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Reaper’s Rice Hook

Weapon (kusarigama), uncommon (requires attunement) 

Component: Plant pouch of leaves

Magical innovation is not confined to the College of Hanabi. This tool, for example, is found in farmers’ fields to aid in their work, defend against threats, and, of course, provide snacks to hungry harvesters.

This weapon has 3 charges and regains 1d2 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn

Sticky Rice. Whenever you deal damage to a creature using the counterweight of this magic weapon, you can expend 1 charge to slow the target’s assault. If the creature uses the Attack or Multiattack action on its next turn, it makes one fewer attack than it normally would (minimum of one).

Onigiri. If you take the Attack action on your turn to make an attack with this magic weapon, you can use your bonus action on that turn and expend 1 charge to toss the counterweight at a creature other than you within 10 feet of you. If the creature is not incapacitated, it can immediately take a bite of the rice ball (no action required), regaining 2d10 + 4 hit points.


Rare variant: Increase the charges to 5 and the recharge to 1d4 + 1.

Very rare variant: Increase the charges to 7 and the recharge to 1d4 + 3.





Ha rice ball on the end nice tuch funny I like it