressing in front of Ciarra and joining her in the bath was a lot more exciting.‭ “‬Second thoughts‭? ‘‬Ave you met me,‭ ‬luv‭? ‬Eh‭ ‬--‭ ‬suppose you‭ ‘‬aven’t,‭ ‬forget I asked.‭ ‬I’m lucky if I think once,‭ ‬much less twice.‭” ‬She didn’t waste any more time talking before slipping out of her brown bomber jacket,‭ ‬drawing her white undershirt up over her head before starting to shimmy out of her skintight pants.

Ciarra found herself enjoying the show just as much as Vim had enjoyed hers‭ ‬--‭ ‬relaxing in the bath as its warm waters bubbled and rolled around her,‭ ‬as much a jacuzzi as it was a bath,‭ ‬though kept at a sustainable temperature.‭ ‬She watched as the british girl showed up her adorably petite figure and perky breasts,‭ ‬a step or two down from being an average size but nonetheless gorgeously formed.‭ ‬The removal of the trousers and the boyshorts beneath them showed that Vim wasn’t equipped quite the way Ciarra was,‭ ‬sporting a little thatch of soft brown fluff above the delicate slit of her pussy.‭ ‬Cute hips led down into long legs that bordered on gangly,‭ ‬giving the waifish brunette’s unique physique even more character.

‭“‬Well don’t just‭ ‬stare,‭” ‬Vim’s complaint snapped the black-haired woman from her gazing,‭ ‬though her protest was tempered with a small smile as she lowered herself into the pool,‭ ‬swimming over towards Ciarra until the two were as uncomfortably close as they’d been before.‭ ‬Their nudity,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬certainly made things more...‭ ‬interesting,‭ ‬the warm water shifting around the two of them as Vim straddled the other girl,‭ ‬pinning her lightly against the plastic bench at the bath’s edge.‭ “‬If I’m gonna get you cleaned up,‭ ‬I’d bettah get started,‭ ‬yeah‭?”

“It may take a while,‭” ‬the girl with the piercings purred.‭ “‬I’m a very dirty girl.‭”

“Oh no you don’t‭! ‬You shush with that nonsense or I’m gettin‭’ ‬outta the bath.‭”

“Not a fan of dirty talk‭?” ‬Ciarra smirked.

‭“‬I’m sure as shit not a fan of puns,‭” ‬Vim sneered back,‭ ‬leaning in slightly to bite at the other girl’s bottom lip as punishment,‭ ‬rocking her body forward a little to slowly grind her perky backside up into Ciarra’s lap,‭ ‬squishing her firm rear against the mysterious woman’s crotch,‭ ‬holding back a moan as she felt the warm,‭ ‬thick member rub against her taint and netherlips.

‭“‬Mmn,‭ ‬it does count as a pun if I’m literally dirty,‭ ‬doesn’t it‭?” ‬Ciarra mused,‭ ‬tilting her head forward to nuzzle her nose against Vim’s,‭ ‬bringing her hands around to caress tenderly down the brunette’s slender sides,‭ ‬down to her hips,‭ ‬feeling the sweet curves of them before swiveling both hands to lightly rest on the brit’s backside.‭ ‬As reward,‭ ‬Vim shifted forward again,‭ ‬arching her back a little as she rocked her bare,‭ ‬wet butt into Ciarra’s cock,‭ ‬feeling the entire thing shift and start to stiffen,‭ ‬now more fully trapped between the brit’s willowy legs.‭ “‬Nnn...‭ ‬that....‭”

“Feels nice‭?” ‬Vim smirked,‭ ‬shifting closer and nuzzling into Ciarra’s neck and cheek,‭ ‬nibbling tenderly at one earlobe,‭ ‬plucking at the rings lacing it with her teeth and lips.‭ ‬Her fingers eased between the two women beneath the surface of the water,‭ ‬caressing gently up along the black-haired beauty’s hips and sides,‭ ‬to her breasts.‭ ‬Ciarra’s tits filled her hands quite evenly with no flesh spilling over,‭ ‬letting Vim cup the soft,‭ ‬wet swells of flesh and massage them back and forth with her palms,‭ ‬feeling the hard metal piercings squishing‭ ‬along her skin.‭ “‬Kinda the point,‭ ‬luv,‭” ‬she whispered,‭ ‬grinding forward again,‭ ‬harder,‭ ‬stealing a hot,‭ ‬suckling kiss at the mysterious woman’s throat and jaw,‭ ‬leaving behind the rosy red print of her lips.

