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Author's Note: Voila! The monthly short, as selected by the poll, is Iron and Sweat, the first meeting of Widowmaker and Brigitte in the gym....

[story] [futa/futa] [futax2/futa] [voyeurism/masturbation] [anal/DAP] [frotting] [blowjob/deepthroat] [ball-sucking] [self-facial] [gym setting - muscle, sweat, and exercise]


Time passed like molasses oozing down a block of ice.

With both Amélie and Sombra having left Talon simultaneously,‭ ‬the shadowy organization had been left to lick its wounds,‭ ‬its remaining members desperately vying for position and recalculating strategies that would no longer be practical.‭ ‬Widowmaker didn’t need to be present to know that was how they’d be dealing with the situation,‭ ‬and it served to explain their relative silence.‭ ‬As a result,‭ ‬the Overwatch organization had found momentum,‭ ‬pushing forward multiple successful agendas and strengthening their position.

However,‭ ‬without conflict,‭ ‬missions grew fewer and fewer.‭ ‬Stopping Talon was no longer a priority or even a necessity,‭ ‬as whatever the next step of their plan was had yet to rear its head.‭ ‬As such,‭ ‬Widowmaker‭ ‬--‭ ‬who had finally been given enough trust by Overwatch to start accompanying them on strikes‭ ‬--‭ ‬was no longer a necessary asset on what were now largely diplomatic and scientific endeavors.‭ ‬She had just started to feel like a part of the team,‭ ‬when once again she found herself...‭ ‬benched.

‭“‬I can watch your back.‭ ‬From a helicopter,‭ ‬maybe‭?”

“Sorry,‭ ‬luv,‭” ‬Tracer said,‭ ‬setting her goggles into place.‭ ‬Not necessary for the mission,‭ ‬which was nothing more than an ambassadorial field trip to meet with an omnic leader,‭ ‬but they were part of the brand.‭ ‬Lena Oxton might become a celebrity in the future,‭ ‬but right now,‭ ‬what people wanted to see was Tracer.‭ “‬Winston’s gotten that taken care of with the satellites.‭ ‬Next time,‭ ‬yah‭?”

“...Oui,‭ ‬certainement,‭” ‬Amélie stifled a sigh.‭ ‬She’d put on her‭ ‘‬work uniform‭’ ‬in anticipation of being brought along,‭ ‬not expecting to be turned down for the fifth time in a row.‭ ‬Always next time.

She kept watching as Lena hopped onto the jet with the other members of Overwatch who were leaving‭ ‬--‭ ‬Mercy,‭ ‬the ape,‭ ‬and that brute Reinhardt.‭ ‬What the latter was necessary for,‭ ‬Amélie had no idea,‭ ‬but between him and Winston she was surprised the jet was even able to take off.‭ ‬As it nonetheless defied her expectations and seared off into the bright skies of day,‭ ‬she turned back to the Overwatch headquarters.‭ ‬A place that,‭ ‬once again,‭ ‬she was doomed to haunt.‭ ‬If she remained inactive any longer she was going to lose her edge.

Actually...‭ ‬that could be an issue.‭ ‬While she normally got enough exercise as Widowmaker to avoid regular trips to the gym,‭ ‬it might be necessary now.‭ ‬Ensure that,‭ ‬when Talon did strike again,‭ ‬and when her skills were needed once more,‭ ‬she’d still be sharp.‭ ‬Fortunately,‭ ‬the Overwatch headquarters had a gym built in...‭ ‬maybe it was time to finally pay it a visit.


Her purple stealth suit exchanged for a black sports bra and pair of form-fitting gym shorts,‭ ‬Amélie draped her sweat towel across her shoulders as she slipped into the gym‭ ‬--‭ ‬a massive,‭ ‬open place with glass walls and a high ceiling,‭ ‬flooding the huge area with light.‭ ‬It had the advanced‭ ‘‬lowest effort necessary’ ‬type of exercise machines,‭ ‬as she would have expected from an organization as high-tech as Overwatch,‭ ‬but after a few long minutes of exploring she was pleased to see a large section of free weights and more primitive exercise equipment,‭ ‬a great deal more to her liking.

