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Breakdown of Chapter 030 - Into the Gryphon's Den.


It is Stau 4th, 1624, in western Algrim. The dawn of battle broke with a crisp, clear sky, as Tristan's forces assembled. The night before, scouts had discovered Levi’s blockade, and now Tristan, undeterred, marshalled his army with resolute determination. 

The vanguard moved ahead, tasked with detecting any overnight ambushes that Levi might have prepared. As the sun rose higher, the vanguard arrived at the staging ground, unscathed and reporting no signs of hidden enemies.

Tristan's cavalry followed closely, the thunder of hooves echoing through the valley, their armour gleaming in the early morning light. Behind them, the main body of the host—spear-wielding footmen, armoured knights, and a detachment of bowmen—marched steadily. The rearguard, along with the army’s noncombatants, remained behind to guard the camp and supplies against potential sabotage.

Upon reaching the staging ground, Tristan's forces gathered. With the vanguard and cavalry standing by, the main body prepared to lead the assault. The footmen and knights advanced toward the blockade, a formidable line of palisades, ditches, and abatises standing in their path. The initial clash was fierce and brutal. Levi’s hidden musketeers and crossbowmen, concealed within the wagon forts, unleashed a relentless barrage of projectiles upon Tristan’s men.

The battlefield erupted into chaos. Tristan's soldiers, a mix of seasoned sellswords and poorly equipped conscripts pressed forward despite the hail of gunfire and arrows. Losses mounted, but the drive to break through the blockade pushed them onward. Amid the tumult, a contingent of Levi's archers, hidden in the forest to the right of Tristan's vanguard, revealed themselves. A deadly volley of arrows rained down on the lightly armoured horsemen, forcing a swift and desperate retreat. The vanguard’s bowmen, however, were ordered to hold their ground and return fire.

As the vanguard's horsemen retreated, another contingent of Levi’s archers emerged from the north. Now caught in a deadly crossfire, Tristan's forces endured a withering assault from both sides. For thirty harrowing minutes, the fighting raged on, Tristan's army sustaining heavy losses while Levi's forces remained largely intact. Finally, the sheer determination of Tristan’s main body broke through the blockade, and they surged forward to assault the wagon forts directly.

The defenders within the forts—musketeers and crossbowmen—fought valiantly, but the pressure was immense. Just as it seemed Tristan’s forces might overrun them, the ground shook with the thunder of hooves. Levi's heavy cavalry, hidden until now, burst forth into view from the southeast, charging into Tristan’s unsuspecting soldiers. Panic spread as the cavalry carved through the stragglers, the narrow gap in the blockade preventing Tristan's own cavalry from mounting an effective countercharge.

In a desperate bid to regain control, Tristan's cavalry finally managed to squeeze through the gap, engaging Levi's forces. The clash was intense but disorganized. As Tristan’s larger cavalry force began to gain ground, Levi’s pikemen emerged from behind the cavalry, forming a disciplined phalanx. Five men deep, they advanced steadily, pushing Tristan’s men back with ruthless efficiency.

Caught between the advancing pikemen, the relentless cavalry and the blockade behind them, Tristan’s forces faltered. Levi, sensing the moment of victory, ordered his hidden artillery to open fire. Cannons in the hills roared to life, their thunderous blasts sowing further chaos among Tristan’s disorganized ranks. Though not entirely effective, the artillery bombardment proved to be the final straw.

Tristan’s host broke, fleeing the battlefield in disarray. Levi’s cavalry pursued with his contingent of pikemen following at a leisurely pace to ensure no regrouping would occur. Back at Tristan’s camp, the rearguard received news of the defeat the main army suffered and fled before Levi’s forces could arrive, leaving the camp to be sacked thoroughly. Duke Tristan himself, along with a handful of his associates, managed to escape. 

Defeated and demoralized, they fled back to whence they came. Levi’s victory would stand as a testament to his  superior military acumen and prove pivotal to the stability of the realm in the years to come

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This is Traumjäger Studios, and we will catch you on the next one.


The Battle of Faywyn Valley

Scene breakdown for Chapter 030 - Into the Gryphon's Den. The Sanguine Arts link: https://www.royalroadcdn.com/public/covers-large/53148-the-sanguine-arts-anno-1623.jpg?time=1714717827 Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/ravenaelwood


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