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Weapon (war pick), uncommon

Pivotal to the booming mining industry of the deep gnomes and dark dwarves is this simple, enchanted tool-weapon. Able to pierce rock, metal, and crystal more easily, the secrets to this tool’s enchantments are closely guarded. In response to the increasing attempts at industrial espionage, the Deepclans of Dulhjelm have recently passed a new law, the first in a century, making it illegal, on pain of death, for any creature to take such a hallowed tool more than 5 miles from the great city.

Crystalline Cleaver. This weapon is especially good at piercing inorganic, crystalline materials, such as metal, rock, or crystal. You have advantage to hit creatures made of or wearing armour made of metal, rock, or crystal.

Expeditious Extraction. While wielding this weapon you have a burrowing speed of 5 feet and can mine ore and other materials twice as quickly.


Rare variant: When you hit a creature made of or wearing armour made of metal, rock, or crystal with a melee attack using this weapon, you deal an additional 1d6 piercing damage. The burrowing speed of Expeditious Extraction increases to 10 feet and you mine three times as quickly.

Very Rare variant: When you hit a creature made of or wearing armour made of metal, rock, or crystal with a melee attack using this weapon, you deal an additional 2d6 piercing damage. The burrowing speed of Expeditious Extraction increases to 15 feet and you mine four times as quickly.
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