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Armor (shield), rare

The Starfallen are a sect of astronautical zealots sworn to prevent the incursion of aberrations from the Far Realms. Though they are unknown to most folk on the Material Plane, it is their vigilance which ensures the relative normality the plane’s denizens can enjoy. The force shield is one of their astral armaments, designed to disarm and incapacitate foes.

This shield has 7 charges and regains 1d4 + 3 charges daily at dawn.

Repulsion. When a creature misses you with a melee attack while you hold this shield, you can use your reaction to pull a trigger expending 1 charge and sending a pulse of energy through the attacking creature. The creature must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature is knocked prone, and is disarmed of the weapon with which it made the attack, or of its spellcasting focus or component if it was a melee spell attack. The item flies 15 feet away in a random direction (roll a d8 to determine the direction where a 1 = North, 2 = Northeast etc.)

Starfield Bulwark. As an action you can twist the handle of the shield, expending 3 charges and causing it to deploy in a 5-foot-high barrier of force energy up to 25 feet long. Nothing can physically pass through the wall; a creature that attempts to run through or climb over the barrier takes 2d6 force damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Creatures directly behind the barrier have ¾ cover against attacks that originate from the other side of the barrier. Any attack that misses a creature directly behind the barrier hits the barrier, which has 42 hit points and an AC of 1. The barrier remains in place until 1 minute elapses, a creature uses its bonus action to pick up the barrier on the side from which it was deployed, or it loses all its hit points.


Very rare variant: Increase the save DCs to 16 and the hit points of Starfield Bulwark to 80. Whenever an ability mentions knocking a creature prone, the creature is also stunned until the start of its next turn if it fails the saving throw by 5 or more (DC 11).

Legendary variant: Increase the save DCs to 17 and the hit points of Starfield Bulwark to 150. Whenever an ability mentions knocking a creature prone, the creature is also paralysed until the start of its next turn if it fails the saving throw by 6 or more (DC 12).

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