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When Queen Soliana’s daughter, Princess Shael, was ensnared by an enchanted dress on the day of her formal introduction to the court (see Garden of Dark Delights), the queen made a snap decision. Desperate to save her daughter, the queen released Jorfraust from his snow globe prison, hoping the winter fey could stop the ensorcelled Shael from entering a portal to the Plane of Shadow. However, Jorfraust went further than she intended, freezing the princess and the queen into statues and forcing the entire Sunsworn Court to flee.
Now the winter fey lounges in his frigid court after declaring himself king of the Frostfall Kingdom, and his frosty reign threatens the delicate seasonal balance on the Plane of Fey.


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Blood of Sun & Shadow Series: Part II

Bloodfrost of the Fey is a 5th edition hunt for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 4, 8, or 12. Characters who complete this hunt should earn enough experience to progress one-quarter, one-third, or half of the way to 5th, 9th, or 13th level, respectively. This is the second instalment in the trilogy Blood of Sun & Shadow. The party must defeat a powerful winter fey whose melancholy has frozen the courtiers of the Sunsworn Court.



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Cze and Peku provided these beautiful maps. If you're looking for variants check them out here.



Travis Spencer

Hey your map link gives me the file for sour serpents and not blood frost fey. Just to let you know.