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I'd say it's about 95% done. This pic is in SFM.

I fucking grinded this shit today. I think I started with finishing off the remaining textures that needed to be applied, then I started converting them to VTF and VMT's with the necessary diffuse, normal and exponent textures. I started (I want to say) around 10 am, and didn't get done until around 11 PM. It's now 12 AM, and I don't even want to SEE Photoshop anymore.

77 total materials spread across 3 models. 181! textures totaling just 36.6 MB. Not bad. Won't take too much of a memory load in that regard. In fact right now in SFM I have the 3 models AND Sombra's nude model plus some clothes loaded in with all these lights (theres 16 lights in this scene, some not seen in the pic) , and it's only at 2 GB usage.



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