To her surprise,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬while the more sophisticated machines were currently going unused,‭ ‬there were two individuals working with the free weights‭ ‬--‭ ‬one a familiar face,‭ ‬the egyptian,‭ ‬doing squats with a dumbbell across her shoulders at the room’s far end.‭ ‬The other was new to Amélie‭; ‬a tall,‭ ‬auburn-haired beauty with a kettle-bell in each fist,‭ ‬sweat leaking through her dark brown tank-top.‭ ‬Her form was exquisite,‭ ‬her body a pleasant blend of powerful and smooth,‭ ‬looking young and soft to the touch despite her impressive muscles.

‭“‬Do you mind if I use some of these‭?” ‬Amélie asked coolly,‭ ‬tilting her head to the side as she regarded the other two women.‭ ‬While she was certain a bullet to the eye from two miles away would put either of them down as easily as anyone else,‭ ‬she had to admit a certain sense of intimidation in their presence ‬--‭ ‬Widowmaker had very much more a dancer’s figure than the panther-like layers of muscle these two had.

‭“‬Absolutely not‭!” ‬it was the younger woman who spoke,‭ ‬her voice full and earnest and a little high,‭ ‬attesting to her suspected youth.‭ ‬Her swedish accent,‭ ‬as well,‭ ‬was very light,‭ ‬almost imperceptible if the wild ramblings of Torbjörn had not wizened Amélie’s ear to it.‭ ‬A big,‭ ‬illuminating smile spread across her oval face as she lowered the kettle-bells down,‭ ‬walking over to the french sniper.‭ “‬I have heard of you‭! ‬You are...‭ ‬Widowmaker,‭ ‬yes‭?”

“Call me Amélie.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬oui,‭ ‬I am.‭ ‬Or was.‭” ‬The assassin breathed in through her nose,‭ ‬trying to mentally shake any feelings of listlessness that had come with her defection to Overwatch.‭ “‬I have not seen you around the headquarters before.‭”

“Oh,‭ ‬I’m new‭!” ‬the girl said brightly,‭ ‬extending one hand to shake.‭ “‬I’m Brigitte‭! ‬Brigitte Lindholm‭!”

“Lindholm‭? ‬You’re...‭ ‬Torbjörn’s...‭ ‬daughter‭?‬” Amélie said,‭ ‬surprise rarely clear on her face and in her voice.

‭“‬That’s right‭!” ‬the girl smiled.

‭“‬I...‭ ‬would not have guessed.‭” ‬Shaking her head,‭ ‬Widowmaker gathered herself and nodded towards the weights.‭ “‬Would you mind spotting me‭? ‬It has been a bit too long since I used free weights.‭”

“Sure,‭ ‬no problem‭! ‬What’re you working on‭? ‬Arms‭? ‬Shoulders‭? ‬Something tells me you,‭ ‬ah...‭” ‬Brigitte grinned,‭ ‬her eyes dipping down to Amélie’s curvaceous hips and impressively full,‭ ‬toned thighs,‭ ‬left largely exposed by the sniper’s gym shorts.

Widowmaker’s creamy gold eyes flicked around the room with the practiced glance of an assassin looking for a weak spot,‭ ‬then laid on Pharah,‭ ‬in the middle of resting between sets on the bench.‭ “‬The bench press,‭ ‬perhaps‭?”

“Sure‭! ‬Hey Fareeha,‭ ‬can you give us the bench for a sec‭? ‬I’m gonna spot Widowmaker‭!”

“Just Amélie,‭” ‬the sniper murmured.

‭“‬Yeah,‭ ‬yeah,‭ ‬definitely,‭” ‬the pilot said between heavy breaths,‭ ‬steadying her panting.‭ ‬Like Brigitte she was soaked through with sweat,‭ ‬her mocha-colored muscles glistening with it,‭ ‬dripping between the small glimpse of cleavage provided by her own dark blue sports bra,‭ ‬a good bit more filled out than Widowmaker’s was.‭ “‬I’m done with it for the moment,‭ ‬anyway.‭ ‬Might do some leg curls.‭”

“Awesome‭!” ‬Brigitte smiled as Amélie lowered herself down onto the bench,‭ ‬taking a deep breath and preparing herself.‭ “‬So,‭ ‬how much weight do you press‭? ‬You look like a...‭ ‬maybe a‭ ‬140‭ ‬to me‭? ‬150‭?”

