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The Antimagic set was the most voted set in the tavern so far. I hope you will enjoy the items I came up with :)


Magehunter Blade

Weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement)

Made of a weave-intersecting alloy, these armaments were the go-to weapon for the mage-hunting Order of the Spellbreakers. Fanatical  elements within the order have recently taken power, bringing with them an abhorrence for all things magical. Having largely destroyed this magical cache, such weapons are now very rare and are only wielded by the few who cling to the old ways.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. If you hit a target that is under the effect of a spell or magical effect, the spell is dispelled if it is 5th-level or lower, and the target takes an additional 1d8 force damage for each level of the dispelled spell (dispelled cantrips deal no additional damage). Once a spell is dispelled, roll a d6. If the number is equal to or lower than the level of the dispelled spell, the blade loses  this feature until the following dawn

Rare variant: Change the bonus to +1, the spell level to 3rd-level or lower, and the d6 to a d4.

Legendary variant: Change the bonus to +3, the spell level to 7th-level or lower, and the d6 to a d8.

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