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Nemean Spear

Weapon (spear), very rare

Component: monstrosity claw

One of the few things capable of penetrating the creature’s own hide, a Nemean lion’s claws rend inferior materials such as leather and steel with almost contemptuous ease. Weaponry fashioned from these claws possesses the indomitable spirit of a lion, and can leverage a wielder’s superior defence to pierce cleanly through a foe’s guard.

Offensive Defence. This weapon deals an extra 1d8 damage to creatures it hits that have a lower AC than yours.

Triumphant Roar. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this weapon, the lion’s visage lets out a ferocious roar. Each creature other than you that can hear it within 20 feet of you takes 1d6 thunder damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn.


Rare variant: Reduce the damage of the Offensive Defence property to 1d4. The Triumphant Roar property doesn’t deal damage.





Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-27 19:54:25 Love these LT! *I'm sure you're already been notified* : both of the 2 newest NEMEAN Art + Item[Front & Back] PNG Files are not showing up in the MYTHICAL ARSENAL Folder right now.
2022-12-03 19:00:24 Love these LT! *I'm sure you're already been notified* : both of the 2 newest NEMEAN Art + Item[Front & Back] PNG Files are not showing up in the MYTHICAL ARSENAL Folder right now.

Love these LT! *I'm sure you're already been notified* : both of the 2 newest NEMEAN Art + Item[Front & Back] PNG Files are not showing up in the MYTHICAL ARSENAL Folder right now.


I have a separate folder for your "Greek Mythos" line, would you advise I simply put all those into the Mythic Arsenal folder? Or is there a distinction I'm not aware of that warrants separating the two?


awesome, and let me just say, as someone who runs a campaign set in Theros, I've VERY grateful for those two packs ^.^