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Bombuku’s Bronze Bottle

Wondrous item, common
Component: pouch of Dragon (blue) scales

When an effect or attack would deal lightning damage against a target within 5 feet of you while you hold this bottle, you can use your reaction to try and capture some of the lightning. Make a Dexterity (Arcana) check with a DC equal to one-quarter of the lightning damage dealt (minimum of 10). On a success, you reduce the damage by 2d10, and the bottle gains an equivalent number of charges as it fills with crackling flashes. You can’t use this reaction again until the bottle loses its charges.

Unleash. As an action, you can unstopper the bottle and point it at a target within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack (+3 to hit). On a hit, the target takes lightning damage equal to the number of charges in the bottle, and all the bottle’s charges are lost. After this property is used, the bottle is destroyed. If you unstopper the bottle other than to use the Unleash property, all charges are lost.


Uncommon variant: Increase the attack bonus to +5. On a hit, the target takes lightning damage equal to twice the charges on the bottle. The bottle isn’t destroyed if the Unleash property is used or if it’s otherwise unstoppered.





So the common Variant has a hit mod where the uncommon has a save DC? Is that supposed to be correct or was that a error on one of the variants