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Greetings trusty Patrons

  The votes are over, and it was a close call between Jake kill's victorian wares and Norman Stein's antimagic corruption. As tempting as it is to hire both merchants for our next delivery, you know the rules, The tavern can only hire one merchant at a time. For.... hmmm... perfectly sound and logical reasons.

"  Dr. Jake Kill, gentleman, alchemist, and purveyor of fine teas, stepped into the room surrounded by what looked like ten or so family members, all carrying pitchforks and grumbling angrily. Smiling bashfully, the willowy man raised his pince-nez, shook out his umbrella, and closed the satchel at his side. Instantly, his slightly-deformed family disappeared, and the recent repairs to his travelling clothes were obvious. 

“Trouble on the road?” I asked, knowing full well no trouble would be following him here.  

“Oh, this? No, self-inflicted I’m afraid. But do I have something for you,” He said, spilling what looked like a claw-beer-cosy, a fence post, and a pungent box onto the counter.  

Hey! Did Somone bring garlik in here?” yelled the familiar voice of Humperdink, the warlock of dubious heritage, across the room. “You ought to vatch out in case zer is any of those blödsuckers around, you know? Zey might be offended or sumthink.”

  “Ah. Yes, sorry,” blushed Jake. “It’s a garlycanthrope,” he continued as the box began to rattle. “Cheery little fellow.” But Humperdink was clearly distracted, staring at something on his hip.  

"What is zat?” Humperdink asked, pointing at the blood-and-rust-speckled saw hanging from Jake’s hip. “It’z not blö… bl… b.” Humperdink hit the floor, out cold.

  “Oh dear,” worried Jake. “Good thing he didn’t see this,” He finished, pulling out a bundle of blood-stained bandages from his bottomless bag. “Good thing indeed.”  "


I would like to use this occasion to let you know that the Theros artifacts and the prosthetics are almost ready to be posted. At least the card versions.
The compendium will take a little more time to get updated as I'm preparing new templates to add variants for the items and GM tips. It's a bit more work on my side, but it will be worth it :).

Have a geat day


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