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Hello awesome patrons! Here are the new updates to Loot Tavern content for this month.


Tarot Cards (All Patrons)

The newest tarot cards have been released! Each item pack is complete with their own JPEGs, WebP, PDF, and the Print&Play PDF so you can print and use them all on your own! Check them out now:


Compendium ($10+)

The latest Compendium, a compilation of all released magic items to date, is out now! updated to include the Eldritch Seas theme. You can download it at the master post link below:


Foundry VTT Item Packs ($10+)

The latest item packs for Foundry VTT have been released! Copy or download Dark Carnival now before it becomes exclusive to the webshop. You can find it at this master post:


Thank you for your continued support! Please feel free to give us feedback in the Loot Tavern Discord channel.



Dan Heath

Not meaning to sound ungrateful but it seems like a while since we've had a hunt. Are these not supposed to be monthly?


heya, we took a break from hunts at the end of last year to give the team some time to breath, and froze payments for that month for that exact reason. Right now, we're almost done with a adventure that breaks a bit from our hunt system, so its been taking a bit longer than expected to get it finished! Should be coming out in a few days, though!

Dan Heath

Fair enough, thanks. I knew about your break but wasn't sure when things were starting up again. Looking forward to whatevers coming next