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Frost & Flame

Weapon (dagger), rare

After being told by a jealous associate that he would only make it big when “the hells froze over”, Branton Quark was overtaken by a sudden surge of inspiration to create this beautiful pair of daggers. They serve as proof of his determination and ability to achieve the impossible, which he now puts in service of every last sucker customer.

These two daggers can only be attuned to as a unit, and only take up one attunement slot. When you’re holding one of these daggers in each hand, each one does 1d4 extra damage to the first target it hits each turn. Frost does cold damage, and flame does fire damage. The daggers have 3 charges and regain 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Thermic Shock. As an action while holding both of these daggers, you can spend 1 charge to supercharge them and lash out with both of them at once. Make a melee attack with the daggers against a creature. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 fire damage and 4d4 cold damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on all attacks it makes until the start of your next turn as it reels from the abrupt difference in temperatures.

Hextech Recharge. As an action, you can slot a gemstone worth 50 gp or more into the sword, which immediately destroys the gemstone and regains 1 charge. Once this property of the weapon has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.


Very rare variant: Increase the charges to 4, the recharge to 1d3 + 1, and the save DC to 16. The daggers do extra damage to every target they hit, instead of only the first target each turn.





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