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Angry Mob Starter Pack

Wondrous item, rare

With safety pitchfork and protest signs strapped to the back, this plain leather satchel’s unassuming exterior hides a secret within. It houses an illusory mob.

When you open this satchel, you may designate any willing creatures you can see within 100 feet to be ‘multiplied’ for the next hour. Each affected creature sprouts nine illusory duplicates that all have minor alterations; different clothes, hair, and heights. The duplicates seem completely real, including sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the creature depicted. So long as you remain within 100 feet of the satchel, these duplicates muddle about shouting vaguely angry phrases such as “Get them!”, “Begone!”, and “Why is existence vacuous and happiness illusory‽” 

A creature that uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, and ascertains which of the mob is a real creature. It notices things like how you all look kind of related, and how different individuals make the exact same movement at the exact same time. On a failure, it believes there really is a large mob present, and behaves accordingly. If it targets a creature within the mob with an attack, roll a d10. On a 10 it hits a real creature within the mob (GM’s choice). On a 1-9 it hits one of the illusory mob members, who doesn’t react, causing the creature to become suspicious and make all future Intelligence (Investigation) checks to see through the illusion with advantage

If it targets a creature within the mob with an attack, roll a d10. On a 10 it hits a real creature within the mob (GM’s choice). On a 1-9 it hits one of the illusory mob members, who doesn’t react, causing the creature to become suspicious and make all future Intelligence (Investigation) checks to see through the illusion with advantage.

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