A soft,‭ ‬husky moan of excitement dripped out of Ciarra’s heated exhalation,‭ ‬her own hands dipping down a little farther to squeeze her fingers into the perky globes of Vim’s tight butt,‭ ‬raking her black-painted nails slowly up along the soft skin.‭ ‬Tilting her head to the side,‭ ‬she dodged a second kiss from Vim targeting her throat,‭ ‬catching the brit’s mouth with her own and locking her in a long,‭ ‬slow embrace.‭ ‬She could feel the other woman tremble and push in closer,‭ ‬fingers teasing and tormenting Ciarra’s nipples now,‭ ‬tugging and rubbing the pierced nubs.‭ “‬Hnnnh....‭”

“Mmnn,‭ ‬what’s that,‭ ‬sweet‭? ‬Something you want to say‭?” ‬Vim whispered into the lips of the awakened stranger,‭ ‬nibbling one gently before finally letting out a pleased squeak of her own.‭ “‬Oooh,‭ ‬or is something finally coming up‭?” ‬sitting up just enough to let the swelling length of Ciarra’s girlcock rise up,‭ ‬Vim sat back down against it,‭ ‬trapping it between her buttcheeks entirely and squeezing the two pert globes around it,‭ ‬rocking her weight back downwards to massage the veiny,‭ ‬throbbing shaft with her rear.

‭“‬Well,‭ ‬with the way you keep squirming,‭” ‬Ciarra breathed,‭ ‬lunging back in to suckle at the brit’s lower lip,‭ ‬slowly thrusting her hips upward to saw her massive dick up between that tight valley of flesh,‭ ‬biting back another urgent moan.‭ ‬Her nipples were incredibly sensitive,‭ ‬too‭ ‬--‭ ‬but something told her that letting Vim in on that information would ensure that they were never safe again.

‭“‬Well,‭” ‬Vim cooed,‭ ‬stealing another long kiss and letting her tongue flicker outward,‭ ‬twirling around Ciarra’s before suckling briefly on the other girl’s,‭ ‬placing both hands on her shoulders and sitting up once again.‭ ‬She then cautiously lowered herself back down,‭ ‬positioning Ciarra’s rock-hard,‭ ‬uncut ladycock not behind her but in front of her,‭ ‬now slowly grinding the soaked pink slit of her pussy up and down along the monstrous thing.‭ “‬Right now I need this thing in me.‭ ‬yeah‭? ‬And the longer I...‭ ‬nnnnh...‭ ‬rub against it,‭ ‬the less I care about what hole it belongs in.‭ ‬So why don’t you remind me,‭ ‬lovey‭?”

“Well,‭ ‬considering that water doesn’t make incredible lube,‭ ‬I’d say we start here...‭” ‬Ciarra reached between herself and the brunette,‭ ‬grabbing hold of the base of her impressive length and prodding the tip against Vim’s wet,‭ ‬pink pussy,‭ ‬trailing her healthy bit of sensitive foreskin back and forth along the other girl’s soft lips.‭ “‬And see where it takes us.‭”

“Mmnn,‭ ‬not a bad idea,‭” ‬Vim purred back,‭ ‬biting her lip hard as she waited for the woman beneath her to penetrate her,‭ ‬her back arching in anticipation as she watched that excess skin finally peel back,‭ ‬revealing the thick,‭ ‬glimmering head of Ciarra’s massive cock.‭ ‬Who knew such a random act of chivalry would get her rewarded with such a big,‭ ‬stiff thing‭ ‬--‭ ‬and on such a darkly beautiful young lady,‭ ‬no less‭?

Ciarra sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth,‭ ‬almost a hiss as she pushed her hips upward,‭ ‬keeping one hand gripped onto the back of Vim’s ass to hold her in place as she forced her shaft upward,‭ ‬feeling its tip slowly spear its way into the tight depths of Vim’s cunt.‭ ‬Its wetness could be felt so much more on the inside,‭ ‬without the water to wash it away,‭ ‬and the british girl trembled hard,‭ ‬barely holding back a spasm of excitement when Ciarra’s fat cock finally sunk into her,‭ ‬gaining little ground at first but then sliding in deeper and deeper.‭ “‬Hahhh...‭ ‬f-fuck...‭” ‬the black-haired girl groaned,‭ ‬clenching her teeth together and leaning in,‭ ‬nuzzling into Vim’s chest and neck.

‭“‬OooOf--‭ ‬h-heeahh...‭!” ‬Vim squealed out,‭ ‬finally abandoning Ciarra’s tits to throw her slim arms completely around the other woman’s shoulders,‭ ‬straddling her fully and lowering her weight down a bit onto that massive cock.‭ ‬She shifted slowly forward,‭ ‬another tremble rolling through her as she rocked back again,‭ ‬feeling that huge thing ease a little deeper in until she was sitting on it completely,‭ ‬her pussy stuffed with thick,‭ ‬throbbing girlmeat.‭ ‬She could feel each pulsating vein inside of her,‭ ‬her lip quivering as she finally started to ease back once again,‭ ‬just in time for Ciarra to lower her own hips.‭ “‬Uuuuph...‭ ‬it f-feels amazing...‭ ‬you’ve h-had a lotta practice,‭ ‬yeah‭?”