It had been some time since Widowmaker had done an exercise that involved her arms this much.‭ ‬So...‭ “‬Perhaps‭ ‬140,‭” ‬she murmured,‭ ‬taking a few more deep,‭ ‬slow breaths to center herself and prepare while Brigitte slid a few weight plates off of the bar,‭ ‬lightening it significantly in comparison to what Pharah had been using prior.

‭“‬There we gooo...‭” ‬the new girl said softly,‭ ‬pulling up to the front of the bench,‭ ‬her pelvis positioned just slightly above Amélie’s head as she lightly rested both hands beneath the bar‭ ‬--‭ ‬putting no pressure on it,‭ ‬but remaining present in case the load became too much for the sniper.‭ “‬Alright,‭ ‬sets of ten for now,‭ ‘‬kay‭? ‬Aaaand...‭ ‬go.‭”

The weight turned out to be a bit more than Amélie had expected‭ ‬--‭ ‬not unbearable,‭ ‬but towards her upper limits after this long period of physical inactivity.‭ ‬Nonetheless,‭ ‬she gritted her teeth and pushed,‭ ‬lowering the bar back to her chest before cranking it up once again.

‭“‬There you go...‭ ‬there you go...‭ ‬don’t forget to breathe,‭ ‬okay‭? ‬You got this...‭ ‬just eight more....‭”

“Huit‭?!” ‬Widowmaker gasped in her native tongue,‭ ‬wincing as she struggled to push the bar up again.

‭“‬You got this,‭  ‬you got this,‭ ‬there ya go,‭” ‬Brigitte soothed,‭ ‬a playful grin crossing her almost cherubic features.‭ “‬Just a little tiny...‭ ‬nine more....‭”

“You said...‭ ‬eight...‭ ‬last time...‭!”

Widowmaker’s arms and chest were burning like they’d been hit by one of Junkrat’s molotov cocktails by the time Brigitte finally helped her lift the bar back up and set it onto the rack.‭ ‬The assassin panted for breath as her arms flopped to the sides,‭ ‬dangling off either side of the bench now,‭ ‬and she tilted her head back to look up at the swedish girl who’d so cruelly ‘‬spotted‭’ ‬for her.‭ “‬I think I...‭ ‬should have...‭ ‬stretched,‭ ‬firs--‭ ‬are...‭ ‬are you erect‭?”

Her golden eyes blinked as they focused on the front of Brigitte’s bright yellow gym shorts,‭ ‬a little tighter than Amélie’s but not quite as short.‭ ‬Though their tightness may,‭ ‬perhaps,‭ ‬have come from the swollen thing currently filling them,‭ ‬a cannon-shaped length slanted sideways beneath the front of the cloth.

‭“‬Eheheh...‭ ‬um...‭” ‬the girl blushed fiercely,‭ ‬a shy smile on her face.‭ “‬Well,‭ ‬I mean...‭ ‬I was watching you while you worked out,‭ ‬and...‭ ‬y’know.‭”

“Excusez-moi‭? ‬I do not.‭” ‬She knew.‭ ‬But she wanted to hear Brigitte say it.

‭“‬Well you’re...‭ ‬y’know.‭ ‬Hot.‭ ‬And as you started to glisten with sweat,‭ ‬I,‭ ‬um...‭ ‬well,‭ ‬Little Brigitte....‭”

“Hah,‭ ‘‬little‭’ ‬my ass,‭” ‬came Pharah’s jeer from not far off within the gym,‭ ‬her leg curls over.‭ ‬She now sat with a water bottle and towel across her shoulders,‭ ‬resting between sets.‭ “‬Why don’t you show Widow how‭ ‘‬little‭’ ‬it is,‭ ‬I’m sure she’ll love it.‭”

“O-oh‭! ‬No,‭ ‬I don’t--‭ ‬I didn’t mean to--‭” ‬Brigitte stammered,‭ ‬her blush growing more fierce,‭ ‬drawing her hands away from the bar.

‭“‬You can,‭ ‬if you’d like,‭” ‬Amélie said softly,‭ ‬looking up and making eye contact with the younger girl.‭ ‬As scandalous as it may have seemed from an outside onlooker,‭ ‬Widowmaker’s time with Overwatch had been more of a sexual awakening,‭ ‬almost a rebirth,‭ ‬than anything else.‭ ‬But with much of the organization often away on international missions,‭ ‬she found her newfound itch in dire need of a scratch.‭ ‬Plus,‭ ‬it would be outright dishonest to say she’d not been attracted to Brigitte within seconds of meeting her,‭ ‬Torbjörn’s daughter or no.

