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The votes were really close between Odin's disciple spear and Alfrstein, But the Greataxe ended up winning the votes. I'll probably make a little pdf with the Dwarven wardens and some stat blocks to flesh out the curse quest.
Enjoy the download :)

Couple announcements:

1: I will soon change all the pledges to make them more coherent and provide best value.
I Won't remove anything of what is already in the tiers, but I will add more things :)
Like creature variants, Playable races and adventure modules.
Do let me know if that is something that you would like to see more off or if you prefer that I stick to magic item cards.

2. To avoid that new patrons have to wait until the end of the month to get the past item cards, credit cards will now be charged as soon as you subscribe.
For people that are already patrons, nothing will change, cards will still be charged at the beginning of the month.



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