Searching quickly for an answer,‭ ‬Ciarra came up with nothing.‭ ‬She wasn’t sure,‭ ‬not entirely.‭ ‬Her memories before this morning remained...‭ ‬absent.‭ ‬She dealt with the awkward pause both by deflecting,‭ ‬and by thrusting upward once again,‭ ‬drawing a strained squeal of joy from Vim.‭ “‬From the way you’re trembling,‭ ‬I’d say you haven’t.‭”

“Not with‭ ‬--‭ ‬ah‭~!‬ --‭ ‬somethin‭’ ‬quite so big,‭ ‬oy‭?” ‬she swallowed hard,‭ ‬still clinging tightly to Ciarra like an anchor as she rode in the amnesiac’s lap.‭ “‬But I think I’m...‭ ‬gettin‭’ ‬used to it...‭” ‬touching her nose to Ciarra’s,‭ ‬Vim started to increase the pace of her rocking,‭ ‬lifting her weight up and then dropping back against the other woman’s lap,‭ ‬gradually starting to match the pace of her thrusts against the upward pumps of Ciarra’s hips.‭ ‬Fuck,‭ ‬it was incredible‭ ‬--‭ ‬the way it dragged out only to get stuffed back inside,‭ ‬filling her clenching pink tunnel with hot cock.

Ciarra closed the distance between her face and Vim’s once again,‭ ‬finding those velvety lips with her own and locking the brit in another long,‭ ‬deep kiss,‭ ‬tongue slipping out to stroke and rub along the other girl’s.‭ ‬Spikes of pleasure shot through her each time she rammed her fat rod up into Vim’s snug cunt,‭ ‬spreading her open,‭ ‬feeling that tight opening cling and squeeze around her,‭ ‬as if hugging her cock,‭ ‬trying to keep it inside even when it would slide out for another rotation.‭ ‬One hand still on Vim’s butt,‭ ‬fingers now squeezing into the taut flesh,‭ ‬Ciarra’s other hand shifted up from her own shaft to cup one of the slender beauty’s breasts,‭ ‬her palm massaging up along the pale,‭ ‬silk-smooth skin and rubbing the petite swell in slow circles,‭ ‬keeping the rhythm at about half the pace of her thrusts into Vim’s womanhood.‭ “‬F-fuck...‭ ‬fuck,‭ ‬fuck,‭ ‬I...‭ ‬nnnnnngh....‭”

“Yeahyeahyeah,‭ ‬don’t stop,‭ ‬don’t stop,‭” ‬Vim squealed,‭ ‬breaking the frenzied kiss and sitting back now,‭ ‬one arm folded behind her neck to let her arch out,‭ ‬her perky tits bouncing cutely with each thrust inside of her,‭ ‬her body trembling with pleasure at the torturously rhythmic rotations of Ciarra’s dick.‭ “‬I’m gonna...‭ ‬g-gonna fuckin‭’‬...‭ ‬ooawhh‭ ‬fuck mate,‭ ‬aaahhhhhHAAhh...‭!!” ‬she screamed out,‭ ‬teeth clenching now as she slammed her weight down harder and faster,‭ ‬crazed now,‭ ‬the sheer girth of Ciarra’s shaft bringing her to the point of pain‭ ‬--‭ ‬but it felt so good that she had no choice but to push past it,‭ ‬take it deeper and faster.‭ ‬She could feel her climax rising inside of her,‭ ‬her entire body glowing with excitement as Ciarra teased her nipple.‭ “‬I’m--‭ ‬c-cumming--‭ ‬cumming--‭!!‬”

The ensuing shriek of orgasmic release echoed off of the dimly-lit walls of the bathhouse,‭ ‬drowning out the thumping music from the club not so far away.‭ ‬Scintillating lights from the bottom of the pool,‭ ‬filtered through the swirls and waves of the moving water,‭ ‬danced across her naked body as she jolted and shook in Ciarra’s lap,‭ ‬her pussy closing down like a vise on its huge invader,‭ ‬clinging to the curvature of every vein,‭ ‬to the thick,‭ ‬throbbing cap of her cockhead.‭ ‬Forming a perfect mould around the mohawked woman’s cock.‭ “‬FuckfuckfuckfuckkKK‭!‬”

While Vim’s spastic,‭ ‬contorting orgasm seemed to go on for ages,‭ ‬it stopped as soon as it had begun‭ ‬--‭ ‬leaving the british girl twitching and panting,‭ ‬hanging like a puppet from Ciarra’s shaft,‭ ‬still occasionally clenching and relaxing around it.‭ “‬Are...‭ ‬you alright‭?” ‬Ciarra whispered,‭ ‬kissing the brunette’s forhead and caressing one shoulder,‭ ‬causing Vim to pop right back up out of her gasping trance.