‭“‬Well...‭ ‬u-um...‭” ‬the muscular,‭ ‬auburn-haired beauty bit her lip as she hiked her thumbs into her shorts,‭ ‬sucking in a deep breath as she drew the fabric down enough for her rapturous length of girlcock to bounce free,‭ ‬astonishing not just in size but in how simply...‭ ‬gorgeous it was,‭ ‬perfectly shaped and completely hard,‭ ‬throbbing gently as it was observed and admired.‭ “‬Do...‭ ‬do you...‭?”

“Like it‭?” ‬Widowmaker whispered,‭ ‬biting her lip and reaching backwards,‭ ‬still prone upon the bench,‭ ‬to grab that thick shaft,‭ ‬squeezing it lightly and pulling it to draw Big Brigitte forward,‭ ‬close enough that she could lovingly flick and swirl her tongue around Little Brigitte’s tip.‭ “‬Oui,‭ ‬j’adore...‭” ‬she purred.

The mumble of‭ “‬oh,‭ ‬this is gonna be hot‭” ‬from Pharah’s side of the gym was barely audible,‭ ‬but still brought a small smirk to Amélie’s lips before they were wrapped around the end of Brigitte’s cock in a wet kiss,‭ ‬smooching and licking it before taking the tip into her mouth,‭ ‬tongue swirling around it.‭ ‬It tasted of sweat and musk and this sweet,‭ ‬intense,‭ ‬womanly athleticism,‭ ‬and within moments Widowmaker could feel her own shaft swelling within her shorts,‭ ‬starting to form a tent.

‭“‬Do you like‭ ‬that‭?‬” the sniper cooed,‭ ‬pulling off for just a moment,‭ ‬slowly stroking that big,‭ ‬hot length and using her other hand to pull up one side of her sports bra,‭ ‬freeing one firm,‭ ‬creamy azure breast,‭ ‬her nipple obviously stiff,‭ ‬while the other’s hardness let it peek visibly through the frenchwoman’s top.

‭“‬Y-yeah...‭ ‬I do...‭” ‬Brigitte gasped,‭ ‬her hands finding their way back to the bar now as she leaned down onto it,‭ ‬now breathing more heavily than Amélie had been.‭ ‬That gasp turned into a sharp moan when she was drawn a little closer,‭ ‬a sharp yank from the sniper’s hand pulling those shorts all the way down,‭ ‬her ceiling-facing head now nestled between those full,‭ ‬firm thighs.

Newly positioned,‭ ‬Amélie tilted her head up a little,‭ ‬folding her lips around the younger girl’s smooth,‭ ‬glistening sack,‭ ‬groaning hotly around them.‭ ‬A little moan escaped her as she fondled her own breast,‭ ‬rubbing and pinching at the nipple.‭ ‬Moaning and sucking at Brigitte’s tight pouch,‭ ‬she rolled the balls back and forth with her tongue as she stroked the swedish girl’s cock with her hand.

‭“‬O-oh...‭ ‬t-that’s...‭ ‬ahhhh‭~!‬” Brigitte squealed,‭ ‬her conflict about doing something like this in public only momentary before she gave in,‭ ‬reaching down to the hem of her tank-top and peeling it off,‭ ‬completely revealing her full,‭ ‬round breasts,‭ ‬a little larger than Amélie’s.‭ ‬When the assassin gasped in admiration,‭ ‬tilting her head to get a better look,‭ ‬the young squire pulled back just slightly,‭ ‬her balls still tingling with pleasure from the feeling of Widowmaker’s tongue.‭ ‬She firmly pressed the tip of her cock firmly back against the other woman’s lips‭ ‬--‭ ‬then past them,‭ ‬sinking her shaft deeply into Amélie’s mouth and teasing at her throat,‭ ‬drawing a muffled moan and gag from the sniper.

