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Compass of Desire

Wondrous item, rare

Component: Fey psyche

Knowing what you want is not always an easy endeavour. Getting what you want is even harder, though, if you try sometimes, you just might find, fate brings what you need. Through mindfulness practice, these pale green crystalline compasses reveal the direction a creature must take to find the object of its desire. For the weak-willed who acquire such an item, they are more likely to be led astray than they are to find what they desire.

As an action, you can lay this compass flat in your hand and make a DC 15 Wisdom check as you focus hard on something you want. On a success, the compass points towards the thing on which you focused, provided it is within 20 miles of you. If you succeed on the check but the thing you focused on is not within 20 miles of you, the compass spins listlessly. If you fail the check, the compass points towards something entirely different, responding to your wandering thoughts, though you are not aware of this mistake. This item can't locate something if any thickness of lead, even a thin sheet, blocks a direct path between you and your target.



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