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Weapon (any melee), uncommon

When metal is in short supply, devils and demons alike turn to other plentiful resources of the lower planes; bones and molten rocks. The skull of a hellscape weapon is often the focus of any enchantment, producing flame from its eyes and laughter from its mouth.

While you hold this magic weapon you can cast the produce flame cantrip at will (+5 to hit).

Posthumous Mirth. As an action, you can shake the weapon causing the skull’s jaw to rattle up and down. A malevolent cackling sound fills the air as you cast the hideous laughter spell (save DC 13). Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until the following dawn.

Optional Attunement: Wrath. In return for accepting a minor task from a devil, such as delivering a message, intimidating someone, or starting a bar fight, this item becomes enhanced and attuneable. While attuned to the item you can, as a bonus action, enter a fiendish rage for the next minute. On the turn you activate this property and as a bonus action on subsequent turns for the duration, you can move up to half your speed. For the duration, if you move up to 15 feet straight towards a creature and then hit it with a melee attack using this weapon, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

While this property is active, you lose all sense of self-preservation and are filled with bloodlust; the only actions you can take on your turn are the Attack and Dash (you must move towards a hostile creature) actions, or an action to break a grapple or restraining effect. Once you use this property, you can’t do so again until the following dawn.

Failure to complete the assigned task within the allotted time results in forfeiture of one’s soul.


Rare variant: Increase the attack bonus of produce flame to +7 and the save DC of Posthumous Mirth to 15. Increase the save DC of Wrath to 15. The devil asks for a medium task, such as assaulting someone, or blackmailing them.

Very rare variant: Increase the attack bonus of produce flame to +8 and the save DC of Posthumous Mirth to 16. Increase the save DC of Wrath to 18; when you use a bonus action to activate this property or to move using property on subsequent turns, you can also make one melee attack with this weapon as part of the same bonus action. The devil asks for a major task such as kidnap or murder.

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Is there a way to determine if items are major or minor items? Cheers!


Hello James We're working on a database that will include these categorizations. :)