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The party learns of a haunting taking place in Bodrum Manor each year at midwinter. Encouraged by Bucket, the mechanical butler who manages the estate, they explore the rooms of this worn-down mansion and uncover clues that help them in the upcoming battles. At the stroke of midnight, a ghost appears, intending to show Baron Bodrum the error of his ways with the help of a trio of spectres eager to taste the industrialist’s soul. The characters must defeat three midwinter spectres to banish the manor ghost and end its yearly haunting.


Edit [25 January 2024]: This standalone hunt PDF has been updated over the winter downtime! Re-download and enjoy!


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The Spectres of Midwinter is a 5th edition hunt optimised for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 5, 9, or 14. Characters who complete this hunt should earn enough experience to progress one-third of the way to 6th, 10th, or 15th level. The ghost of Baron Bodrum’s former business partner haunts his manor every midwinter, hoping to catch the baron in a trap. The adventurers find themselves at the mercy of the ghost, and his trio of spectres bent on teaching them a lesson on morality. Characters able to resist being frightened and that can deal thunder or psychic damage will find these abilities advantageous during this hunt.



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Cze and Peku provided these beautiful maps. If you're looking for variants check them out here.