‭“‬Alright‭? ‬Fokkin‭’ ‬A I’m better’n alright,‭ ‬why dincha tell me you‭ ‘‬ad a knob like that‭? ‬Actually,‭ ‬coulda led with tellin‭’ ‬me you‭ ‘‬ad a knob at all,‭ ‬luv.‭ ‬Phew‭!”

Ciarra blinked.‭ ‬Did she get...‭ ‬more british‭? “‬Well I’m...‭ ‬glad you had fun.‭”

“Oy,‭ ‬don’t start actin‭’ ‬dejected that quick,‭ ‬I know you didn’t get off.‭ ‬Pop up,‭ ‬luv‭!” ‬Chewing the inside of her cheek,‭ ‬Vim lifted herself up off of Ciarra’s hot cock,‭ ‬wincing as she felt herself emptied of its noteworthy presence.‭ “‬Get up on the floor and let me do what I do best.‭”

“What do you do best...‭?” ‬Ciarra murmured,‭ ‬but did as she was told with neither complaint nor further question,‭ ‬scooting up out of the water and onto the tiles of the bathing room,‭ ‬her dick wobbling pendulously from side to side,‭ ‬as hard if not harder than when playtime with Vim had first begun.

‭“‬Maybe not what I do‭ ‬best,‭ ‬of course.‭ ‬But I don’t imagine you complaining,‭” ‬Vim purred,‭ ‬seemingly refreshed by her climax rather than exhausted by it,‭ ‬climbing out of the pool as well and into Ciarra’s lap,‭ ‬placing her nose and lips up against the spongey,‭ ‬bobbing tip of that cock,‭ ‬kissing and suckling at it gently as she wrapped her slender fingers around its base.‭ “‬Fuck...‭ ‬even bigger up close,‭ ‬yeah‭?”


“Oy,‭ ‬if I need a joystick I’ll just play with yours,‭” ‬Vim smirked,‭ ‬caressing her lips along the tip in a warm,‭ ‬loving suckle,‭ ‬her hand starting to shuffle rapidly up and down the massive thing,‭ ‬cranking it up and down,‭ ‬up and down,‭ ‬the sheathe of skin it was protected by shifting along with it.‭ ‬Still slurping and drooling around the tip,‭ ‬her hand picked up speed,‭ ‬and suddenly it started to become more clear to Ciarra exactly why this was‭ ‘‬what she did best‭’ ‬--‭ ‬the speed and vigor Vim could jerk a dick with were nothing short of astonishing.

‭“‬AaaAahh--‭ ‬hey--‭ ‬hold on there--‭!”

“Ohhh,‭ ‬someone can’t take the heat‭? ‬Don’t feel as in control when you aren’t stuffin‭’ ‬a young bird like a gobbler on Thanksgiving‭?” ‬Grinning,‭ ‬she licked her lips and took another long lap at Ciarra’s cocktip,‭ ‬sampling it like an ice cream cone before taking a bit of foreskin between her teeth,‭ ‬nibbling it sweetly as she took in the rich,‭ ‬building scent of precum and the explosion soon to come.‭ ‬The pace of her stroking was as steady as it was rapid,‭ ‬her forearm not seeming to tire as she aimed the tip of Ciarra’s cum-cannon at her face,‭ ‬eagerly awaiting what she knew was soon to come.‭ “‬Come on,‭ ‬luv,‭ ‬come on,‭ ‬gimme it‭~!”

“Hhahh...‭ ‬I-I--‭ ‬eeeEEeEAAGHH‭!!‬” Ciarra wailed out,‭ ‬trying to bite back her blissful moan but failing entirely,‭ ‬not quite the siren’s scream of Vim’s climax but nonetheless filling the room,‭ ‬a barrage of thick,‭ ‬sticky white bolts shooting towards Vim’s face at such great speed the brit was forced to recoil from the sheer impact.‭ ‬Secondary shots made it into her mouth,‭ ‬causing Vim to splutter and giggle,‭ ‬but the rest made it primarily onto her face,‭ ‬neck,‭ ‬and even chest,‭ ‬completely plastering the unexpected arrival with hot,‭ ‬creamy cum.

‭“‬Hehh...‭ ‬ehehe...‭ ‬not bad,‭ ‬sweetheart,‭” ‬her chuckle finally came,‭ ‬taking one last lick at Ciarra’s cumslit.‭ “‬Though I think now we’ll have to both wash up again,‭ ‬yeah‭?”

‭“Well... I did warn you I was a dirty girl. Now it looks like we both are.”


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