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Weapon (dagger, rapier, or spear); uncommon (requires attunement)

In the glimmering fey lands, xyxl trees have one nemesis: the witherblight fungus. The hyphae creep through the trees’ vascular systems, before blooming in one fungal explosion that turns the entire plant into a glowing, orange fruiting body. Clever Sylvan craftspeople have developed a means of enchanting xyxlwood weapons to host this fungus and inject the necrotic spores under a pierced foes’ flesh.

This weapon has 2 charges and regains all expended charges after it spends 8 hours planted in earth.

Witherblight Spore. When you hit a creature with an attack using this dagger you can use a bonus action to speak its command word, expending a charge and ejecting a rapidly growing witherblight spore into the target. As a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can will the spore to grow, consuming the target from the inside out. The target takes 1d6 necrotic damage and deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength until the end of its next turn.

A creature that hosts a spore can make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ridding itself of the spore on a success. Creatures that don’t have flesh or that are immune to necrotic damage are immune to this effect. If you use a bonus action to eject a second spore whilst another persists within a host, the first one dies and the target is no longer affected.

Rare variant: Increase the number of charges to 3, the damage to 1d8 and the save DC to 15.

Very rare variant: Increase the number of charges to 5, the damage to 2d6 and the save DC to 16.

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It looks like to me that the text and the image are not the same. Excited for both at any rate!