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This one is finally over! no Dragonborns all over the realm can fulfil their dreams and have tails.



Mechanical Tail

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Compendium edit: This item is another creation of the eccentric Anton Spark, tinkerer extraordinaire. This mechanical tail is powered by a magic-infused steam core. Any bipedal creature can wear it on its back and, once attuned, use it as if it was born with a tail.

While attuned to the mechanical tail you can use it to grapple a target within reach. You have +2 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks you make to grapple a target with this tail.

Steam-powered Strike. As an action, you sweep your tail with wicked, steam-powered ferocity. Each creature within 5 feet of your must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 slashing damage and be knocked prone. Roll a d4; on a 1 the tail runs out of steam and can't be used again until you finish a short rest."

Rare variant: Increase the bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks to +3; and change Steam-powered strike’s DC to 15 and its damage to 3d8.

Very rare variant: Increase the bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks to +4; and change Steam-powered strike’s DC to 17 and its damage to 4d8.

Legendary variant: Increase the bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks to +6, and change Steam-powered strike’s DC to 19 and its damage to 5d10.

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