‭“‬Mmmphhh--‭ ‬cchllk--‭ ‬mmnnn...‭!” ‬Widowmaker groaned wetly as Brigitte shifted back,‭ ‬thrusting into her mouth once again and now down Amélie’s throat entirely.‭ ‬With the way she was laying on her back with her head reclined,‭ ‬the frenchwoman’s esophagus was more or less a straight tunnel,‭ ‬giving the blue-skinned beauty little ability to resist the thrusts of Brigitte’s thick cock down her throat.‭ ‬All Amélie could do now was let her eyes flutter shut,‭ ‬gasp through her nose,‭ ‬and enjoy the sensation of that throbbing thing thrusting in and out of her mouth,‭ ‬the swedish girl’s saliva-slick balls rocketing towards her eyes each time that huge dick drilled down her throat.

‭“‬Ohh-h my f-fucking...‭ ‬ffffffffahhhh--‭!‬” Brigitte cried out,‭ ‬lifting one leg up and setting it on the bench so she could more easily ram her cock down Widowmaker’s gullet,‭ ‬drool and precum burbling around the assassin’s creamy blue lips as she struggled to take it all.‭ ‬Beginning to go light-headed,‭ ‬her tongue swirled and shifted around the pulsating invader as much as she was able to,‭ ‬one hand starting to reach down her own body.‭ ‬Shifting the waistband of her gym shorts out of the way,‭ ‬she revealed her own cock,‭ ‬achingly hard now and throbbing with need,‭ ‬if a bit smaller than the big,‭ ‬beautiful monster Brigitte sported.‭ ‬Wrapping one hand around it,‭ ‬Amélie started to slowly stroke herself as she was throatfucked,‭ ‬her slender,‭ ‬graceful figure squirming like a serpent on the bench.‭ “‬I-I’m gonna...‭ ‬I’m gonna...‭!”

Widowmaker’s eyes shot open as her lips met Brigitte’s pelvis in a rough thrust,‭ ‬only to be pummeled again,‭ ‬then again as the younger girl played out her frenzied throes of climax,‭ ‬burying every last inch of her shaft down Amélie’s throat before she began to unload into it,‭ ‬splurt after splurt of hot cum shooting straight into the sniper’s stomach,‭ ‬burbling inside of her.‭ ‬Widowmaker’s writhing grew more intense now as she gasped for breath,‭ ‬still stroking herself as spots began to float in front of her eyes.‭ ‬Finally,‭ ‬just as Brigitte’s screams faded,‭ ‬she was able to suck in a deep breath of air as that fat dick was drawn from her mouth,‭ ‬a bridge of spunk and drool keeping it linked to Amélie’s panting,‭ ‬gasping lips.‭ “‬Merde‭~” ‬the blue-skinned woman whimpered,‭ ‬both arms falling limp at her sides again,‭ ‬though her cock remained ragingly erect.

‭“‬I’m...‭ ‬I-I’m so sorry,‭ ‬about that,‭” ‬Brigitte mumbled quickly,‭ ‬catching her own breath now,‭ ‬her naked body now glistening more than ever,‭ ‬her dick pulsing angrily and still stiff.‭ “‬I don’t know what got into me,‭ ‬I didn’t mean to be so...‭ ‬you know....‭”

“Rough‭?” ‬Amélie murmured back,‭ ‬finally sitting up a little,‭ ‬but only so she could drape her arms around the dumbbell on the rack and face Brigitte,‭ ‬both of her smooth legs spread apart,‭ ‬showing off her anxious girldick and narrow back entrance.‭ “‬Maybe you can...‭ ‬make it up to me,‭ ‬oui‭?” ‬Scooting out of her shorts entirely,‭ ‬the assassin drew her sports bra over her head and tossed it playfully at Pharah,‭ ‬who had now stripped her own bottoms off to watch the show,‭ ‬lightly touching herself with her fingertips.

‭“‬I...‭ ‬I don’t know,‭ ‬I mean,‭ ‬if my dad found out...‭ ‬and I’ve already wasted so much of your time...‭” ‬Brigitte stammered.

Widowmaker’s rebuttal,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬was swift.‭ “‬My time won’t be wasted if you give me la petite mort as well,‭ ‬non‭?”

“I was about to say,‭” ‬Fareeha interjected,‭ ‬scooting closer to another weight set where she could get a better view.‭ “‬You better not be done,‭ ‬I haven’t even started jacking yet.‭”

“W-well...‭” ‬Brigitte bit her lower lip hard,‭ ‬her eyes turning back to Amélie’s exposed figure,‭ ‬splayed out,‭ ‬offered,‭ ‬her eyeliner smudged with tears and her lips sticky with cum,‭ ‬yet those eyes burned with desire.‭ ‬To leave now would be...‭ ‬uncool,‭ ‬right‭? “‬Maybe we can...‭ ‬do some more stuff,‭” ‬she purred,‭ ‬blushing again as she pulled a bit closer,‭ ‬her nose first touching to Amélie’s as she reached an intimate proximity...‭ ‬just before the tip of her cock bumped against the assassin’s,‭ ‬a spark of pleasure shooting through her and drawing out a little yelp of excitement.

