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Inspired by DM Dave! This shark head on a stick will do the damage you need!


Weapon (any hammer), uncommon

Components: beast (giant shark) flesh

Jealously guarded by mysterious keepers of the secrets of yore, the enigmatic instructions for creating this menacing weapon, staunchest ally to bloodthirsty pirates and ravenous ocean dwellers, are thus: take a shark head. Enchant it. Shove a stick in it. Yes, that’s it. Did you expect more? It’s a shark head on a stick.

This weapon has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Aquatic Predator. You don’t have disadvantage on attack rolls made with this weapon as a result of being underwater. In addition, while underwater, the weapon has the thrown (range 20/60) property, and returns to your hand immediately after you make a ranged attack with it.

Hunter’s Aura. As a bonus action while holding this weapon, you can expend 1 charge to tap into the primal hunger of the shark, becoming more adept at sensing blood and weakness until the start of your next turn. Until then, you have advantage on Perception checks made to detect creatures within 60 feet of you that don’t have all of their hit points, as well as advantage on attack rolls made with the hammer against them. While you are underwater, the range of this effect extends to 120 feet.


Rare variant: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Very rare variant: You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. As part of the bonus action taken to activate the Hunter’s Aura property, you can move up to your speed towards a creature within the range of the aura that doesn’t have all of its hit points.




Just in case you didn't know already too, our Kickstarter launches TOMORROW!!! We're very excited and we hope you are too! Day 1 backers will get a free die too!



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