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Deep within the Islands of Y’ummm stands an ancient food pyramid that was once a temple dedicated to the goddess of sour, Tangarina the Tart. The temple’s high priestess, the beautiful Hissophelia, was a renowned figure who used the might of sour magic to defend the local populace from the dangers of the rampaging spice beasts. She was beloved by her people, and her influence over them rivalled even their devotion to Tangarina. Alas, her unyielding thirst for power was as great as her beauty, and she chose a perilous path that pitted her against her goddess.


Edit [25 January 2024]: This standalone hunt PDF has been updated over the winter downtime! Re-download and enjoy!


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Cakewalk Series: Part I

Ascent of the Sour Serpent is a 5th edition adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3, 7, or 12. Characters who complete this hunt should earn enough experience to progress one-third of the way to 4th or 7th level, or two-thirds of the way to 13th level. The adventurers must journey through a land of confectionery marvels to face the fearsome Gummydusa before the Great Sour Serpent awakens!



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Cze and Peku provided these beautiful maps. If you're looking for variants, you can check them out here.





Is there going to be a familiar for this hunt? The other food familiars are amazing


What does the Ice Cream Vendor sell in this adventure? Some of the other Monster Hunts include his stock, but I don't see anything in this one? :)