‭“‬Looks like you’re a little bigger,‭” ‬Amélie smiled,‭ ‬licking her lips as she looked down at both of their cocks,‭ ‬vertically aligned against each other.‭ ‬Shifting her hips forward a little caused the two throbbing rods to collide more fully,‭ ‬now touching all along the length of their shafts and more clearly illustrating that Brigitte had about two inches on Widowmaker.‭ “‬You know what that means,‭ ‬oui‭?” ‬She reached down,‭ ‬gently wrapping her hand around the two pillars and squeezing them together,‭ ‬giving the pair a few slow,‭ ‬hungry strokes.

‭“‬W-what...‭ ‬does it mean‭?” ‬Brigitte cooed quietly,‭ ‬biting her bottom lip as Amélie began to shift and stroke harder against her.‭ ‬The sensation of her hard,‭ ‬slippery cock grinding and rubbing back and forth against the other woman’s was...‭ ‬more intense,‭ ‬more exciting than she’d expected,‭ ‬with Widowmaker’s hand keeping the two squeezed together tightly.

‭“‬It means that beautiful thing of yours is going back inside me.‭ ‬Though this hole I think you’ll like even more than my mouth.‭” ‬The frenchwoman shifted her hips forward a little more,‭ ‬her hand going still as she thrust her dick up against it,‭ ‬sawing it back and forth against Brigitte’s within the silken vice of her grip.‭ “‬Mmnn...‭ ‬but your cock feels so good against mine....‭”

“Y-yeah it...‭ ‬does...‭” ‬Brigitte flushed hotly,‭ ‬starting to shift and rock back against Widowmaker again,‭ ‬noses touching,‭ ‬then lips,‭ ‬locking the assassin in a long,‭ ‬adoring kiss,‭ ‬her passion and pleasure overwhelming her as her shaft squeezed and squished against the other woman’s,‭ ‬cum and drool creating a slick,‭ ‬sticky mixture now smeared along the two of them.‭ ‬Her warm tongue slipping into Amélie’s mouth,‭ ‬she felt the other woman take it between her lips and suckle gently,‭ ‬moaning around it,‭ ‬twiddling the tip with her own tongue while the two women jousted with their womanhoods.

A little grin touched her lips when Widowmaker finally released Brigitte’s tongue,‭ ‬giving both duelling cocks another few rapid strokes of her hand as her eyes turned to Pharah,‭ ‬completely nude now and seeming to just enjoy the show,‭ ‬the egyptian‭ ‘‬attending‭’ ‬to herself with long,‭ ‬slow pumps of her hand as she watched.‭ ‬As much as she was enjoying the teasing and fondling of Brigitte,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬Amélie’s desire and...‭ ‬need,‭ ‬was now growing too great to bear.‭ ‬She needed to cum,‭ ‬and it was time to use the autumn-haired beauty’s massive cock for exactly what it was made to do.‭ “‬Tu peux m’enculer‭~”


“Fuck me,‭ ‬Brigitte,‭” ‬Amélie impatiently translated,‭ ‬letting go of her own cock to more tightly grip the other girl’s,‭ ‬tilting it downward to prod against the entrance to her smooth blue back hole,‭ ‬her thighs spread open to provide access.‭ ‬It tightened with anticipation at the touch of that fat,‭ ‬spongy cocktip against it,‭ ‬spreading the sticky lubricant that both women had been generating‭ ‬--‭ ‬then relaxed as Widowmaker prepared to take that huge cock.

Brigitte swallowed hard,‭ ‬wrapping one arm gently around Amélie’s hips and cooing as the sniper mirrored the gesture,‭ ‬one hand taking a fistful of the swedish girl’s ass and giving it a lustful squeeze,‭ ‬pulling the other girl forward slightly.‭ “‬Hahhh...‭ ‬o-ahh‭!” ‬she gasped out as she finally pushed all the way in,‭ ‬feeling her tip press past the muscular barrier to Widowmaker’s ass and then sink inside slowly‭ ‬--‭ ‬deeper and deeper,‭ ‬filling the other woman inch by inch until Brigitte’s waist bumped against Amélie’s rear.‭ “‬It’s...‭ ‬it’s all the way in...‭!”

