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Weapon (any sword), uncommon (requires attunement)

Component: phial of celestial blood

The secretive monks of the Order of Enlightenment make precious few of these blades, and the secrets of their creation are divulged only to those who undergo special training to hone their body, mind and soul. Only after months of physical conditioning, long meditation sessions, strict fasting and complicated lessons can one achieve the inner harmony necessary to produce a weapon of this quality.

This weapon has 7 charges, represented by the colourful gems along the blade, and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Open Chakra. While holding this sword, you can spend 1 charge to unlock a portion of your inner potential by casting the guidance cantrip, targeting only yourself.

Enlightened State. When you spend the last of the weapon’s charges, you gain inspiration. In addition, if the weapon has no charges, your feet hover 1 foot above the ground while you hold it and are not prone. You can move by walking on air or simply gliding forward, and ignore the effects of any hazards on the ground, such as difficult terrain or the effects of the spike growth spell.


Rare variant: When you cast the guidance cantrip using the sword, it requires no concentration, and you regain 1d4 hit points.

Very rare variant: When you cast the guidance cantrip using the sword, it requires no concentration, and you regain 1d4 hit points. While hovering with the Enlightened State property, you can’t be knocked prone against your will.





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