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Wondrous item, instrument, weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement)

Morticai Ignaceous Fiéd dreamed of superstardom. Unfortunately, Mort I. Fiéd’s father had different plans. Namely: digging graves, filling the graves, and watching the graves to make sure they didn’t undig themselves. And so, Mort cobbled together a lute from old grave-digging shovels, channeled his teen spirit into angst-filled melodies, and surprised himself by animating the whole graveyard. Thus was formed the traveling six-piece musical act: “Avenged Sixfold”.

This lute also acts as a magical battleaxe, conferring a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. If you are proficient with a stringed instrument, you can use the Graveshredder to cast the below spells and you are deemed proficient with this battleaxe. 

This instrument has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at midnight. You can expend charges to do any of the following:

· As an action you sweep-pick a sick lick expending 1 charge and casting speak with dead on a corpse. Whenever you ask questions, the ‘question and answer’ takes the form of a ‘call and response’ duet between guitarist and singer.

· Over the course of a minute, you can rip a face shredding solo, expending 1 charge and casting the spell animate dead. When you use a bonus action to command the servant, you must play a killer riff instead of telepathically commanding it.

· As an action, you fingerpick a mournful instrumental ballad, expending 3 charges and casting the spell revivify (material components are required as normal).

When you expend a charge, you must succeed on a Dexterity or Charisma (Stringed Instrument) check (your choice). The DC for this check equals 10 + the number of charges expended. On a success, the spell is cast as normal. On a failure, the spellcasting action, material components, and charges are wasted.

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