“Oui,‭ ‬very observant,‭” ‬Amélie cooed,‭ ‬holding back a squeal of pleasure as that big thing filled her up,‭ ‬her own cock laying against her stomach,‭ ‬unattended but still rock-hard.‭ ‬Her free hand caressed up Brigitte’s side to cup one breast,‭ ‬groping it lovingly as she nodded the other girl along.‭ “‬N-now fuck me,‭ ‬fuck my...‭ ‬m-my tight ass....‭”

Leaning in on the bench,‭ ‬Brigitte lunged in for another long kiss,‭ ‬a desperate moan escaping her as she finally drew back,‭ ‬then drilled back inside,‭ ‬feeling Amélie’s slick hole squeeze and tremble around her as she searched for her rhythm,‭ ‬starting slow at first but quickly starting to pick up her pace.‭ ‬Not only was the urge to fuck the blue-skinned femme fatale harder and faster almost overwhelming,‭ ‬Widowmaker continued to egg her on,‭ ‬letting out strained wails of bliss when that throbbing rod would pack itself back into her ass.‭ ‬The faster the thrusts,‭ ‬the hotter and more frequent those gasps of obvious pleasure,‭ ‬and in a few moments Brigitte had gone from slow,‭ ‬cautious pumps to deep,‭ ‬rapid ones‭ ‬--‭ ‬her reservations melting away by the first time she heard the sound of her hips slapping into Amélie’s plump,‭ ‬firm butt.

‭“‬Hahhh...‭ ‬aaaaahhhHHHfuckk...‭!‬” Brigitte gasped,‭ ‬shifting forward to wrap one leg up and around Amélie’s waist,‭ ‬her free breast bouncing lazily while the other was massaged and molested by Widowmaker.‭ ‬Her new positioning let her get slightly deeper,‭ ‬the sweat between them causing her body to squish and slide against the assassin’s.‭ ‬She was breathing harder than ever now,‭ ‬fucking the blue beauty’s tight ass harder than she had her throat,‭ ‬the moans and cries of ecstasy coming from her now almost bestial.

‭“‬Alright,‭ ‬move over,‭ ‬Brig.‭” ‬Amélie was shaken from her trancelike state of anal bliss,‭ ‬looking up as the swedish girl was shifted aside by the dark-skinned pilot,‭ ‬precum drooling down her hard dick.‭ “‬There’s no way I’m just gonna jerk off when I know from experience that ride seats two.‭”

“W-wha...‭?” ‬Brigitte murmured,‭ ‬being purposefully shifted aside and forced to reposition,‭ ‬with Widowmaker herself shifting in response to the rearrangement and climbing up into the squire’s lap,‭ ‬sinking that thick shaft back up her ass.

‭“‬Amélie and I are already...‭ ‬acquainted,‭ ‬in our way,‭” ‬Fareeha grinned,‭ ‬biting her lip as she aligned herself at the front of the newly-forming Widowmaker Sandwich,‭ ‬swatting the tip of her cock against Brigitte’s smooth,‭ ‬round sack just hard enough to draw a yelp.‭ “‬And her ass is even more prodigious than it looks.‭”

“Assez‭! ‬Tais-toi et encule-moi‭!” ‬Amélie commanded restlessly,‭ ‬through with talking and teasing.‭ ‬While her words were understood by neither of the other women,‭ ‬its message got across,‭ ‬and Fareeha shifted forward to press the tip of her cock against the stuffed edge of Widowmaker’s anus,‭ ‬grinding against it before finally sinking inside of it alongside Brigitte.‭ “‬Haaaauuuhh‭~!‬”

“Nnnff...‭ ‬she’s even tighter now,‭ ‬I had no idea both of us could fit,‭” ‬Brigitte gasped,‭ ‬her hands going to Amélie’s hips and her fingers digging into the supple flesh,‭ ‬thrusting upward and moaning out as she felt Pharah’s dick shift and rub against her own,‭ ‬both cocks locked into place within that single snug blue opening,‭ ‬both thrusting inward at a wild,‭ ‬asynchronous pace.‭ ‬The two rocketed in and out,‭ ‬back and forth,‭ ‬and it was less than a minute of rough double-dicking before Amélie’s attempts at speech were drowned out completely by helpless,‭ ‬ecstatic screaming.

