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Weapon (trident), uncommon (optional attunement)

Made of silvered steel, this ornate candelabra-themed trident is capped by three, long, serrated spikes. When mounted upon these spikes, the magic weapon’s enchantment causes the flames to burn faster, hotter, and ignore the effects of wind, cold, and water.

When found, this weapon has 3d20 charges. As an action, you can remove the weapon’s candles, causing it to lose all its charges. As an action, you can place 3 fresh candles in the holsters, causing the weapon to gain 60 charges.

Speaking the name of this weapon (“Lumière”) while you hold it causes its candles to light, shedding bright light for 15 feet and dim light for an additional 15 feet. While lit, the weapon consumes 1 charge per minute. The candles’ flames do not waver, forming 1-foot-long spikes of roaring flame. When you hit with this weapon while it is lit it deals 1d8 fire damage on a hit instead of the usual piercing damage. You can snuff out the flames by repeating the weapon’s name while you hold it.

Optional Attunement. If you choose to attune to this weapon, it gains the Burn and Wax Tomb properties while you remain attuned to it.

OA: Burn. As a bonus action you can expend 5 charges and speak the word “Brûlez”, causing the candle’s flames to create super-long jets of flame, increasing your reach with this weapon until the end of your next turn.

OA: Wax Tomb. As an action you can expend 30 charges and speak the word “Enterrez”, casting the spell wax tomb, as a fountain of wax pours on one Medium or smaller creature you can see within 90 feet of you.


Rare variant: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon. As a bonus action while you’re attuned to this weapon, you can change the light shed by the candles up to 30 feet bright light and 30 feet dim light, or down to 5 foot dim light. When you cast the wax tomb spell, you cast it at 3rd level.

Very rare variant: You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon. As a bonus action while you’re attuned to this weapon, you can change the light shed by the candles up to 40 feet bright light and 40 feet dim light, or down to 5 foot dim light. When you cast the wax tomb spell, you cast it at 5th level.


Wax Tomb

1st-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 90 feet

Components: V, S, M (some wax)

Duration: 1 minute

Mechanism: Debuff

Classes: Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

You point at a creature within range, causing a torrent of molten wax to pour over it. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained by the rapidly hardening wax. A Large or larger creature automatically succeeds on this saving throw. A creature restrained by the wax can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a slot level of 3rd level or higher, the size category at which a creature automatically succeeds on this saving throw is 1 size larger for each 2 slot levels above 1st. I.e. at 3rd level, Huge or larger creatures automatically succeed, and at 5th level only gargantuan creatures automatically succeed.

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