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We looked around the hall at the assembled figures. Asides from our Jonin-sensei, the proctors and a handful of foreign Jonins, there were only three other teams in the hall asides from ours.

“Oi,” Kakashi called to us as we made our way towards the centre of the hall where the other Genin were gathered. The Jonin made a beeline towards us. “You guys did good,”  he said

“Eh! It was easy!” Naruto scoffed, pouting as he folded his arms in a disgruntled manner. “Boring! After Sasuke found our castle on the first day we had nothing else to do until Iruka-sensei arrived to take us away!”

“Really?” the silver-haired shinobi asked as he turned to face us, one brow raised inquisitively.

We ignored him.

“...Kakashi-sensei, what happened to the other teams?” Sakura asked. “I thought there were meant to be eight teams at the end of this exam?”

“The other territories were still being contested when the allocated time elapsed, so they were disqualified.”

“...But nothing in the rules made any mention of that.” the girl said, confused.

“They did, just not directly. Remember rule number one?”

“Oh. Yes. Any team not in possession of a castle at the end of the exam is disqualified.”

“Exactly. Besides, one of the goals of the exam is to test your abilities to remain within a mission’s stated parameters. The inability to maintain total control of the designated target goes contrary to this.”

We guessed as much, but apparently, that needed to be spelt out for our teammates; we even suspected Naruto was still somewhat confused despite the explanation. Kakashi said a bit more before departing to join the other Jonin at the side of the hall. We didn’t say a word to him throughout. The fact seemed to make him uneasy. At that moment the Hokage made his way towards the podium in front.

“Congratulations to you all,” he began, “on passing the second exam! The third examination is about to start, but before I go into the specifics of how it would be conducted let me make one thing clear. This series of so-called examinations is, in fact, a war-in-miniature between all of our allied lands.”

Well, that was abrupt, we thought to ourself, marvelling at the Hokage’s lacking theatrics. A murmur raced through the rabble at his words.

“If you had paid attention in your history classes,” Sarutobi continued, “or at least glanced at a map once in your life, it would become swiftly apparent to you that our alliance is nothing more than a temporary, mutually beneficial, agreement between a group of geographically contiguous lands whose previous existence was one of strife and perpetual conflict for power and control of resources… until, at least, a better way was devised. That way is, you’ve guessed it, the Chunin exams.

“This third exam would be conducted under the watchful eyes of several distinguished guests; including all the rulers and nobility of the various lands you aspire to serve. And among their number will be those who rule over each country’s hidden shinobi village.

“If any one nation’s applicant demonstrates outstanding skill and superiority, the noblemen from every land will be quick to commission work from those trained in that superior nation. Conversely, if any particular country’s applicant is shown to be feeble and weak, commissions to agents of that country would dwindle in response. These exams provide a public arena for each country to show off and boast of its strength. This test has great meaning and consequences! You risk not only your own future and dreams but the dignity and prestige of your home village as well.

The hall fell silent as the Hokage paused, allowing his words to sink in.

“Moving on. I shall begin explaining the finals. As I mentioned earlier, you will conduct your final round of battles in front of everyone. Each of you represents the battle strengths of your respective lands so we want you to exhibit and fully showcase your various talents. Thus the finals will commence one month from now after your requisite preparation period has elapsed. During this period, you can analyze the intelligence you must have gathered on your foes and use it to increase your chances of victory in the final exams. But, before you leave there is something I need you to help me with for the finals. Anko?”

“On it, Hokage-sama,” replied one of the Kuniochi in the rear. She stepped forward carrying a box with a rubber tarp on top.

“There are slips of paper inside the box Anko is holding. She’ll come around, so line up. When she does, each of you, take one.”

When our turn came, we reached into the box to retrieve one slip of paper.

“Alright, does everyone have one now?” Sarutobi asked. “Then starting from left to right, call out your name and the number on your slip.”

“Kiba, number five.”

“H-hinata, number f-four.”

“Shino, number six.”

“Tenten, number eight.”

“Neji, number ten.”

“Rock Lee, number one!”

“Gaara. Number two.”

“Temari, number three.”

“Kankuro, number eleven.”

“Naruto! Number nine!”

“Sakura, number seven.”

“Sasuke. Number twelve.”

The Hokage nodded, seemingly in approval. “And now, I will reveal the match order for the finals. Ibiki, show them the pairings!”

“Hmm. First round, eh?..” Our gaze flickered to the side to regard Kankuro. The puppet user stared back, his eye narrowed into slits. We looked away, turning back towards the Hokage.

“For the finals, you will be observed by many judges. Not only me but the Kazekage and the rulers and shinobi leaders of countries that would be requesting missions as well. Based on your performance in the tournament, those judges will assign you an absolute value and all those who are deemed to have sufficient ability to become journeyman ninjas, even those who have lost in the first round, can become chunin.”

“...Do you mean all of us here could become chunin?” Sakura asked, surprised.

“Yes,” the Hokage replied. “Conversely, it is also possible that none of you will become chunin. Any questions? Well then, good luck. You are all dismissed.”


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