‭“‬NnnaaaaAAAAIIIIGHHfuckfuckfuck,‭ ‬harder,‭ ‬harder,‭ ‬harder--aaAaaAaahh‭~!‬” Widowmaker’s siren scream was massive within the spacious glass-walled chamber of the Overwatch gym,‭ ‬and signified the last english words she was able to form before dissolving into a string of french curses and commands.‭ ‬Her hips rocked and rammed back and forth,‭ ‬alternating thrusts forward into Fareeha’s cock,‭ ‬then backwards against Brigitte’s.

‭“‬I think we might have...‭ ‬nnph...‭ ‬b-broken Widowmaker...‭” ‬Pharah’s chuckle faded to a moan partway through,‭ ‬fondling one of the assassin’s perky blue breasts and giving the stiff nipple a little pinch.‭ ‬Amélie’s own cock remained neglected despite having a pair of different ones pistoning in and out of her spasming,‭ ‬quivering asshole. Considering the pleasure she was in,‭ however, ‬attending to it seemed unnecessary ‬--‭ ‬her backdoor was getting all the treatment she needed,‭ ‬and as Widowmaker’s eyes started to roll back into her head,‭ ‬it seemed like climax was imminent.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬there was only so much of the sensation of two hot,‭ ‬throbbing,‭ ‬sticky cocks swordfighting inside of your ass that one could endure.

The pummeling continued,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬hands groping at her tits and hips and ass from both sides,‭ ‬finger and hand-prints leaving reddened splotches on Amélie’s skin.‭ ‬Precum leaked down her dick in long,‭ ‬thin strings while the sound of slapping,‭ ‬squelching,‭ ‬moaning,‭ ‬and panting filled her ears.‭ ‬Sweat-slick muscle and firm breasts squished and rubbed against her,‭ ‬tormenting every inch of blue skin,‭ ‬but always central in Amélie’s thoughts was the sensation of those two shafts pounding up into her ass‭ ‬--‭ ‬then,‭ ‬at long last,‭ ‬beginning to unload inside of her.

‭“‬NngghaaaAaAaAaAaaAAAAHHH‭!‬” An all-white fireworks display,‭ ‬with Amélie’s backdoor playing the role of the night sky.‭ ‬She didn’t know which shots of cum were coming from whom,‭ ‬but it didn’t matter.‭ ‬All that mattered was the way they pulsated inside of her,‭ ‬and the way they shot their hot stickiness inside of her.‭ ‬Like a dam holding against a storm of the apocalypse,‭ ‬Widowmaker’s struggle to hold back her climax became suddenly hopeless,‭ ‬and her erection tensed,‭ ‬throbbing wildly,‭ ‬and began to bob with the force of the spunk being shot through it,‭ ‬arcing up to shower back down in long ropes across Amélie’s face and breasts,‭ ‬coating herself in her own orgasm,‭ ‬filling her mouth with it.‭ ‬The taste sweet and salty on her tongue.

Everything went white for a while.‭ ‬La petite mort,‭ ‬indeed‭ ‬--‭ ‬it was a while before Amélie was certain she’d even survived her own climax.‭ ‬Not until the oddly satisfying sensation of Pharah and Brigitte’s cocks sliding free of her to idly lay across each other,‭ ‬letting cum drip from her gaped and satisfied azure hole.

‭“‬Merde,‭ ‬that was...‭ ‬a better workout than...‭ ‬I was expecting...‭” ‬the frenchwoman sighed contentedly,‭ ‬flopping back down onto the bench,‭ ‬her cock laying against her flat stomach once again,‭ ‬her body glazed and her ass drooling with seed.

‭“‬Well...‭ ‬we,‭ ‬um...‭ ‬hehe,‭” ‬Brigitte blushed again,‭ ‬still panting softly,‭ ‬and leaned down to gently kiss Amélie’s cum-painted‭ ‬lips.‭ “‬We meet at the gym every Tuesday and Friday...‭ ‬if you ever wanna stop by again.‭”

“Oui.‭ ‬I may need to be...‭ ‬spotted,‭ ‬again.‭”


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