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Bit of an unorthodox way to package these models, but whatever.

I figured it kinda useless to just hold on to these models until I get around to porting the rest of the Talon NPC’s. I ported Assassin and Trooper for the animation, and Sniper for no particular reason. I decided to just pack these up and put ‘em on the Lab because I’m getting quite busy this week and next, so I’ll update the posting or post a new one when I port the rest.

Runs on any Valve 3 spine IK rig; one is included.

Sniper’s coat must be spawned separately due to bone limit. Simply drag the base model onto the coat model and zero it.

Just about everything on them is bodygrouped.

The materials on the body are set up for fake-PBR lighting, utilizing the CustomHero shader. The shiny bits will spawn in pretty low intensity, and to brighten them up to match your scene, add more lights. This shader brightens up the more lights there are in the scene (much like true PBR), so add a bunch of shadowless lights to the scene
(either with intensity or zero intensity), and you’ll notice those shiny bits start to brighten up.

Assassin’s blades utilize the Refract shader to color through them properly. This doesn’t work on bad computers.

No animations because the 3DS Max OW importer has never worked for me with importing animations, and I don’t use Blender, and never will.

Let me know if anything looks broken.



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