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Hi everyone, this is the final item for Thieves' Spoils! We have some seasonal items coming your way tomorrow!

This illustration may or may not be based on our very own Max!

Getaway Balloon

Wondrous item, uncommon

Component: elemental core of air

Like the old saying goes: “A hot air balloon with your face plastered on it might not make for the most inconspicuous of escapes, but it sure beats tackling a bird-person through a tenth-story window.”

Up and Away! As an action, you can speak one of this balloon’s three command words. The first command word causes the deflated balloon to shrink or return to normal size. In its shrunken form, the balloon is 1 inch on a side. At its normal size, the balloon is a Medium object with AC 14, 60 hit points, immunity to poison and psychic damage, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. If the balloon is reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.

The second command word causes the balloon to inflate or deflate, either of which takes 1 minute to complete. When you speak the command word to cause the balloon to inflate, a magical depiction of your face appears on the balloon’s panels until another creature causes the balloon to inflate. The balloon remains inflated for up to 1 hour, after which it begins to deflate on its own. For the duration, a creature within the balloon can use its action to control it with a system of ropes and valves, causing it to fly. The creature controlling the balloon can move it up to 60 feet horizontally and 30 feet vertically each round. Its horizontal and vertical movements are independent of one another. The balloon can fit one Medium or smaller creature, and can carry a maximum weight of 300 pounds. If the balloon is ever over its maximum weight or deflates during flight, it descends safely at a rate of 30 feet per round.

The third command word can be used only by the creature whose face is on the balloon, causing the face to animate and replicate the movements and expressions of the creature until this command word is spoken again.

Once the balloon is inflated, it can’t be inflated again until the next dawn.


Rare variant: At its normal size, the balloon is a Huge object that can fit up to five Medium or smaller creatures and carry a maximum weight of 1,000 pounds. Increase its hit points to 120.

Very rare variant: At its normal size, the balloon is a Huge object that can fit up to five Medium or smaller creatures, carry a maximum weight of 1,000 pounds, and remain inflated for up to 8 hours. Increase its hit points to 150.




You can still late pledge to our Kickstarter if you missed the campaign for now too!



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