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This one is inspired by the one and only Jess Jackdaw!!! We have 1 final Patrons of Legend item to post now and then we have some very fun D&D movie inspired items incoming for you!

Peeper Paintbrush

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Components: aberration antenna

Why settle for painting monsters when you could paint others to be monsters? With the help of this adorable paintbrush, your art can truly pop out of its living canvas. Besides, who wouldn’t want to be more like Peeper?

Artistic Licence. As an action while holding the paintbrush, you can paint one monstrous feature of your choice from the list below on a willing creature within 5 feet of you, granting it a special benefit. The feature and its benefits fade after 1 hour, or when a new feature is painted on the creature. Once you’ve used this property to paint a feature, the paintbrush can’t produce that feature again until the next dawn.

  • Claws, Horns, or Tail. The creature gains a natural weapon that deals bludgeoning (tail), piercing (horns), or slashing (claws) damage equal to 1d8 + its Strength modifier. It can use a bonus action to make an attack with this natural weapon.
  • Extra Eyes. The creature gains darkvision out to 60 feet and advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight.
  • Fins and Gills. The creature gains a swimming speed of 60 feet and can breathe underwater.
  • Wings. The creature gains a flying speed of 30 feet.


Uncommon variant: Reduce the duration of each benefit to 10 minutes, the damage die of the natural weapon to 1d6, the range of the darkvision to 30 feet, the swimming speed to 30 feet, and the flying speed to 15 feet.

Legendary variant: When you paint a monstrous feature, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, you can paint that feature again.





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